Okay, so I don't really think I have the right to judge but still, the racism joking of this is just too over.

TMZ does disgustingly racist scene involving EXID

Right so on with this .


I felt my blood boiling when the first girl mocked Junghwa's English by saying: "What? If it were a British girl, I would do a British accent."

Heck, girl. Do you even know? English is not their fluent, or basic language. Just by mocking them from Junghwa trying to show her enthusiasm to going to America by trying to speak English, don't you think you're being a  little too disrespect?

How about you go talk and learn Korean, and go speak to people in South Korea? Heck girl, just go straight to DPRK. -_-


And let's go on to that next girl. When another girl asked where were you born, that "next" girl who gives another ty comment goes: "America" in a sassy tone.

Just how the entire conversation is going on, I can't even believe it. Just watching the film makes me ashamed to be even similar that I am an American like them. Heck, I don't wish to be categorized with them! It's just pure .


Goodness gracious, I feel like I need to punch something or someone. I freaking hate racism.



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I don't even get what that sentence meant like, ugh. Are they trying to say Junghwa is a British girl or something? Cuz they're not in Britain, and neither was that American stereotypical trying to imitate Junghwa in a Korean accent (or at least failing terribly to).

I would like to see them attempt to speak a proper sentence in Korean, pft. Like Taecyeon said, (racist biatch) doesn't realize said person (Junghwa) can speak perfectly fluently in Korean. How about they learn a few more languages before judging? Can't they appreciate that she's actually trying? There's a bunch of people who don't even bother to.

Good job TMZ, you've just gotten yourself famous by getting a bunch of haters across the world for a racist comment you've made over a girl group member who has gotten an amount of popularity higher than yours. Seriously, congrats. -.-
Shisus christ, and the Asian American justifying her? NO.

Well it's kinda annoying for Asians to be asked "So where are you from? Like really from? Like where were you born?" >.< Bruh I rather have you go "No offense, but are you ______?" and I'll make jokes if you get it wrong then just have that awkward exchange.
Don't be mad LOL. Though, yes it was racist. TMZ usually does this to even the top American artist. I was actually happy they just sad that . . . their usually a lot worse!