K-Pop Survery

1. What was the first Kpop song that you've heard?

Super Junior - Twins(Knock Out)

(Would say BoA's Every Heart but I don't think it count because it's in japanese >.<)


2. What was the first Kpop band you liked and still do

Super Junior


3. Who was your first bias ever in the Kpop industry?



4. What is your current favorite Kpop boy band?

Super Junior


5. What is your current favorite Kpop girl band?

Umm... I'll have to say SNSD, Kara, and A Pink.


6. 3 current favorite Kpop song?

Bonamana, Before You Go, My My (to name three)

(How can I put all SJ songs into one name. XD)


7. All time Kpop song for you?

7 years of love - Kyuhyun

(Do I only have to choose one?)


8. 5 current bias (girl band or boy band) ?

1. Henry

2. Kyuhyun

3. Yesung


5. TOP/BoA


9. Who would you like as a boyfriend/girlfriend in the kpop industry?

Henry Lau


10. What comes to mind when you hear the word "KPOP"?

One of the best things in the world to have happened.


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Lexi123 #1
SUJU FIGHTING~ Do u watch InuYasha???