New Chaptered Fic: Once Upon a Time (Collaboration with Choi_Kimmy)

Well, hello there, dear readers :) First of all, I just want to thank everyone who's read, subscribed, commented and generally supported any of my fics thus far. It is very much appreciated, although I am rather crappy at updating.

As you most probably could tell from the title of this post, I have a new chaptered fic, this time co-written with the amazingly talented author of Lux Indeficiens and Royally Jacked, Choi_Kimmy. She approached me with an idea of a collab a few weeks back and we brought our heads together so to speak and Once Upon a Time is the product of all those ideas and planning.

There is Soo-Het in it, obviously, but it features so many other pairings and characters that will make the actual plot all the more exciting. We created a whole new world and we want you to be a part of it!

We do hope that you do check it out. Please support Once Upon a Time! Thank you! :)


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