Gui Gui and Aaron acting in a show besides Pi Li MIT?!

Some of you might already know, (It was quite a few years back) Gui Gui and Aaron were asked to star in "Momo Love (Tao Hua Ai Wu Di)". If you know Ah Ben from Mo Fan Bang Bang Tang, he's in there to. But unfortunately, they were casted out and Jiro Wang, Calvin Chen and Cyndi Wang were asked to replace them due to specific reason: 1. Gui Gui was busy with her contract affairs. 2. Fahrenheit was busy with their new album. The show's name has been changed to "Tao Hua Xiao Mei" but its still Momo Love.

How sad! :( 

Here is the show picture!



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I know, it was really sad because I was hoping to see them again. I hope someday they would renuite and make a drama together.