I'm afraid of 12 out of 72 common fears


If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you're paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you're fearless.
People who don't have any are full of crap.

I fear...
[] black people (WTF)
[] the dark (I appreciate the dark!)
[] staying single forever (It's okay, I can make myself happy too, LOL.)
[] being a parent (WHAT?! THAT'S MY DREAM!!!!!!!!!)
[] being in front of others (I feel slightly uncomfortable with holding speeches in front of a large crowd, but I don't fear that...)
[] open spaces (They are beautiful!!!)
[x] closed spaces (If they are really small spaces xD)
[x] heights
[] dogs
[] birds (I'm a bird myself...)
[] fish (Best creatures ever)
[x] spiders
[] flowers or other plants (Why would someone be afraid of flowers -.-)
 Total so far: 3

[] fire (Fire is so beautiful... and WARM)
[x] deep water
[x] snakes
[] silk (o.O)
[] the ocean (AHHHHHHH THE BEAUTY)
[] failure (I'll be fine ^^)
[] success (Who is afraid of success, wth =.=)
[] thunder/lightning (Je l'aime)
[] frogs/toads (MINHO!!!!!)
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad (XD)
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom (...)
[] rats
[x] jumping from high places (I don't exactly FEAR that, but I don't wanna die yet XD)
[] snow (<3)
Total so far: 6

[] rain (<3333333)
[] wind (It destroys my hair, but I forgive it)
[x] crossing hanging bridges
[] death (When I die, I die. Why be scared of that)
[] heaven (Mhh pretty)
[x] being robbed/mugged
[] falling (I fall way too often -.- I shouldn't run so much I guess)
[] clowns (GAH!!! They are creepy and fascinating.)
[] dolls (Same as clowns)
[] large crowds of people (harmless...)
[] men
[] women (Uh... WOMEN FTW)
[] having great responsibilities (I can take that ^^)
[] doctors (Good people ;_;)
[] dentists
[] tornadoes (Not scared of that. But I will run away if I stumble across one!!)
 Total so far: 8

[] hurricanes (Same as tornados)
[x] incurable diseases (Those are scary. Me no likey!)
[x] sharks 
[] Friday the 13th (Teehee, it's in 4 days!)
[] ghosts (COOL!)
[] poverty (Sad, but not scary)
[] Halloween (Fun I guess)
[] school (School is quite entertaining)
[] trains (I love trains!)
[] odd numbers (Ugh math -.-)
[] even numbers (Like 2....min)
[] being alone (Being alone is very relaxing!)
[x] becoming blind
[x] becoming deaf
[] growing up, becoming old (But that's life! I will be a great old person ^-^)
 Total so far: 12

[] creepy noises in the night (Like...?)
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goal (I'll make sure to accomplish my dreams~)
[] blood (Tis my favorite beverage)
 Total: 12

Couldn't be bothered to delete your commentary Looooooooool, They're pretty funny XD
Now Re-Post with title: “I'm afraid of 'whatever number you got' out of 72 common fears"


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