Maybe there's a chance?

My hopes always get up so easily at the smallest things.

Lately, Miki has been near me a lot (from the past 2 days lol, that is totally a lot) and hey, I don't know man, maybe I'm getting somewhere with this. If he is always so near then maybe I do have a chance to talk to him by saying a 'hi' or a 'good morning' at least.

I still need to investigate if it's safe enough though. But hey, I'm pretty happy with the ways things are right now. Miki just a foot away from me and that makes me happy. I know I don't have a chance at this so all I could do is really admire and like him secretly. It .

I wish I talked to him a lot more when I was younger. I wish I talked to him when he came over. I wish I just became good friends with him so I don'T HAVE TO ALWAYS BE SUFFERING AT THIS ONE-SIDED LOVE THAT'S SO DISTANT.

But other than that, I'm really happy with it. I get to see Miki a lot more. ^-^


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So happy for you!!! <3 wishing you all the best an the strength needed to greet him :)