
I'm tired of people thinking less of me.

I’m tired of people judging me.

I’m tired of people taking advantage of me

I’m tired of people ignoring me.

I'm tired of disappointing people.

I’m tired of people hurting me.

I’m tired of waiting.

I’m tired of wanting.

I’m tired.


When will it be my time?

When will it be my time to be happy again?

When will I get to make people proud of me ?

When do I get do be me?

When do i get to do what I want to do.

When will I be satisfied with my life?

When will i stop being tired?

Why me?


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Sophie... T.T Think about the beauty around you. That will help you forget and relax. I guess...
sophies731 #2
Thanks guys, every word means a lot to me. It'll get better i know it's just the trip isn't all that great right now :/
Suhaiza #3
I hope your problems will be solved..stay strong k..i think there's other people that cared for you but you wouldn't saw it
I hope that things will eventually get better for you. Do not lose hope. Keep fighting for what you want to be . Stay strong .
im here for u mommy
skellingtonEXOlover #6
I feel you. :(
Hey there whatever you do never forget to keep going. Life isn't easy but you are here because it knew you were strong enough to keep up with it^^
You know whenever I feel like you right now I use to say:When the waves are overflowing you let your inner self drown in the peace of the ground of the sea and breath free again.
Try to find inner balance and be calm and certain in life and maybe some things won't be as troublesome anymore ^^
Keep on fighting!

Regards Slade
Hang in there chingu just like me*hug u