☼How do I confess??? ☼

So for the part of two years or I've liked my friend ever since she moved to my school. At first I didn't really see anything special about her, this wasn't like once she stepped into my classroom I saw the heavens part and angels sing a chorus. She was just some new girl and that was pretty much it, I wanted to become her friend but then I didn't want to seem like a weird person apporaching her on the very first day. However, that was the dumbest thing I did because I realized thats how strong friend relationships are created. Anways, we did eventually become friends, it's not like this is about how I wasn't able to talk her for two years and regret not doing so. I think we got pretty close fast since I went into her home less than a year later. Which is really incredible for a guy to enter a girl's home, especially her room in such a short time! So fast foward to present time, I think right now is where my emotions to her have gone to their peak. I guess I fell for her kindness, bubbly attitude, and very optimistic views on things. She may not be the tallest or prettiest but the charm around her is what I really like! Also that she is a country girl♥ There's just something I have for country girls (Korean countryside Busan & Pohang). I think it's the dialect and how fast they can speak. But back on topic, she said she would only date anyone once she is in college and that is in a couple of months...so how should I confess my two years of love I have for her? Should it be casual face to face or through a letter, obviously not through text or anything like that. Any suggestions~~~~


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Well, for me, I'm a girl. It's better to confess face to face. Girls like guys who are brave enough to confess their feelings in person and not in letter. In letter, I mean well, it's like in text messages, right? you just hand-written it. Well, this is another case, maybe she could see or somehow feel that you like her, right? the respect and kindness you give her, that's enough for her to trust you.

Go and confess to her, though I know that it'd be hard. But then you'll never know if you won't try, right? Just accept and respect her feelings towards you. That's two years dude, you deserve a happy ending. Well, let's see what her answer is.
Wao it's really cute :)
In my views...u should confess her, face to face cuz sometimes letter is not able to express all ur feelings ^^