B1a4 Interview @ Fans Magazine (Taiwan).. [Sandeul interview]







Sunshine Boy, Sandeul
Speaking with a cute accent, Sandeul is a person filled with a strong sense of purpose and emotions. He does not hesitate to show his passion towards the things that he likes. He would also spend the entire night running non-stop on the treadmill just to lost weight before debut. He would not relax towards fulfilling his own promises.



1. What kind of person are you?
I am a simple and passionate person.

2. What were you before you became a singer?
My pre-debut pictures have been circulating around the internet ever since I debut. Though everyone had seen how I am before but those are the beautiful memories that I do not regret embracing!

3. A song that encouraged you to be a singer, and had a lot of impact on you?
G.O.D’s “Road”.

4. A person you respect a lot?
Senior Kim Yeonwoo. He looked really handsome on stage!

5. What about you do you think is most charming?
My pure personality.

6. Something that makes you frustrated?
Wearing my high-degree spectacles caused my eyes to become smaller! (cries)

7. What advertisement do you think you’re suited for?
Fried chicken CF! It is because I love eating fried chicken! If I could film a CF for fried chicken, I can eat as much as I wish!

8. A color that suits you best?
The color blue. Blue always give people a bright and lively feeling which is similar to my lively personality.

9. Your ideal type?
The type of girl that would give her very best in everything that she does.

10. The saddest and happiest things you’ve encountered?
The most depressing moment would be when my father had to undergo operation due to bad health. The happiest moment would be upon receiving B1A4’s first album and debuting as a member of B1A4.

11. Something you’ve found interesting or made you happy recently?
Losing weight!

12. Something you need to carry about in your bag?
Pear juice.

13. If you didn’t become a singer, what would you be doing now?
Since I’m still of schooling age, I’ll be training my vocals.

14. What are your first impressions of the other members?
Jinyoung hyung is a kind and gentle person. Baro is an interesting friend. CNU hyung is someone worthy of your trust. The first time when I saw Gongchan, I thought he would be a chic maknae but he ended up being someone who does a lot of aegyo.

15. The most humorous and fashionable member?
The most humorous member would be Baro while the most fashionable members would be Jinyoung hyung and CNU hyung as they dress themselves up really well.

16. The member most suited to cross-dress?
Maknae Gongchan.

17. In terms of popularity, looks and talent, where do you think you stand in B1A4?
I would rank myself third.

18. There has been many collaborations between artistes these days. If there is a chance, who would you like to collaborate with?
Currently I have not thought of collaborating with anyone yet. I feel that allowing everyone to get to know B1A4 better is the most important.

19. Since debut till now, what is the most memorable thing that happened?
Before debut, I had been the chubby type so I need to lost weight. Every week I had to check my weight. On the days before I check my weight, I would run harder, do more push-ups and even exercising alone through the night! (laugh)

20. If you could swop bodies like in drama ‘Secret Garden’, what would you like to become?
Gongchan. It is because I think that he is the most handsome person in the group so I would like to know how someone who is so handsome lives his life.

21. If you had the chance to meet your Taiwanese fans, what would you like to do with them?
Hold an event in Seoul’s famous 63 City with them! (Editor: Sandeul must have been a loyal fan of “We Got Married” right? HAHA!)

22. What would you like to say to the fans of Taiwan?
I love you all! If there is an oppptunity, I would definitely go over to see all of you~ Wait for me!


taken from: http://k-popexpress.com


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