26 questions about me

I was dared by K_PoP_BoY so yeahh here we go LOL

1) Do you like anyone right now ?

Yes, but he doesn't like me back :(

2) Who did you last talk to ?

My dad . . . or mom

3) What do you like to do ?

I like to dance, write, read, and do lots of things k-pop LOL (I'm so boring)

4) Last thing you ate ?

Chicken and rice

5) Are you tired ?

I usually am but not right now LOL

6) What makes you happy ?

My family (when were in good moods), my electronics, my crush

7) Do you think you are childish ? 

Yes and NO. I get really childish when I'm mad or around my crush but I'm mature when it counts

8) Who would you be in Exo ?

I would be Chanyeol because he just seems to always be happy and I'm best when I'm happy LOL

9) If anyone of Exo was your boyfriend who would it be ?

Tao to protect me or Sehyun so I can protect him LOL

10) How many siblings do  you have ?

I have three other siblings, 2 brothers, 1 sister

11) Are you sensitive?

 I really am . . . probably why me and my bestfriend always fight LOL

12) What is your zodiac sign ?

I'm a cancer all day baby! If I was born a day later I would have been a Leo though LOL.

13) Who is like your sister in here ? 

Anyavadar, she's like my family . . . I LOVE YOU!!!

14) Why do you like and yuri story's ?

I never really thought about it . . . I just do LOL

15) When was your first kiss ?

My first kiss (not really a kiss more of a peck) was in 3rd grade. I still have yet to have a meanigful kiss

16) Last relationship ?

About one or two weeks ago (Don't miss his . . . excuse my language)

17) Favorite color ?


18) How old are you ?


19) Fun fact about yourself ?

I'm half Black and Puerto Rican LOL if that's a fun fact

20) Do you think you are pretty ?

PLEASE . . . I'M GORGEOUS!!! No let me stop, but I wouldn't say I'm ugly

21) What is the last band you listened to ?

Uniq . . . or BTS . . . might of even been Big Bang

22) What is the one thing you couldnt live without ?

Obviosly air . . . if you don't have that, everything else is irrelevent

23) How will someone describe you ?

Sleeps to much . . . or Icecream Monster

24) How is your hair right now ?

Terrible and dry (gotta have my mom braid it!!!)

25) What are you going to do when summer is here ?


26) First kpop group ?


27) What do you want to be when you grow up ?

A lawyer, I can meet all those famous people and make tons of money!!!



I would dare someone else, but I don't really know anyone LOL



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wohoho :D I just found this :D im sorry it was late :O