Dream High 3 Character App (Jung Soah)

weissx ♦ dannie

Jung soah

plotline #3 vocal, sub-rapper


// Nightmare   she's called the nightmare (by many) because of her y, cold personality.
// Skye  she was born in the U.S, so her English name is Skye. Some people who knows English calls her that.
// Maleficent   like the cartoon character, Soah may be beautiful, but her personality is rather dark (but in the end, she becomes more open and nice to other like the movie).


// English  Again, she was born in the U.S, so her native tongue is English.
// Korean  Her parents barely knows English, so they always speaked Korean to her.


// 1996  Soah was born (with her middle finger already stuck up to the nurse -not really lol-)
// 2003  {6} When she was 6, she started getting into music by playing the piano.
// 2005  {8} Her parents went on divorce, and was forced to live with her dad.
2008 {11} she taught herself how to write lyrics and compose music from her piano (not like it was good from the get go).
2010 ♦  {13} She moved to Korea with her dad.
2012 ♦  {15} enrolled to Kirin Arts HIgh School.

ETHNICITY, NATIONALITY [ ♦ ] Korean-American
HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ♦ ] 170 cm, 50 kg.

FACE-CLAIM [ ♦ ] Shin Hyejeong 1  2
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Im Da Hye 1  2

FASHION STYLE [ ♦ ] Soah's closet usually consists of dark colors and street wear such as ripped skinny jeans, Nikes & Jordan shoes, and bunch of hats and face masks. In her opinion, she does not look good in bright, happy colors. They just put her in a bad mood.
casual   training   dorm    formal

oc1NAME [ ♦ ] Jung Soah
D.O.B [ ♦ ] May 25, 1996 [18]
BIRTHPLACE [ ♦ ] Atlanta, Georgia
HOMETOWN [ ♦ ] Atlanta, Georgia

oc2STAGE NAME [ ♦ ] Soah
POSITION [ ♦ ] Vocal, sub rapper
BACK UP [ ♦ ] main vocal
SINGING [ ♦ ] Ailee 90/100
DANCING [ ♦ ] Jessica 70/100
RAPPING [ ♦ ] Hyuna 75/100

PERSONA [ ♦ ] Beautiful Poison

TRAINEE YEARS (how many years they have been in Kirin) [ ♦ ] 2-3 years.
TRAINEE BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] After moving to Korea, her father wanted Soah to be in the medical field, but since she hates her father and the medical field so much, she disobeyed and auditioned to Kirin Arts High School behind his back. Of course, she has got beaten after she telling her father the news that she was accepted into the art school, but she thought it  was worth it. During her trainee years, lets say it wasn't very pleasant, but Soah isn't the type to give up, especially with something she takes interested in. Her instructors were especially hard on her due to her attitude, but as always, she'd pass their expectations. As for being social, everyone knows her, but not in a positive way. She's known to be the "Ice Queen" or "Wicked " amongst the student body, but her reputation doesn't even mean to her, but hell, Soah maybe good vocally, but she's not the best dancer, and no one would even dare to help her.

PREDEBUT EXPERIENCES (if they have done other activities or been in another company, tell me about it :)) [♦] 

// she played the female lead in FT Island's "I Wish"
// modeled for Stylenada during her 2nd year.


// A solo debut with "I am a Woman too" as her song
// Her modeling for a clothes brand with someone else who's famous.


// [ PAST ] smoked weed when she was 16 years old.
// [ FUTURE ] is caught hanging out with Mark, and rumors starts saying she's his girlfriend.
// [ FUTURE ] while standing on stage, a sasaeng fanboy uninvitedly runs to the stage, trying to hug her, but she pushes him off stage.

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] brutal, impatient, honest, passionate, and open-minded.

"I don't even give a damn about my parents, so what makes you think you're special?" Soah would say to practically anyone. To her, no one matters, but Jungah, and maybe a little bit towards about her members of the group. Also, she's very harsh with her words and body. Say something wrong? Talk to her fists that are as hard as stone. She's been like this ever since she was a kid- getting into countless of fights. Hell, she even cut someone in the face with a sharp pair of scissors because that person dared to go up against her. Soah has a high brutality and will cut someone if she needs to.

If you're going too slow, you're most likely to hear a girl shout "Go faster!". That girl is Soah. Yep, she's the queen of impatients, and no one can steal that title away from her. It is believed that she gets her impatience from her parents because they were so impatient with her- which is also a reason why she gets beaten regulary. Later on, their impatience has passed down to her, making it utterly hell for her and for slow people. If you were to see her impatient, she'd be tapping her feet in a fast pace, biting her lip, and possibly ears turning into a bright red color.

Despiting her cold, brutal personality, she's a very passionate person. Again, she always has been passionate from the get go. As for an example, look how much she loves to play her piano and to sing. Her passion over the two things could rival against a mother and her child. She loves the fact that playing the piano while singing is practically the equivalent of a mini get-away from her life and enter a new one. Writing songs of about her life is a way she can express her feelings as well. 

Being open-minded has got to be one of the few things that are good about her. Got plastic surgery? She won't judge. What matters most about people is that if they respect her, she'll respect them back. If you don't respect her and her decisions, might as well say goodbye to your dignity because she'll rip it apart slowly. To her, being open-minded lets her see the "real world" meaning what the world looks like without judging it by the looks or etc. 

Being honest can be either good or bad thing. It's a natural thing for Soah to be so brutally honest, but you can't really argue with her since she's giving out her opinon. Soah's honesty sometimes pisses people off, but it amuses her that no one could handle her opinions. As she would say, "Everyone is entitled to their opinions." Plus, she doesn't really see the reason why someone should be so dishonest to others or themselves. Hell, if she thinks she looks terrible herself, she'll admit to it.  If someone is being annoying to her, she'll straight up say "You annoyng piece of , glue you mouth shut, so I don't have to hear your voice." 

BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] First things first, Soah has an unhealthy relationship with both of her parents. Her mom is an real estate agent in the day time, and then an alcoholic at night. Her dad is an abusive man who spends his nights with a different woman, and Soah has lived with this all her life. With her being the cold, rebellious person she is, she gets beaten about twice a week, but over time, it became nothing to her. Eversince her parents divorced, Soah lost even more respect for her parents, especially for her dad since he was caught cheating on her mom- not that she loved her anyways. 

In the seven years she lived without her mom, she's been learning piano with countless of instructors that couldn't tolerate her behavior. Until she was thirteen, her dad hired a piano instructor, Yoon Jaehyun, who was eighteen years old at the time. To her, he's her role model, friend, and her secret crush. Although she was well aware of his age, Yoon Jaehyun became her first crush and still is until a year after she joined Kirin. 

When she turned 15, her father decided to move back to Korea due to his job, taking Soah with him- not that she wanted to go. In fact, she wanted to stay and take piano lessons with her secret crush, but she knew her and Jaehyun would never happen, so she went with her dad. Living in Seoul, she knew the music business was huge, so she auditioned to many companies, but was declined. Of couse, being the stubborn girl she is, she never gave up and auditioned for Kirin Arts High School behind her father's back- who wanted her to go into the medical field. Even though he wanted her to be in the medical field, it's too late to stop her from entering the art school since she already got accepted. 

FAMILY [ ♦ ]

// Father, Jung Ilhoon  58  alive  retired doctor  controlling & abusive  very toxic. Most of their days together usually consists of arguements and glass breaking.
// Mother, Jung Sungyeon  58  alive  real estate agent  secretive & manipulative  doesn't really have one since Soah has never contacted her after being divorced.


// best friends, Kim Jungah  17  trainee/student of Kirin  happy-go-lucky, cutesy, & patient  they met during school when they both were forced to be partners in gym Even they're complete opposites, they get along very nicely. Unlike other people, Jungah understands Soah.
// friends, Mark Tuan  21  member of got7  calm, patient, & cool  they both met at a cafe when Soah forgot her money, and Mark insisted on paying for her.  lets say it's complicated (more will be explained in the "love interests" section).

OTHERS [ ♦ ]

// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character
// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character

LIKES (min5) [ ♦ ]

// horror movies
// being right
// winter weather
// playing the piano
// covering r&b songs
// boba tea
// spicy foods
// cucumber/melon scents
// burgandy
// days that she can sleep in
// swimming
// beenzino & nicki minaj (secret fangirl)
// fast food
// sharp things
// smooth & soft things

DISLIKES (min5) [ ♦ ]

// summer; she hates the heat
// annoying sounds
// bean sprouts
// tofu
// surprises
// fake people
// her father
// romance movies
// things that are too slow
// people who try too hard
// the smell of burning rubber
// her singing instructor
// stupid people
// homophobics
// recieving unwanted attention
// aegyo (but is only acceptable when Jungah does it)
// being told what to do from people who doesn't know their place
// sparkly stuff
// ruined plans


// habit- likes to feel her fingers because they're pretty smooth
// hobby- playing the piano
// habit- bites her lip when she's angry
// hobby- cooking in general
// habit- draws (like mandalas or really cool designs) on herself when she's bored

TRIVIA (min10) [ ♦ ] 

// She has a special pen she uses to draw on herself.
// tends to sleep under the pillow to block out morning light.
// her favorite food is fried squid
// her favorite snacks are chocolate chips
// has never done aegyo, and doesn't planning on ever doing it
// has a very high pain tolerance
// she carries a special, little notebook that contains songs she has written
// is right-handed, although she punches harder on her left.
// is the master of Mortal Kombat (her favorite character is Mileena and Scorpion)
// had a snake named Pesto
// never dated before
// has a very high spice tolerance
// she has a secret place that's 3 minutes away from the school. It's an abandoned picnic table next to a lake.
// can play the drums, but isn't as serious as her playing the piano.
// starts to tear up when she's VERY frusterated

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] Mark is that one guy that every girl dreams of. He's calm and cool, making the girls wanting him to be theirs. Everyday, at least one girl has to have fallen for him for his looks (most of the time). At any given situation, he knows how to deal with them. Whether it's a die-hard fangirl chasing him, or a just comforting a friend, he knows how to handle the situation. Another trait of his is that he's a very caring person. With him being the eldest in his group, he's got to care for his younger members. Despiting his cool personality, he's the romantic type of person. Hell, he even dreams about taking long walks at the beach, a nice picnic, and those romantic dinners at an expensive restaurant, but that's something only people who know him pretty well. One thing that's not very expected from him is that he's very stubborn (like Soah). If he wants something, he'll get it, no arguements.

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] Despiting their age differences, they got along rather well, but now, lets say their relationship is complicated. After Mark got to know Soah, he knows very damn well that Soah has a good heart, but it's only rare that she'll show that. So now, Mark is on a mission to help Soah become a better person that he knows she is, but apparently, Soah refuses for him to do so and tries to make him off, but she does like his company...a lot. It's even gotten to the point where Soah finds herself falling for Mark because he shows how much he cares for her. Before Soah realizes she fell for Mark, skinship wasn't no big deal, but now, it has became awkward for her.

HISTORY [ ♦ ] They met at a cafe close to Kirin Arts, when Soah forgot to bring her money to pay for her coffee, and Mark just happened to be standing in line, behind her. So being the kind person he is, he paid for her coffee, but after he did, he made Soah sit down with him to chat. He did pay for her coffee afterall. When they were done, they exchanged numbers and kept in contact.

OTHER [ ♦ ] none

 [ ♦ ] Mark Tuan
OCCUPATION [ ♦ ] idol/GOT7
D.O.B [ ♦ ] September 4, 1993 [21]

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ♦ ] I at these since this is my first time doing it. Inform me if anything is wrong!


// Soah confessing to Mark with her getting teary-eyed during a heated arguement.
// Jungah setting up a blind date for Soah (but will turn into a nightmare later on)
// The group starring in Running Man and ASC.
// Soah throwing a fan's phone away.
// Soah fighting someone (bc why not)
// The group goes on a vacation together????
// Yoon Jaehyun (Soah's piano instructor) moves to Korea to teach in Kirin?

PASSWORD [ ♦ ] IU's character, Kim Pilsook : ' )


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