my life according to bts (i didn't steal it from -heibai i asked for it ok haha)

Using only song names from ONE BAND or ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think!
(If you wanna) Repost as "my life according to (band name)"

Pick your Artist: 왔어 왔어 아 흥탄소년단 흥흥탄탄흥흥탄탄 IT'S BTS!
Are you a female: WHERE DID YOU COME FROM
Describe yourself: 2COOL4SKOOL SPINE BREAKER this isn't even clever, it's just the truth ㅠ
How do you feel: N.O 
Describe where you currently live: DANGER
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: 2ND GRADE i really want to back to the past i don't care if it's in high school or grade school :(
Your favorite form of transportation: CONVERSE HIGH i mean i do wear high-cut converse to school o = o but walking? not to that extent
Your best friends are: BEAUTIFUL / they usually text me "LET ME KNOW" because i don't talk to them that much anymore, i feel really bad to be honest 
You and your best friends are: KILLER in a good way :3c
What's the weather like: GOOD but it's about to RAIN
Favorite time of day: TOMORROW now i just sound really sad...
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: NO MORE DREAM or WHAT ARE YOU DOING (with your life)
What is life to you: RAIN it will pass
Your relationship: BTS - I NEED U
Your fear: O! R U L8 2? being the last in life, or staying as an ADULT CHILD
What is the best advice you have to give: CAN YOU TURN OFF YOUR PHONE but honestly, WAKE UP
How I would like to die: JUMP LOOK HERE, HOLD ME TIGHT
My soul's present condition: COFFEE. DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?
My Motto: 쩔어!

*i repeated two song titles lmao idc


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Shino159 #1
Wow BTS has so many songs you can use xD
compared to mine yours are deep as shiet