Guys Are Complicated

Ok, some guys are super sweet.

While others are plain s.

Some act really nice to you and then all of a sudden, turn into Mr. Cranky-pants.

And then some guys always tell you the opposite of what they mean.


They call you names, even though they think you're the coolest girl out there.

They call you dumb for messing up on a problem, even though they know you're probably smarter than them.

"You're annoying."

That really means...

"You're so cute."


Why do guys always tell the opposite?

It makes things more confusing.


My OPPA told me that they say these things because they're afraid of what the girl might think.


Guys are apparently just like girls. They're scared of being rejected, of not being accepted. They don't want to say these things, but can't help but say them.

I wonder if they have their own time of month too. They seem to be in a lot of moodswings.




I got this info from Jay-Oppa(curlyfriesLOL). I guess he knows what he's talking about since he's dated quite a few girls.

I just felt like sharing that with you. :)



KEKEKE. I don't really understand, although I HAVE come to a conclusion.



Ok, bye!


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... so boys are like girls?
so if we like someone either gender
you tease them instead of being shy around them?
well i soooo agree! same thing with girls sorta. they are afraid of getting hurt so they act like es. boys r hard 2 read.. i came opon a dude thinking he doesn't know tht my friend likes him. so i been suspecting tht for like a half a year yet wen my male bestie told me, he been knowing for hella long -.- i felt stupid.
overall, all guys in my skool(grades) are s -.- except for like 3 or 4 but they aren't really cute :/ aish.. your oppa sounds very smart 4 telling u a guy's perspective ^^
I soo agree ! Guys are complicated !! & your Jay oppa is very right !
But sometimes the guys does mean what they say.
Well, some of them.

And that's why guys are complicated.
I guess girls are too :))
Uwahh, thank you kind oppa for those wise words, I shall keep them engraved in my mind :D
elisha960809 #5
kidamazone #6
Mmm thank you for this clarification, haha. XD
byunqrins_ #7
curlyfriesLOL #8

YAHHH! ARE YOU CALLING ME A PLAYER? I didn't date THAT many girls...

OKK, so maybe I DID date a lot of girls. SO WHAT? XD

Awww, you're calling me OPPA now! <3

I'm happy. ^^