Privacy Settings for FBRPs (Milky Way RP)


1. Click Settings > Timeline and Tagging then set all the necessary settings to 'Friends'



2. Click Settings > Privacy then set all the necessary settings to 'Friends' also make sure under 'Who can send me friend requets' is set under 'Friends of Friends' 


3. Click the friends bar in your timeline then click the small 'edit' icon > Edit Privacy then set all the necessary settings to 'Friends'


4. Click 'About Me' then click your work settings then set it to 'Friends only'

5. Click the friends bar in your timeline then click the small 'edit' icon > Manage Sections then untick everything. 


6. Click 'About me' > Overview. Search for  'Edit your contact and basic info' and click on it then necessary settings to 'Friends' or 'Only me'

7. Don't set your DP right after downloading it from the Web, Use the Photo Grid App to get those white sides so that it will look like the photo was new maybe add a filter or two. (refer to the picture)

8. Don't set Ching Chong names that don't make sense like curse words or nouns because FB is smart enough to know no one would name their kid as 'Fxvk' so be creative like Andrew Welcaster. You can always drop a PM for Ariel if you need a fancy name (LOL). Also, it's better to set your hometown NOT as Seoul, Korea. 

9. Don't go on an adding spree just as you arrive, it's way too obvious plus, don't let your guard down so please don't spam as well just for time being because Facebook is updating. 


Thanks & That's all!


Milkyway's Queen


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