This is it. This is it guys. The time has come. It's finally arrived. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the collaboration fiction between RottenHalo and Katakatica entitled IN AND OUT, a based story featuring our beloved Kyung Soo and of course, his long time lover Kim Jong In, also known by his god name, Kai. 


Often referred to as the Demonic Angel, he is known by many to give both the pleasures of Heaven and pains of Hell to those who dare.



P.S. This story contains the usage of foul language and of course, unfiltered scenes (like duh) so if you are uncomfortable with reading adult-based materials, I suggest you take a leap of faith and just take a small whiff of what we have to offer. We might not be the best, but heck, we might just make you flood like the Hangang River. After all, two is definitely better than one. You have been warned.


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Marie_Unnie #1
Yehet~~~ Going to check it out right now!!!! ^v^/