-hatchin • ivy • 10/10


You're so Beautiful.

name » lang mei xie

nickname(s) » 
xie :: much cuter than 'mei', used by people close to her
jie jie :: big sister, used by her younger siblings
robot :: self explanitary
chun li :: used by the guys on the security squad because xie has thick thighs and can snap a guy's neck with them
meihuaquan :: literally 'plum flower fist' stems from mei xie's signature fighting style and her name. she specifically knows baijiazhi miehuanquan

Birthday + AGe » june 30, 1993 + 23 y/o

birthplace » taipei, taiwan

hometown » hongdae, seoul

ethnicity » taiwanese

language »
taiwanese mandarin :: native
korean :: fluent
mainland mandarin :: advanced

FACE CLAIM » kang ji won

backup face claim » bambi


appearance » 
standing at barely 150 cm and weighing 53 kg, mei xie definitely is not someone you would normally be afraid of. with her little dumling cheeks and teardrop shaped eyes, lang mei xie seems like a cute younger sister than a powerhouse. her hair is thick and curly and so tiring to take care of. she has a brick shaped body, no astonding titty or action going on, and she has thick thighs and bowlegged legs. she has a tattoo on her right ribcage that says "made in taiwan" in english and taiwanese in an industrial font.


style » her clothing preference. you can describe and/or provide links. ouo

" i killed a man. "   "i will personally end you"


She's My lAdy.

plotline » security asst. leader
BackUp PLOTLINE » shop employee

Description » a juxtaposition wrapped with enigma and stamped with a "made in taiwan" sticker, lang mei xie is a one of a kind model. the security asst. leader is nicknamed "robot" because she is emotionless and silent, and programmed to search and kill beat up. despite being the only girl on the security team, she's has all the guys whipped into shape and not an hour goes by where they don't run up to her and ask her for help.
Traits » 

( + ) analytical, introspective, straightforward, protective

( -- ) stoic, sarcastic, harsh, shameless, arrogant, jealous, unladylike

personality » mei xie is always looking at the big picture; her mind runs a mile a minute. she always keeps a leveled head and can solve complex and uncomplicated problems with ease. often times if an argument breaks out, mei xie plays the peacemaker and comes up with solutions that keep both parties relatively pleased; or at the very least, they won't hate the idea. if there is no imminent trouble, she'll often keep her findings to herself, encouraging the others to occasionally sort things out on their own. she's really good at reading the atmosphere and knows when to speak up and when to stay quiet. mei xie finds herself leaning towards the intellectual side of life, and is not the best in social situations. she just loves learning--especially about herself. life is a learning experience and she feels that one should find out as much as they can about themselves so they can live happily. mei xie is aware of almost every part of her: her strengths, her weaknesses, her limits, and speaks about herself very truthfully.

lang mei xie practically lives by the saying "if you've got it, flaunt it". her head is always held high, she never slouches, she smirks, she talks loudly and concisely so no one can drowned her out, she really knows how to strut, and oh my god mei xie can make the most ridiculous tasks look flawless and sassy. mei xie keeps connected to her mind, no filter. she isn't afraid to lash out at someone or call them fake or even get into a full-blown cat fight to be honest. its also physically impossible for xie to keep her opinions to herself. "i think cl is overrated", "shindong is a disgusting, misogynistic douchebag", "if i had a dime for every inch of your boyfriends , i'd be in debt", "tell your girlfriend if she says she's got beef, that i'm a vegetarian and i ain't in scared of her". mei xie would never willingly walk away from a fight, and would in fact be excited to be in a fight.

lang mei xie is not the type to express her emotions. in fact, most people don't even believe she has emotions. her face is almost always deadpan just like her voice. she does have emotions, at least she thinks she does, only she expresses them oh-so subtly that if you blink, you've missed it. lang mei xie practically speaks with her eyes. you'll see an occasional sparkle when she's excited, or fire burning when she's enraged, and she'll stare you down when she doesn't like you. mei xie is so sarcastic that it physically hurts and no one can ever tell if she's being serious or not ( just take everything she says with a grain of salt ). a woman of few words, mei xie strongly believes that silence is a virtue. her answers are usually short and very concise, with words so well thought out that there can be no misconceptions about anything she says. though mei xie is not exactly a social creature, once she trusts you there is no going back. lang mei xie is very protective of people she likes. not just physically, although you never have to worry about being in danger with mei xie, but also emotionally. if one of her precious babies friends are having a bad day, she'll make them fresh dumplings and "leave them out" for them to find. mei xie is always there to listen, and she's there to talk about the people you hate.

if you called lang mei xie ugly, she would laugh in your face so hard that she'd double over. if you said she was a horrible actor, she would laugh even harder than that. lang mei xie is absolutely, positively in love with every aspect of herself, like even her flaws are perfect. she has a lot of confidence in herself and her abilities, and is able to tackle things head on thanks to her oozing arrogance. she's best described as a stuck up hoe, because her ego larger than jupiter makes her feel like she's better than literally everyone and that if everyone was like her, the world would be a very very wonderful place. if given the opprotunity, she could talk about herself for hours on end, especially about her accomplishments. insults literally roll of her back, there is no way to offend mei xie you just can't come at her. call her a , she'll smile and say "that's why your boyfriend and ya daddy ate my puss puss last night" say she's ugly and she will laugh in your face. call her a and she'll say "yup that's me". lang mei xie is 100% comfortable in who she is. she knows her strengths, her weaknesses, and she will always get things done.

unexpectedly, lang mei xie is the jealous type. she's so arrogant that she literally gets upset when someone's attention isn't on her. every time her gram-gram compliments her brother, mei xie smacks him upside the head. when someone says someone else's dumplings are better than hers, she has the urge to flip the pan with hot oil all over the kitchen floor. odds are, if you're with mei xie you will feel severe secondhand embarrassment 9 times out of 10 because she is shameless in just about every possible way. she openly tells just about everyone that she isn't ashamed to call a grown man daddy. she's very erse and will talk about everything from pubes to daddies to just about everything in between.

lang mei xie is just one of the guys. she's also a bit juvenile, and still finds jokes and farts really hilarious. she has no clue how to behave in a dress, be it casual dress, qipao, hanfu, or hanbok. she swears a lot. like, a lot. lang mei xie does not understand makeup at all and whenever she tries to use it, it gets everywhere. mei xie trying to paint her nails makes her wonder why anyone trusts her with anything. at the bar, she goes straight for the hard stuff: tequila and vodka. she also doesn't understand purses and has way too much stuff in it like seriously the weirdest things like a whisk and some chopsticks. she's like never concerned with her appearance because she always looks good. like she would show up to work in her pjs.

trivias »

— duckies :: they're really cute and are just out to have fun
— dark skin :: not like kai dark when they're not really even dark but like daesung from bigbang dark and darker
— pretty boys :: they are her ultimate weakness 
— conie chan po-chu :: she is the best movie star ever
— chinese oldies :: they are all such bops like, nothing can compare
— showing midriff :: her tummy is so cute
— dumplings :: they're her comfort food
— wushu :: she's been practicing wushu since she was very young



— haunted houses :: when things pop out at her and say they're gonna kill her, she pops them in the face out of reflex
— parent holidays :: mei xie hates her parents why would she celebrate mothers day or fathers day?
— eat your kimchi :: gross people judging kpop stars on their english when they can't even speak korean?? no thanks
— love :: lang mei xie sees love as a disease that occupy's everyone's minds and does nothing but stress them out
— people who cling to her :: don't touch her, i don't care what situation you're in
— girls who act afraid of everything to be cute in front of their bf :: stop screamin heaux its just a speck of dust!
weak people :: if you cry all the time over stupid like spilled milk and not having a boyfriend, lang mei xie will find a way to personally end you. if you act all shy and demure and innocent, lang mei xie will personally end you.


— has a really robotic sounding laugh, kind of mixed between robot mr krabs and the count from seasame street
— swearing when people tell her not to swear :: "oh sh*t sorry". "fuuuuc--. that wasn't much better"
— says "savage" a lot :: whenever anyone says something sassy she shouts "SAVAGE"
— only gets sick once a year :: but when she does get sick, she's stuck in bed for like a week
— smirking :: when amused, instead of busting out in a grin, the upper corner of her lip will slightly curve upwards
— dumpling making :: mei xie practically lives off dumplings, but she makes like multiple batches of 50 when she's upset
— telling people she will personally end them :: usually when people annoy her. she actually says this a lot because many people annoy her
avoiding people's touch :: be it hugs or handholding or kisses or even a simple pat on the shoulder. lang mei xie will dip and weave her body away. she'll brush a hand aside or swat it away, even if it's one of her best friends



 — talkin with gram-gram :: gram-gram is so shady she's absolute savage but she spits the truth
 — telling people she's killed a man :: if you try messing with lang mei xie, she will always without a doubt look directly into your beady little eyes and say "i've killed a man". she uses the same story every time. there was this man named kay who tried to harm mei xie and her friends. mei xie dragged him into a dark alley and no one had seen or heard of him since. no one knows if this is true or not, and xie's friends can attest that there was a guy named kay who was messing with them and that mei xie did take him outside and that they've never heard from him again.
— teaching self defense to girls :: you wanna know what to do when dudes of various sizes have you backed in a corner? mei xie will teach you. you wanna know how to suplex a guy? mama xie will teach you. want to know how to choke someone out with your thighs? girl, xie will show you.
kung fu exhibitions :: she really loves participating in them, especially for zui quan.


Random facts

 — no one actually knows if mei xie killed a man. she keeps her criminal record very ambivalent. she's actually run into authorities a few times, mostly for being out past curfew when she was younger.
— mei xie is afraid of every type of bird besides ducks 
— her life long dream is to have a bunch of orphaned baby ducks imprint on her
— once sat on her brother and farted for an hour and a half after eating a 7 bean burrito
— her theme song is 'i am not a robot' by marina and the diamonds
— loves listening to stories about her gram-gram when she was younger
— never dated anyone
— loves busker busker and akdong musician
— her favorite movie is terrifying girl's high school: lynch law classroom
— even though she doesn't know how to act in a qipao, she looks really really good in them
— is very sad that she never got to know her grandfather
— doesn't know how to swim
— has a phobia of large bodies of water after her parents tried to teach her to swim by throwing her into the deep end of a pool
— she was like in love with leonard nimoy ( spock from star trek tos ) and the only time anyone has ever seen her cry was when he died. a stray tear rolled down her cheek and she gave a vulcan salute to the sky and said "live long and prosper"
— right before her second year of high school started, mei xie was hanging out with her friend huan yue. instead of going to noraebang or pc-bang like they normally would, they took a walk in the park. it was huan yue who suggested that their first kisses should be with each other and mei xie was just like "whatevs" but deep down she was really nervous because KISSES. the first time mei xie kissed his chest because they forgot about the heigh differance. the second time, a bird pooped on huan yue's shoulder. and the third time was absolutely perfect and mei xie actually felt something in her tiny little heart until she realized that her hair got stuck in his braces.
— mei xie is very advanced in meihuaquan and is currently studying plum blossom's array ( which is combat against multiple people ) and she is currently studying zui quan, or drunken fist. she focuses on daoist zui quan, which imitates the style of the drunken eight immortals, and is especially good at imitating lan caihe and he xiangu


The History that i make.

background » mei xie was born in taipei, taiwan to her floor manager at a large company father and university teacher mother. they lived in a rather upscale neighborhood and lived comfortably. when mei xie was five things began taking a turn for the worse, her father's company went bankrupted and had to cut off many employees (him included), her mother's job didn't pay enough money for her to support the family's lifestyle on her own, and to top it all off her grandfather passed away and left her grandma all alone. her grandparents owned a restaurant in korea and the lang family decided to pack up and fly to korea to assist her grandmother. they ended up living in the cramped apartment above the restaurant and not soon after they arrived, mei xie's mother was pregnant with her brother, and about a year later he was born. and another year later, mei xie's sister was born.

primary school wasn't very easy for mei xie; since she didn't speak much korean and couldn't communicate with her classmates well she became the wang tta of the class. she was purposely excluded and picked on, and even though she couldn't understand what they were saying too well she clearly understood the disdain in their voices and she was lonely. when she would come home and try to talk about her day her father would shoo her away as he needed a break after being overworked at the restaurant, her mother could never listen for long because her babies would always get into things, but her grandmother would always know exactly what to do, she would hold mei xie and make dumplings for her. she found the cure to her loneliness: watching kung fu films and imitating the moves with so much passion that her parents would yell at her to stop jumping; it wasn't exactly an orthodox way of fighting loneliness, but it was enough to keep her mind off the subject and she would imagine herself as the main character in her very own kung fu film. eventually, she decided that she actually wanted to study kung fu. at first, her parents said no because it was unladylike, but gram-gram convinced them to let her do so. gram-gram suggested she learned meihuaquan because it had 'mei' in it and mei xie agreed. middle school and high school were way better for her, she could fluently speak korean and make friends which was exactly what she did; in middle school mei xie found her two best friends in the whole world: xiong bingbing and mei huan yue. occasionally, the trio would skip hagwon to go watch wushu fights.

immediately after graduation, mei xie's parents began nagging her about getting a business degree so she can take over the restaurant, which she said she didn't want to do. tension between mei xie and her parents rose, while her grandma pulled her to the side and told her to pursue her dreams. her meihuaquan instructor, tsai changming, told her about a job opening at el dorado, and said it would be best if she didn't spend as much time with her parents




» mei baozhai | mother | Age | perfectionist, naggy, bossy, stubborn | the only communication mei xie has with her mother is yelling.
» yang ming zhu | gram-gram | Age | savage, honest, wise, hip | Interaction


friends they can be from the staff, people outside the HED or even other applicants. If you ever have plans to make our characters as your friends, feel free to PM us if you want to know something about them.

» mei huan yue | best friend | 23 | abrasive, emotional, headstrong, awkward, boy crazy, y | Interaction
» xiong bingbing | best friend | 23 | organized, affectionate, sassy, flirtatious, arrogant | Interaction



RIVALS optional

» chen's love interest | one sided archnemisises | -- | -- | as many times as mei xie says she will personally end someone, its always this person who she is the most serious about ending


OtherS optional

» tsai changming | meihuaquan instructor | Age | Traits | Interaction
» wang changchang | zui quan instructor | Age | Traits | Interaction
baixing bolin | zui quan partner | 23 | Traits | Interaction


Call Me Baby.

love interest » huang zitao

backup love interest » chen


Interaction »
tao has a thing for writing cheesy poems about lang mei xie like ballad of the broken bot and 128√e980. he's very romantic and old fashioned, and he's almost always begging mei xie to wear makeup and dresses and to act like a girl, because all girls are princesses. mei xie just rolls her eyes in response because she would never change because a man asked her to.


love story » 
"everyone, this is your new security asstistant leader, lang mei xie! introduce yourself mei xie," the room was silent as the security crew looked at the girl in front of them. she was short with chubby cheeks, surely this was a joke, right? 
"i killed a man" that was all she said. her voice was cool, like touching a metal surface with bare hands. one of the guys started lauhing. he laughed his off until lang mei xie grabbed him by his wrist and threw him over her shoulder. the smile was gone off his face in an instant as mei xie put her foot on his chest, looking everyone else in that room in the eye just daring them to say something stupid.
"i. killed. a man," huang zitao's eyes shimmered with excitement. a girl! a girl who he could talk about clothes and art with! he was so so so excited! 

until he realized that lang mei xie was unlike any girl he had ever seen. burping loudly, cleaning her ear with her fingers, messy hair, unstylish clothes, she was huang zitao's worst nightmare. and every day, he was more and more convinced that she actually did kill a man. "yaah, jie jie~ you should wear more makeup!" he whined as mei xie was busy helping the guys train.
she side-eyed him, "who are you and why should i care what you think i should do with my face? also why aren't you training?"
"xie jie! so mean! i'm taozi, zitao, tao-tao! i'm just saying, you would look much prettier with makeup on! i want to see your beauty shine!"
"taobao, i am a security assistant leader, what the hell makes you think it would make sense for me to wear makeup? my job is not to look pretty for the joy of men, my job is to kick and keep people safe. and everyone is safe, so i suggest you stop talking to me before i kick your ,"

and despite that, a few weeks later, he found mei xie looking down at a stick of eyeliner. she was all on her own and looking at it so intensely. tao watched her from afar as she rotated the stick in her hands before removing the cap and looking both confused and surprised. she opened it and closed it and opened it again before poking the tip of her eyeliner. honestly, tao thought it was really really cute. a few weeks later, mei xie came into work looking like a failed kabuki theatre actress. tao and the other guys screamed at the top of their lungs, because they thought they were going to be killed by an angry ghost demon lady. her eyes widened before they narrowed in a huff as she stopped away. they didn't see her for the next four hours, until kyungsoo called and said mei xie was hogging his kitchen with all of her dumpling making and while it was nice for the customers, they wanted to eat actual food and not just dumplings. they all voted tao should go so mei xie will kill him instead of everyone else.
when tao saw mei xie in the kitchen, he nearly fell at the sight of her and had to hold onto one of the counters and mei xie turned away from him like a child turning away from a plate of veggies. "c'mon xie jie, the other guys are waiting for you," she said nothing, she didn't even budge. tao looked around her and saw batches and batches and batches of dumplings of kyungsoo and the pastry girl looking incredibly exasperated, probably thinking 'what on earth are we going to do with all these dumplings?'. after a while, mei xie finally began moving towards him, only she moved like a turtle. "come on, let's wipe this mess off"
he sat mei xie down and kneeled in front of her with makeup remover that he carried in his man purse bag. tao told her to close her eyes as he wiped off the honestly sad attempt at putting on eyeliner. "you tried wearing makeup? because of me"
mei xie snorted, "don't flatter yourself," she was silent as he cleaned off her lips, "yes, i was wearing makeup,"
"well... a for effort?"
"teach me."
"teach me how to put on makeup. you like this kind of crap,"
tao couldn't help but smile as he began wiping off mei xie's cakey white foundation, "first lesson: this foundation is way too light. what is it, powder?"
"yes." oh my god. "zitao?" he hummed in response, "if you tell anyone about this, i will personally end you,"
"yes, yes," that was the first time zitao realized that lang mei xie was all kinds of adorable. in a really weird "i'll kick your way"

after deciding to drown his sorrows alchohol, huang zitao was ed up. and since kris was busy with other things, he sent tao's knight in shining armor mei xie. she put his arm around her shoulder and began walking him home. and it should come as no surprise that huang zitao is an emotional drunk. he clung to mei xie and started babbling and crying in mandarin, "jie jie you're so scary but in i good way, just looking at you makes me feel powerful. also your dumplings are so good and your face is so squishy and filled with meat. you're literally one giant dumpling only not giant and you make me think of jackie chan. but that's okay, jackie is a great guy and so are you. i love you" and then he threw up on her shoe.



LOVE RIVAL » kim jongdae


INTERACTION » kim jongdae is the only person who can make robot xie's fans whir. she has the biggest crush on him ever, and being mei xie, she has no clue how to act. not only is he handsome, but he's crudely funny and just seems to get her. they're always doing something dumb like playing the game and jamming out to old obscure music. and even though mei xie is tough and not curvy and unladylike, kim jongdae still sees her as a girl. to him, she's not one of the guys, she's a friend who is a girl. whereas anyone else would be afraid to show affection around mei xie, jongdae is always patting her head and pinching her cheeks. and mei xie actually lets him. she especially likes it when he gives her gentle chops on her head, its like she becomes a shy and moe anime girl around jongdae. he makes her want to wear dresses and look pretty put on makeup and its disgustingly wonderful ( mei xie's words ).



»"because i wanted to be as far away from my mother and as close to my gram-gram as possible, which because they live in the same house, and this place was the closest"

What can you contribute after getting accepted? 
» "i am a weapon of mass destruction. my fists are registered weapons, i'm not even joking. i can make someone wet their pants"


Who do you think will you work well with? and not work well with?
» explain why. you can also include our characters or other applicants.

» explain why. i know, dear... it is hard but you have to chose.

» "jongdae," okay and why? "because." because what? "he makes me feel like a girl..." like a girl? are you turning red? "before you even think of telling anyone i said, let me just remind you that i killed a man and will personally end you."



Run, don't let go of this hand.

comments/suggestions » you can practically say anything here

scene requests » go ahead, unleash your inner beast fangirl!
:: xie and tao on a fancy date together and tao gets in an argument to protect mei xie's honor and the fight starts getting heated so mei xie steps in and wrecks the loser tao's fighting with

Desired CLients » anyone you want to see as clients or visitors during your stay in El Dorado?

password » hmm... santansoo is watching you...


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