♔DIVINE♔ → Mint → Lead Vocal, Main Dancer, Face of Group

Song Miyoung
Hani_kookie // Hani // 9

- Shiksin Mimi|Everyone calls her this since she love eating 

- Collaboration Queen|Her fans calls her this because she does alot of collabs since her voice can harmonize with others well

- Youngie|Cute nickname her members call her
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: December 21, 1998 & 16
PLACE OF BIRTH: Busan, Korea
ETHNICTY: Thai-Korean
HOMETOWN: Bangkok, Thailand
Thai|Fluent|Learned it when she lived at Thailand
- English| Fluent|Took a class in elementary school

- Korean|Fluent|Native Tongue    » SHOWTIME
STAGE PERSONA:  Collaboration Mint
HEIGHT: 169cm
WEIGHT: 51kg



TRAITS: Dorky, Boyish, Blunt, Oblivious, Derpy, Friendly, 4D, Childish, Happy Virus, Nosey, Irresponsibe, Competetive, Stubborn,

PERSONALITY: Miyoung is extremely dorky and derpy. She may have a pretty face but she doesn't care about her image and would make silly, ugly, and weird faces even though she is the face of the group. I think because of her derpiness, she gain many fans. Miyoung is the definintion of 4D. She would be making weird faces to the camera and then suddenly get all serious then she would have a laughing fit. No one can predict what Miyoung would do next. You think BTS's V is 4D but Miyoung is at the next level. She is also very childish. She would be bugging her members or would be singing, well basically screaming while running around the practice room. I think because of her childish personality, she became the happy virus of her group. She would alway be smiling and would always be the groups energy. 

Being born with boys in her family, she become boyish. She wouldn't like what typical girls like for example shopping or getting their nails done. If she ever goes shopping she would either look at snapback hats, shoes, skateboards, but before all of that she would first be at the food court eating. Miyoung is also very athletic. She likes to play basketball, soccer, and football the most. She may look scrawny but she is extremely strong. She could beat her brothers in an arm wrestle. Her brother would call her the Herculmi (Hercules and Miyoung combined) because of her strength, Because of this, Miyoung is also very competetive. Whenever she competes in something you could basically so the flames in her eyes. She also had another side for competeting, her brother would call her Monster Mi when she uses her other side when competeting. Her Monster Mi side only goal is to win.

Miyoung is also very stubborn and blunt. Miyoung probably haven't heard of sugar coating. She may offendend people but they know that Miyoung is just honestly blunt. She tries to control it but she would always blurt out what she is thinking. Miyoung is as stubborn as a bull. She will only believes what she believes even if she is 100% wrong. She just hates being wrong even if she is most of the time. She may be extremely stubborn but she has one weakness that would break her stubborniess and that is food. Other than that she would never give into others. Despite her blunt personality, Miyoung is very friendly and outgoing. She can go up to strangers and in about 3 minutes became friends. Her friendly aura draws people in. Thats why she has alot of friends but she is very picky on who her bestfriends are.

Being Nosey is Miyoung's specality. She just can't mind her own business. She thinks she is helping when she gets into others' problems but most of the time it would make things worst. People can't help but be annoyed. Even so people can't really hate her since its part of her personality and being her, she doesn't think it bad to get into other's business. She is also irresponsible. She depends on others. Her members are like moms to her. She is someone who needs someone to take care of her. She can be responsible and independent but she choses not to since she thinks she should depend on people now before she becomes independent in the future. She is only responsible and independent when she needs to but most of the times you would see her cling on to a member.

Miyoung is one oblivious and clueless person sometimes. She is the type of person who can't read a mood well unless someone is crying or looking angry. She is also very oblivous when it comes to people trying to hint something to her by making it extremely obvious. People would get annoyed and impatient waiting for Miyoung to understand what others are trying to say. Miyoung thinks people should just tell her directly instead of hinting it to her. She is also someone who would have a delay reaction or a slower time processing what others say. Its not because she is stupid since she is great at academics. Its just part of her personality since she would always get blank like Song Ji hyo from Running Man. For example when someone makes a joke everyone would be laughing but her and when the laughing dies out, Miyoung would be cracking up since she just realized what the joke met which would make everyone laughing too since she is just so derpy and clueles.



Miyoung was born on a winter morning on December 21 in 1998. She has two older brothers, one older sister, and a little brother. She comes from a family of musicians. Her mother was a famous violinist while her father was a famous pianist. She was the only one in her family who got the musical genes in her family. Since her sister is the eldest in her familt, Miyoung was closer to her brothers, so she has a boyish personality. Since young she learned how to play multiple instruments for example when she was 7 she started taking piano lessons from her dad, when she was 10 she started taking violin and cello lessons, as she turned 13 she took flute, and she has mastered all the three instrument and is now taking guitar lessons. She soon started singing when she was 14 years old when she won first place in a talent show where she sang with one of her brothers who rap. At the same year she was introduced to youtube where she would upload videos of her singing and playing her instruments. She would perform mainly korean and american songs and would occasionally play thai songs. Her youtube channel grew more famous and soon she got scouted through her videos, auditioned and got in. 

During her childhood she was pampered by her brothers since Miyoung was the youngest at that time. Her brothers would bring her everywhere they go. She had to play with them and soon grew close to them since they were closer in age compared to her and her older sister. They would teach her about sports and video games. They were the reason why Miyoung was so boyish and outgoing. To her brothers, Miyoung was just one of the boys but when she grew older, they grew protective of her especially around boys. Miyoung had a regular school life until now. She would have her group of friends who she would hang out with and would have occasional crushes on boys, like every other girls' life. Her school life  started to change when her youtube channel became more popular. People she wouldn't even know would take to her and try to make friends with her but she stayed with her group of friends since they were loyal and honest. 

Miyoung lived in Busan, her father's hometown, from birth until she was 7 years old. Her parents wanted Miyoung and her siblings to experience their mother's culture once in their life time and they also wanted their children to get a good education since where they lived wasn't very great educationally. So they moved to their mother's hometown, Bangkok, Thailand. Their move was hard for Miyoung since she would have to leave her friends behind but the move was for the better. Miyoung's parents careers really took off in Thailand. Miyoung and her siblings also discovered their dreams and passion in their prestigious private school and became succesful.

                        » FAMILY RELATIONS

Kim Daehyun | 46 | Father | Pianist | Miyoung is truly a daddy's girl. Daehyun is Miyoung piano teacher. Miyoung and Daehyun would play the piano together and sometimes Miyoung would accompany her dad during his performance

Urassaya Purksirisombat | 45 | Mother | Violinist | They act like sisters instead of mother and daughter. They would practice the violin together. Miyoung would also accompany her mom with the cello durin her performance 
Kim Minji | 23 | Sister | Fashion Designer | Minji is a great sister. She would be the one who takes Miyoung shopping and would buy and make her clothes which is why Miyoung airport fashion  is very famous

Kim Minho | 20 | Eldest brother | Med-school student | Minho is the complete opposite of Miyoung. He is serious and introverted but they get along very well. Minho and Miyoung would play soccer and basketball together with her other brother 

Minhyuk| 19 | Older Brother | Student | Minhyuk and Miyoung are basically tom and jerry and dumb and dumber. They would be pranker others but most of the time you will see them arguing with each other.

Kim Minki  | 4 | Little brother | Troublemaker | Miyoung is basically in love with her little brother since he is basically adorable. Minki doesn't like sharing his noona and loves her dearly. Minki would always go over to visit Miyoung duringg her practice and performances.





Lee Taemin | 21 | Best friend | Idol | They are close. Since Miyoung is a huge Taemin fan, they got along well when they first met.
Kim Yugyeom | 17 | Friend | Idol | Yugyeom was one of the people that Miyoung just talked to and became friends. Yugyeom is shy while Miyoung is outgoing, they can't be more opposite but they are one of the closest poeple they know. Fans even know how close they are even some 
Jung Chanwoo | 16 | Bestfriend | Idol | Since they are the same age they are close. They would go to the arcade together or would go karoake with the rest of the members

Park Bo Ram | 21 | Friend | Idol | Bo Ram is a close friend of her brother and she soon became close with her. Bo Ram is like Miyoung twin. They like the same things and they have alot of similarity. They would visit each others dorm and would just watch movies or would just talk about whats going on in the industry.

Bae Suzy | 20 | Rival | Idol | Suzy is known as Nation's First Love since she is very popular but Miyoung is gaining popularity as soon as she did collaborations before her group debuted but when her group debuted her group became like the 2nd snsd or 2ne1 and Miyoung got the title Nation's Sweetheart and Nation's Little Sister. Suzy doesn't like Miyoung and Miyoung doesn't like Suzy since Miyoung tried to make friends with Suzy but all Suzy did was scoff and walked away. Whenever they see each other Suzy would glare at Miyoung while she would ignore her being the bigger person but inside her mind she would do something way worse than glaring 



  • Coffee; she really likes to bitter sweet feeling coffee gives her
  • Bubble Tea; Just so delicious
  • Sports; She loves sports since she is boyish
  • Cooking; Its fun to cook and right after cooking she gets to eat and everyone knows she loves food
  • Food; Loves eating and would spend most of her free time eating
  • Animals; She loves dogs and pandas the most since they're cute and fluffy
  • Video Games; She is just a Game Freak
  • Kpop especially BTS, Big Bang, and Snsd
  • Skateboarding
  • Horror Movies
  • Ghost
  • Science
  • Waking up in the morning
  • Strong perfume
  • Bugs especially spiders; When she was a baby she was getting ready for a walk with her mom but as soon as she step out she saw a spider started crying. Also when she was eating noodles she saw a spider infront of her looking straight at her and she ran away crying. (all of this happened to me)
  • Clowns; They just look creepy to Miyoung
  • Failing; She doesn't ever want to fail since she thinks that it would effect her future
  • Cooking
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Eating
  • Photography
  • Using her  hair to cover her face when embarassed
  • Pouts when day dreaming 
  • Bites her lip when focused
  • Has a Youtube channel called MusicIsMeMiYoungie (I tried)
    -cover Snsd's Genie, Gee, Kissing You, I.G.A.B, Mr Mr.
    -cover CLC's PEPE, Ariana Grande's Problem
    -Bruno Mar's When I was your man, Lazy Song,
    Just the way you are
    -Uptown Funk, Ice Cream Cake, Nose Eyes Lips ect.
  • Knows how to dance BTS's Danger and 
    Boys in Luv
  • Knows how to dance Exo's Growl, Call me baby (the blonde
    one)and overdose
  • Collaborated with High 4 to sing
    No spring love or cherry blossom (pre-debuted)
  • Collaborated with juggigo to sing Some (pre-debuted)
  • Collaborated with Yoseob to sing Love day and If I have a
    Lover (pre-debuted)
  • Collaborated with Seulong to sing Nagging (pre-debuted)
  • Has the most unique laugh. Its basically Taeyeon ajumma
    laugh to the next level. She would cry, fall out of her seat,
    and  roll on the ground laughing.
  • Has  puppy name Vanillia
  • Has 2 instagram
    - Mint_2Young
    - Mint_Vanilla (for her puppy)
  • Doesn't know how to curl or straighten hair
  • Has zero fashion sense
  • Close to Beast and Got7
  • Favorite color are green and redWould either have a snapback on, Lenless glasses, or or sunglasses on with her outfit
  • Chipped her tooth in 7th grade while playing basketball
  • Had to get braces in 5th grade
  • Used to have glasses
  • Broke her arm twice from skateboarding
  • Is known to be the derpest idol
  • Wants to ride the biggest and fastest rollercoaster before she dies
  • Wants to go bungee jumping
  • Can carry Ho dong like Yoon Eun Hye
  • Believe ghost are real and that they are also very nice
  • Was rumored to have gotten plastic surgery which is false
ULZZANG NAME: Park Sungsin
CASUAL FASHION: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 56 | 7 | 8 | 9
AIRPORT FASHION: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 78 | 9                    DORM FASHION: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9                           SPECIAL EVENTS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
POSITION: Lead vocal, main dancer, face of the group
BACK-UP POSITION: Main vocal, Main dancer
RELATIONSHIP: Friends who are crushing on each other
Park Sung Woo (OC) (Famous Actor/Model)
BACKUP: Park Jinyoung (Jr) from Got7

Sungwoo has a very easy going personality. He is basically the boy version of Miyoung. He is someone very friendly and always has a smile on his face. He works hard for his family and has alot of passion for what he does. He is very funny and silly. He doesn't give up and is extremely peristent. Through his hard work he became a famous actor and model. He is extremely cocky which may annoy some people but Miyoung likes his confidences.

He is also very romantic and cheesy too. He would make comments like " If I can rearrange the alphabet I would put u and i together" which would make Miyoung blush since she has a crush on him but she would also fire  back at him which is one reason Sung woo likes her.  He gets easily jealous too but doesn't show it. Even though he and Miyoung are just friends he loves to flirt with her even though she doesn't know he is flirting with her. He is the type of person who likes skinship so he always has his arm around Miyoung or would always give her hugs.


They are close friends who act like their dating. Sungwoo would put his arm around Miyoung and would text her sweet and cheesy messages. Sungwoo would give her piggyback rides too. They would 'hang out' together but it looks like a date. They would have matching shirts or items too. They were inseperable. 

Other idols mistake them as a couple whenever they are seen together. They even saved their names like "Youngie~<3" and "Woonie oppa~<3" Suprisingly they haven't gotten in a scandal yet even though they would go out on outings about every week. Even though they have an they can't be closer than they are now. Sungwoo or Miyoung would visit each others groups with food like how boyfriend and girlfirends do.






TRAINEE YEARS:Miyoung as been training for 2 years. She is still improving on her singing. Even though her voice isn't very strong, she has an addicting soothing voice that is also very stable. She has a large range but she still has alot to improve.
TRAINEE LIFE: Miyoung probably had the hardest trainee life since her instructors made her go on diets and she would always gets in trouble when she would sneak in food. Miyoung is also very lazy and having to wake up early to practice was the worse for her. She also had a hard time to maintain her weight. 



- Sungwoo plans a romantic event to confess to Miyoung
- After years of sneaking out on outings they finally get into a scandal after they got together officially
- Divine goes on Dream Team and Running Man
- Miyoung gets casted in a drama with Sungwoo
- Sungwoo gets a chance to go solo 
- Divine and their love interest goes to the beach
- Divine goes bungee jumping
- Miyoung gets casted in We Got Married with Sungwoo


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