the mate I was just about to go to sleep

what the hell mate I was about to sleep but I thought yo why not read some news or and I came across bb's interview and I just read it.........and they just sorta confessed "loser" to be their inner turmoils expressed in the form of a just ed me up fam 


like bro........I was just reading before I sleep and I was gonna have a good sleep with not much thoughts and now I think about how difficult it must have been for them......yo of course they have money and and fame and but bro...........that kind of having a difficult relationship with God with people with yourself.........bro........that's some ing hella nasty man


can u imagine being so rich n famous n supposedly so great and u have these pains n ur just like kk maybe I should just act like I am fine since I am who I am but man...........yo das some depressing .......I did not enjoy loser for them to tell me it's their pain expressed in the song............



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