

I'm not even sure what to write here >.<;;

It's 2am(hehe) but like seriously it it, and I edited two chapters of an older story, and like everytime I log in here I want to add to each story I have uploaded but I never have enough time ㅠㅠ 

I've been reading like a lot of vampire fanfics cause i have an obsession and like I want to try writing a fanfic with vampires and bonding and all that stuff cause it's freakin awesome but so on a poll I made the no votes are lie double the yes votes ㅠㅠ


I went to the Toronto kcon! That was pretty epic, got to see NU'EST in concert :3 cause bae

Then my friends and I were able to get tickets to the BTS concert in NYC even though the ticket site they used was stupid and annoying and I never ever want to use it again. EVERR


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