I'm afraid of 27 out of 72 common fears...

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.-Already go to counseling-

If you get more than 20, you're paranoid.-I admit I am-

If you get 11-20, you are normal.

If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.

People who don't have any are full of crap.

I fear...

[] black people -I have so many African American friends-

[x] the dark -I feel like there's always something watching me-

[] staying single forever -I'd actually rather be single-

[] being a parent -No! I think it would be fun-

[x] being in front of others -You mean... Stage fright? Not when I'm acting though. I'm an active actress. Only for giving presentations in class-

[] open spaces -No. They make me feel better-

[x] closed spaces -Quite creepy-

[] heights -I like heights-

[] dogs -I want a dog-

[] birds -Not at all am I afraid of birds. If anything, I'm jealous of them. They can FLY!-

[] fish -I eat fish-

[x] spiders -Sooooo many nightmares of those demons-

[] flowers or other plants -Maybe if you have allergies?-

Total so far: 4

[] fire -Naaaah. Why, it's just fire. I'm so pyro ^.^-

[x] deep water -I don't swim well-

[x] snakes -I've been so close to being bitten by one. Never will I forgive-

[] silk -WTF-

[] the ocean -Oceans are amazing-

[x] failure -Always-

[] success -Why would I ever be?-

[] thunder/lightning -I love thunderstorms with a burning passion-

[] frogs/toads -Minho oppa looks so much like a frog, soooo NO WAY-

[] my boyfriends/girlfriends -No boyfriend-

[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom -Mothers are not scary-

[] rats -I want one for a pet-

[x] jumping from high places -Had WAY too many nightmares of doing that-

[] snow -I never get to see snow. California is lame like that-

Total so far: 8

[] rain -Love it more than anything. It perks me upp-

[] wind -Again, I love it-

[x] crossing hanging bridges -Always had the feeling they wouldn't hold my fatness-

[x] death -Who isn't? But we were born to die-

[] heaven -I've always fantasized about heaven and how beautiful it might be-

[x] being robbed/mugged -It's actually happened one too many times -.-..-

[x] falling -falling hurts, and it makes my heart skip a beat-

[x] clowns -Only the sad ones. Once I got chased by one in 7th grade-

[x] dolls -Again, only the scary ones-

[] large crowds of people -They're fun to be a part of-

[] men -course not! They make the world go around-

[] women -They keep everything under control-

[] having great responsibilities -I already have so many, and I'm still alive-

[x] doctors -The things they do hurt. But they're human just like us-

[x] dentists -I actually see an orthodontist. But denstists are nice people-

[x] tornadoes -Never seen one for myself, but they cause so much damage the world, more sad than scary-

Total so far: 17

[x] hurricanes -Same as tornados-

[x] incurable diseases - scared I might contract one oneday-

[x] sharks -Had too many nightmares of having my limbs bitten off by them-

[] Friday the 13th -I love those days!-

[x] ghosts -Being haunted would be terrifying, but I wanna meet a ghost-

[] poverty -More sad than scary-

[] Halloween -NO! Best holiday ever!-

[] school -More annoying than scary-

[x] trains -Almost been hit by one. Not fun at all. Been scared of them since birth-

[] odd numbers -What?-

[] even numbers -Again I repeat.... What?-

[x] being alone -All alone? I always am. Not cool-

[x] becoming blind -I'm becoming more and more blind by the minute. It's a scary feeling-

[x] becoming deaf -Probably won't happen, but if it does, I'm gunna be scared-

[] growing up, becoming old -I can't wait to grow up and know more about the world-

Total so far: 25

[x] creepy noises in the night -I actually hear them. Reason for my lack of sleep-

[] not accomplishing my dreams/goal -I don't intend to fulfill what I dream about at night, cause they're usually nightmares-

[X] needles -I hate them, all the way-

[] blood -It's in your body. So why be afraid of it?-

Total: 27

Now Re-Post with title: “I'm afraid of 'whatever number you got' out of 72 common fears"


Some of these fears are NOT common!


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