Don't even know anymore *need a little help*


I kinda just want to get something off my chest because it's effecting me quite badly. 
Well for the best few months I've had money go missing from my savings box in my bedroom, I knew it was my brother because he's the one who always pesters me until I give him money to go get something from the shop..however about a month ago he took £10 from me saying my mum had said I needed to pay for his trip so I gave it to him, I asked my mum about it after I realised he had gotten pocket money from my nan the day before. My mum told me she hadn't given him permission to take my money. So I have asked him for the money back since then but he never did, he would tell me he had given it to me even though he hadn't. 
The other day he flaunted money in my face and when I said given me the £10 you owe me he got cocky so I asked my mum and she said take it from his wallet so I did. 
Now I'm getting called a thief by my brother even though he's the one who's been stealing from me for months.... It's driving me insane and he's calling me 'cutter' 'suicidal freak' as well, I don't know how much more I can take.
Yesterday I got into another argument with my mother and my cousin got involved and called me a Selfish ungrateful lazy ...who apparently always asks from money for my mum which is untrue because I earn and save all the money I get. I get pocket money from my nans which I save and am saving for my college supplies. I save the money I receive from my father so how the is that asking for money from my mum. They guilt trip me all the ing time and I can't deal with it, they moan at me when I start shouting but that's because I'm bottling up so much. 
They think they are the only ones going through stress, I'm ing going into my exams that determine my future and I'm stressed out of my mind because I have to learn a whole subject in a week due to crap teaching.. I have to get at least C's and I'm struggling in a few subjects. I can't deal with the stress from family on top of that, I even have to stay at school to revise because it's to loud at home... It's to stressful 
I need to breath because I haven't harmed myself in over a month but I am struggling not to... It's getting to much and I don't know what to do help! 


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