
I silently drift away with the wind, and I watch.


I watch people as they go on with their day,

I watch people cry and laugh,

I watch them destroy and create.

It is a wondrous thing, watching people come and go. It was just as I was told by my friends:


They fight and they lie,

They forgive and they forget,

They live life pretending to be someone they are not. I wonder why, why do they not act as they wish? Why must they cheat and cry, and pretend it’s fine?


I silently drift away with the wind, and I watch. I watch people end their days.

With some tears and some comfort,

They smile and dream sweet dreams.


Yet, I believe not all of them would wake up to a day as sweet as dreams.                


I wish they could become like dandelions,

So they can bloom into something beautiful and miraculous,

Then be let free into the wind.

But what can a small dandelion seed like me do?


So I choose one.

I choose one who I would give a hug to if I could, I choose the one I would be friends with,

And I float lower into their line of vision.

His eyes light up as I float down,

His hands come up to catch me,

His lips stretch into a happy smile,

He gently sets me down in a soft patch of dirt.

If I could smile, I would.


Then, I grow.

I grow, and I tell my little children about humans.

One day, I would let them go,

To let them brighten up the days of those who need to be brightened.


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