Something to get off the TOP of my chest...

I've done it before, and I'll do it again because - let's face it - when I'm pissed, I write.  This isn't so much pissed as it is slightly aggrivated, with a huge dash of amusement along the way.  Last time it was over how fans get so obsessed with GD (or their chosen idol bias) that they throw some serious hate towards "girlfriends" (We're looking at you, Kiko/ Dara and CL before G-Ko was a thing).  I won't get back into that again, but I still feel the same about it.  He's a grown man, so let him live his life.  99% of us fangirls will never see him, let alone meet him, uber let alone have conversation with him, super uber let alone have any shot in hell to sleep with him or date him.  So, exactly why all the Kiko hate again?  Can't we simply enjoy the music and move on? ...I'm digressing when I said I wouldn't...ANYHOO!

All right, I am back on track now.  So, yes. I have a new beef with fans.  This time, it's TOP fans.  So, for how many years did fans beg, plea, offer to his (Actually, that one didn't really come as a bribe.  This site in general kind of proves that most of us would turn into complete for our favorite Korean celebrities..., digressing again...Mornings are not my BFF), just for a glimpse into the life of Choi Seung Hyun?  You know what I'm talking about. The infamous Instagram account that basically separated the women from the es as far as fans go.  We've all sat there fumbling our thumbs praying that he would join the world of social media since he is such a mystery in his personal life.  For the record, he is completely right to be so secretive.  It's probably the only way that he can keep his personal life personal and enjoy happiness because - let's face it again - fans .  We our favorite celebrities totally dry without a single thought as to how they may feel being screamed at, d, shuffled through airport after airport by a full security staff just to keep safe from physical harm because we as fans cannot guarantee to keep our hands to ourselves.  It's really quite sad. 

So, I finally get to the heart of the matter.  After all this time, and all that begging, Mr. Choi finally caved and joined Instagram. And, in my opinion, it was ing glorious.  The man is a closet pro at selfies. He has let people see just a tiny bit inside his head via his taste in art and furniture (Personally, that's my favorite part of following his IG.  I'm not an artist, but I absolutely love what TOP has posted.  The pieces are beautiful, and they seriously make my day.). He vented his grief over the loss of his dog, which to me is kind of huge.  And he's gotten interactive with fans with his snarky comebacks that make me want to give him a high-five (Are high-fives still in practice?  I feel really old and out of touch with reality when it comes to pop culture).  

But here is the problem...that interaction comes as the result of fans being snooty jerks towards him.  Fans waited impatiently this long for him to start being more public, and then get mad once he does?  Do we even get to start to say that this makes any sense?  First off, don't make fun of a man for not using hashtags as if that makes him stupid; it doesn't.  You know what that makes him?  Smart enough to communicate with real words.  I myself find that to be extremely y, but then again, I am a nerd.  Am I a weirdo for finding his intelligence attractive, or do I have kindred spirits somewhere?

 Anyways, more recently, some chick did it.  The cherry on top of a Let's Bash On TOP Sundae.  She actually told him to stop posting - or cut down postings, rather - because it was taking up too much of her newsfeed and she was too lazy to spend the extra seconds to scroll further down her screen while she was avoiding real human interaction by being so absorbed into her smartphone apps.  Seriously, chick?  I want to call you many other things, but I just remembered how much a certain rapper hates cursing, and since he is the topic of my rant, maybe I should start showing some respect there.  But come on.  Don't say, "I love you, but...we need some space on the internet for our non-relationship."  Firstly, that's the equivilent of saying, "No offense," "With all due respect," or some other stupid precursor to disrespectful comments just to blanket over the rudeness.  Secondly, just don't say, "I love you," at all.  You don't love him.  You do not know him, and therefore you cannot love him.  Sorry.  I hate to admit it, because as a musician, I completely understand what it is like to become just fully and irrevocably consumed by passion over those that create the music I love most.  It is indescribable, and it has given me better at my own hand than experienced with my actual spouse some days...but it is not and will never be love.  You can say you love the music, or his acting performances, or his taste in art.  But you cannot love him, because you simply do not know jack about him.

However, our dear Mr. Choi proves quite well that he does not need me - or anyone else, for that matter - to defend him about his Instagram account, his taste in art, his avoidance of hashtags (For the record, "hashtags" are pound symbols for mathmatics and the sharp notation in music.  They are not real conversation), or anything else we may throw at him.  He basically decided that if us fans were going to be snobbish to him, then he could be a right back, and I, for one, seriously love it. This is not completely uncommon for American celebrities, but it is pretty rare for Korean celebrities whom are all about maintaining the polite image nearly 24/7.  But here we have TOP, taking a hater on as close to face to face as one can, and just giving a nice big, "go yourself" like a boss and then letting the mic drop.  Let me rephrase part of that.  He didn't do it like a boss.  He asserted that he is a boss, with just a hint of bingu.  I think I shall start calling him Bingu Boss. Yes, I like that.

So, to the fans, seriously just keep things into perspective to avoid looking like an idiot.  And to Mr. Bingu Boss, you just keep doing you, sir.  Keep your childlike charm mixed with intelligent sophistication, your protection of your personal life, your onslaught of beautiful art photos and selfies to brighten our day, and your sarcastic wit that makes me all the more proud to say that I am a fan of your work.  I, for one, look forward to it and think it is just fantastic...(Yes! Successfully resisted the urge to say "fantastic" without adding on "baby"...Dammit, just did it, didn't I?)


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Thekatsmeow #1
God, I laughed so hard! I have gotta check it out...I guess I have to get an IG acc. first!! I detest #hashtag...sorry, but I do. Thanks for the bright, snarky, blog entry. You put a laugh in my gut!!
You totally read my mind. Completely spot on.

For the record, I find his "go yourself" replies an absolute turn on
Thankyou for the chuckle. Bang on.