I'm afraid of 41 out of 72 common fears

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you're paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.
People who don't have any are full of crap.

I fear...

[x] black people  [I honestly don't know. I don't want to sound racist or anything to anyone or offend anyone ... ]
[x] the dark  (I know there is no such thing as ghosts but I do have wild imaginations, so I am scared of the dark ... )
[x] staying single forever  (I am so awesome & special to be wasted ;) So someday soon, I'll fall so someone ;D)
[] being a parent
[x] being in front of others  (I am so much sides to my bravery and courage. For a start, I have very strong urges to stand up for the Truth & justice exp. when it comes to someone I love, so then I become brave to be in front of others. Then, the coward side creeps in, making me all weak ... and I do nothing about it but be nervous... I always was ~ LOL ! )
[x] open spaces [Most of the time, I'ld rather not to in such a wide, open area. I love to be cuddly and familiar with the space I'm in :) But not too squishy, I do love to have at least space to roam around xD]

[] closed spaces
[x] heights [I feel sick whenever I am high above ground level. Once I was doing the high ropes at camp in Year 5 & I looked down & cried & went back down. I didn't even start walking yet ><]
[] dogs  
[] birds 
[ ] fish
[x] spiders [I seriously have a fear against creepy crawlies!]
[x] flowers or other plants [Not literally flowers, but lots of plants out there I am terrified ! Espcially those Venus Fly Traps ...]

Total so far: 8

[x] fire [Spreads quickly, burns and I've seen results of fire damages & dead, burnt people .... who wouldn't be afraid of fire ?!]
[x] deep water  (I can't swim) <--- [I totally agree !! I can not swin, only can like, a metre? I can only do the back one for a short distance. I think. I dunno. But I almost drowned a few times being on the deep end. Not to mention I also, slightly missed like a few centremetres before my head crashes to the bottom TT^TT]
[x] snakes [I saw a snake up my grandma's house in VietNam once & it freaked me out. Not to mention how snakes are poisonous & can eat a whole human! I am scare of it's slitheryness and how it looks just plain SCARY!]
[ ] silk
[x] the ocean [I do like water, but I hate the OCEAN. Whenever I go to the Beach, I always go to the shallow ends. And sit. With the tiny little waves splashing around like a little 3 year old. That's me. Or I just stand up where the water only reaches my thighs or waist. But I am REALLY scared of the OCEAN. My friend got a bluebottle bite at the ocean, there are sharks and strong tides that can whip you off your feet & drown you; I am scared of getting a sunburn & those yucky little icky bugs and seaweed that lingers in the ocean floor ~ Although I stand where the shallow end is; the coastline. Once a seaweed swept off my hand while I was splashing in the water and I was so freaked out I screamed and jerked my hand out and went off ><]
[x] failure [I can't take it. If I know I didn't do something as expected or planned, I cry. I whined, although I'm 15 now >.< I get fustrated and annoyed at myself that I most likely brought another person's expectations down... But I do try not to worry about it too much; although it is hard to ><]
[] success  
[x] thunder/lightning [I jumped. I used to cry when I was younger, but I am still scared. My baby sister cries but if she cries a lot lot, I tend to cry *a little* along...]
[x] frogs/toads [I HATE SLIMY THINGS !! Especially TOADs are even more EWW!!]
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[x] rats [I am a rat but I am horrified of them! Pets ... maybe not too scared, but other than that, it is just, YUCKY! I wouldn't dare kill one though. I just can't bear to kill any creature. Unless it is ants. But I do feel horrible :( I saw a few dead rats & I was so scared I screamed and I couldn't even get the image off my head!! And my home has like one/two rats just running across the living room but luckily it ran out the door to the backyard ! LOOL !! ]
[x] jumping from high places [I am scared of heights, so that pretty much answers why I am fearing this one as well :))]
[ ] snow

Total so far: 8 + 9 = 17

[ ] rain
[x] wind [Look at a HUGE WIND STORM, aka Typhoone or cyclone or hurricane can do ! Cause so much damage! And can lift me off my own two feet >.<]
[x] crossing hanging bridges [I always feel like it is going to collaspe, and walking up this high bridge in Vietnam over this HUGE body of water ... I was so horrified ! And then I remembered Kindergarten excursion, it was at this cool playground and there wer a whole set of wooden bridge but that type that wobbles. I was so scared I will fall then so I sat down and held the sides while the rest of the grade full ran and having fun ><]
[x] death [Heyy, death is any human's greatest enemy, one where no mtter how much we can run from, we cann not hide. It will gobble up any living thing. But death is painful. That's why I am scared. But I do know a hope for the future, a hope that "death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more. The former things have passed away."- Revelation 21:4)
[ ] heaven
[x] being robbed/mugged [Horrible inhumane people who just are so greedy and selfish and ...INHUMANE!]
[x] falling [I fall a lot. And it's painful. When I was younger, my parents always said I acted and looked like a boy. And I always threw my body at things. I still do. I'm the most .. what do you call it? A klutz? Out of the house ~ Just like Onew :)) LOL ! See how much we are related ?!? I have Onew Condition ! ]
[x] clowns [They are just so scary with all their heavy ugly makeup on! They suppose to make people laugh. To me, they make people cry ! LOL LOL ! ]
[x] dolls [I don't hate or is scared of all dolls. Some are cute, some looks scary ! Especially those ventriloquist dolls! I am 100% SCARED OF THEM!]
[] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[x] having great responsibilities [It's a pressure. You have to do everything right, please everyone and act the most mature. I get that a lot. I'm the eldest out of 5 children. I have to act that way but I don't like it, neither do I want to. I've always wanted and dreamt of being the maknae, but I never will be ...]
[x] doctors [THEIR HUGE NEEDLES!! :O & how I read on the newspaper, that some of them are even ES!]
[ ] dentists
[x] tornadoes [Like before about the winds ~ They cause so much damage!]

Total so far: 17 + 10 = 27

[x] hurricanes [scary!!! *hides* - same as the wind one]
[x] incurable diseases [It's so sad to see those dramas etc. with the main character have a incurable disease e.g. LUKEMIA (dunno how to spell) and then dies and their lover dies ... sad *sniffs*]
[x] sharks (Sea monsters that gobble up MEAT ~ *shudders at the thought*)
[ ] Friday the 13th
[x] ghosts [There is no such thing as ghosts but it is because of demons pretending to be one. I am not afraid of ghosts, I am afraid of demons. But I do have protection ~ ;) ]
[x] poverty [Nothing to spend, no proper shelter or clothing ... It hurts to see such poverty-stricken people ! Not even clean, pure water to drink from! ]
[x] Halloween [I just hate it when people put those scary tricks on you or scare me to death with those costumes and decorations! Argh >.<]
[x] school [The stress; the pressure; The work; The bullies; The Teachers & simple, some enemies of yours ~ ]
[ ] trains
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[] being alone
[x] becoming blind [I owuldn't see anything! :O]
[x] becoming deaf [I wouldn't be able to hear anything! :O]
[x] growing up, becoming old ( what if i look ugly? or worst! die early!!) <-- I agree :))

Total so far: 27 + 10 = 37

[x] creepy noises in the night [Was scared since small, is still scared now~]
[x] not accomplishing my dreams/goal [Who wouldn't ?! ]
[x] needles [Like what I said before, how those neeles just scare me, the image of a huge metal
[x] blood [I am so scared of blood, even a prickle would make me feel sick. I fainted once because of blood and the pain and nausea it bought along >.<]

Total: 37 + 4 = 41

Now Re-Post with title: “I'm afraid of ___ out of 72 common fears"


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I got 10.LOL.
I got 25 out of 72.
Imma gonna try^^
height, thunder, dentist, death..that's for me~
I got 20. LOL XD