1. what does you do during a sleepover with the rest of the band? terrorize everyone?
naturally i would make everyone watch the fault in our stars and totally surrealist films. and i would be doing everyone's make up and make them look beautiful ( but not as beautiful as me ) and i would cuddle with chawon and bake vegan cookies and sing karaoke and contemplate the meaning of life with everyone!

2. how would you approach junko if they had a problem? are they scared of her or not?
i would just tell her? why are all the guys so afraid of her? is it a metaphor for the fragility of the male ego that causes them to be frightened of anything that is aggressive with a ?

3. how do you react when your favorite song comes on the radio/ipod?
scream out all the lyrics at the top of my lungs and dance like taylor swift

4. who do you surround themselves with? friends? people who like you?
hmm... i surrounded myself with people who can understand my metaphors and give deep analysises of the world around them.

5. where do you go when you’re angry? what do you do?
i go play otome games because cute and sweet boys who love me make me feel happy

6. what makes you laugh out loud? another member’s antics? the fact yano is biual??
the fact that people think they're better singers than me. and chawon always jumping around, he's like a startled little bunny. and unpretty rapstar.

7. it’s saturday at noon. what are you doing?
hanging out with soyul probably. or daydreaming about chawon. or, studying with chawon.

8. what is the quality you most like in a romantic interest?
chawon. the only quality i like is chawon.

9. what do you hope to achieve by joining seoul hero?
i hope to make my mark on the world and be remebered by people and not fall into the void of oblivion.

10. if yano hit on you, would you be okay with that? what about zico?
it wouldn't bother me but i would tell yano that the only one i have eyes for is chawon. if zico even spoke one word to me i would hand him a tube of chapstick and tell him to fix his dry- lip situation.

11. how do you react when you see your love interest flirting with someone else?
i'm laughing because this is chawon we're talking about

12. on what occasions do you lie?
maybe... sometimes... i lie about being vegan.

13. in what situation is your self-esteem most at risk?
when its late at night and i'm having an existential crisis about oblivion and falling into the void and wondering about how drastically different my life would be if i didn't do that one thing in grade 2

14. is there anyone in your life that you are attracted to? even remotely? a friend? girl in your class? boy at the supermarket you saw one time?? what made you attracted to them?
chawon because he has a nice smile. and a nice heart. and he's really smart. and every thing about him is precious to me

15. how do you decide if you can trust someone?
 if i feel like they have a pure heart, then it just happens automatically

16. what parts of loving come easy to you? hard?
the actual love part. liking someone is easy, liking someone unconditionally until the ends of the earth is so easy and it makes me feel like a carefree child. but crossing the threshold between like and love is staggering. perhaps this is called by my own lack of love from my father, i've never really had a chance to develop and figure out how to go from like to love. love is something for grown ups.

17. how do you learn best? experience? step by step manual?
i learn best by being told. experience just confuses me but tell me before hand and i can do anything!

18. what unusual hobbies or interests do you have? do you like checking out the teachers on campus? find yourself looking at plastic surgery blogs way too often?
annotating all my john green books. i have like a connects board that looks like it came from a police drama. oh! and i also have a bunch of metaphors i write down in a journal whenever i think of cool ones so i can remember them forever.

19. if you had one wish, what would it be?
to have john green write a romance novel based off of chawon and i.

20. what’s your greatest source of frustration? of joy?
my greatest source of joy is how amazing i am honestly. and my greatest source of frustration is when people won't recognize how great i am.


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