Stealing your surveys.

1. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now?

Sure, why not

2. Do you drink enough water?

Too much.

3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King? 

Never ever ever never

4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?

Beach because I don't wanna climb up all those mountains and I don't like heights so it will be too high maybe

5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning?

Alright, thank you for asking

6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date?

Taken on a date

7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes?

Last year for my year 12 graduation thing

8. Vodka or wine?


9. How often do you cry?

Often enough, often enough.

10. Ever had a crush on a teacher? 


11. Can you wire a plug?

What does that mean? I'm assuming no

12. Do you wear socks to bed?

Yeah if it's winter and im too lazy to take them off

13. What is currently bugging you?

I have to go to work in 20 minutes and I've been doing this rather than studying, getting ready or anything remotely productive

14. Where were you when you got your first period?

At home

15. Can you change a car tire?


16. Have you met more than ten celebrities?

Yeah if you count B1A4, Andy Triu, Jamaica Della chaishe from a distance and High 5 when I was a kid haha

17. Do you sleep ? 


18. What was the best music gig you’ve ever attended?

B1A4 Road Trip Sydney (the only one so far) lol

19. Have you ever had ual feelings for anyone you follow?

For anyone i follow? Do you mean on twitter or tumblr? Or someone I just follow around all day?

20. Do you think Benedict Cumberbatch is hot?

Meh. kinda

21. Favourite Disney princess?

Olaf lol

22. Favourite city?


23. Can you drive?


24. Cigarettes or alcohol? 


25. Excercise or healthy eating?


26. Favourite and least favourite accents?

Favourite: Korean, Japanese, British, Scottish damn. Least: I don't know man

27. What are you looking forward to?

Um.... nothing right now. I'll keep you updated

28. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child?


29. Are you more attracted to men or women?

Either but mostly asian guys

30. Do you like 1980s fashion?

Sure why not


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