My Life According to Big Bang

Using only song names from ONE BAND or ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions.
Try not to repeat a song title.
Repost as "my life according to (band name)" 


Pick your Artist: BIGBANG

Are you a female: Always

Describe yourself: She Can't Get Enough

How do you feel: Top Of The World

Describe where you currently live: Ain't No Fun

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: My Heaven

Your favorite form of transportation:  Wings

Your best friends are: Wonderful

You and your best friends are: So Fresh, So Cool (sorry inside joke!!! lmao)

What's the weather like: Fantastic Baby

Favorite time of day: Sunset Glow

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: What is right

What is life to you: Emotion

Your relationship: Blue

Your fear: Last Farewell

What is the best advice you have to give: Remember

How I would like to die: Forever With You

My soul's present condition: Bingle Bingle

My Motto: Day by Day

I like this kind of thing and Ibby give me the final push, so here mine!! don't even know if anyone will read it!!!


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I wanted to try this also.
I LOVED IT *claps*
ozwalkr #3
LOL! I think MAYBE I matched 3 of yours....