200 questons (stolen from asdfghjm15)

200: My crush’s name is: currently it's Sebastian Stan

199: I was born in: Jakarta, Indonesia

198: I am really: a talkative human being

197: My cellphone company is: iPhone

196: My eye color is: dark brown

195: My shoe size is: 38-39

194: My ring size is: never checked

193: My height is: around 163-164 cm

192: I am allergic to: NOTHING HAHA I'm so proud of this

191: My 1st car was: it was a sedan and a toyota if I'm not mistaken

190: My 1st job was: a student lmao

189: Last book you read: I rarely read book........ maybe it's Paper Towns (John Green)? I read it around 4 months ago

188: My bed is: big

187: My pet: a dog and few fishes

186: My best friend: five monkeys (not literally)

185: My favorite shampoo is: sunsilk

184: Xbox or ps3: i don't like playing games

183: Piggy banks are: cutee esp those who make a cute sound when u put a coin in (I have it when I was younger)

182: In my pockets: nothing?

181: On my calendar: nothing

180: Marriage is: i rly don't know how to explain

179: Spongebob can: not make me laugh

178: My mom: is the best mom in the world and if I have to choose another mom, I'd still pick her

177: The last three songs I bought were?: i'm poor, i don't buy songs lol

176: Last YouTube video watched: I CAN'T REMEMBER but I think something connected to avengers

175: How many cousins do you have?: too lazy to count

174: Do you have any siblings?: one older brother

173: Are your parents divorced?: NO

172: Are you taller than your mom?: same height but she claims she's still taller (i think it's her hair that's making her taller)

171: Do you play an instrument? piano and a little bit of guitar. oh and some kind of flute but not rly a flute? it's suling in indonesian language

170: What did you do yesterday? went to school, watched The Avengers with my friends, ate ice cream


[ I Believe In ]

169: Love at first sight: no. it's like at first sight, or prbbly just simple attraction.

168: Luck: no. all in God's will

167: Fate: yes. God's decision

166: Yourself: yes haha

165: Aliens: yes

164: Heaven: yes

163: Hell: yes

162: God: yes

161: Horoscopes: no

160: Soul mates: yes, my parents r the example of it

159: Ghosts: yes

158: Gay Marriage: i don't support, but i don't hate it (bcs the bible says that it's a sin but the bible also says that we cannot hate anyone, anything)

157: War: do I believe in war? war is just the absence of peace and there will never be a time where there isn't any war in the world. war will always haunt humans because that's our nature (got some of it from Avengers lmao). but it's never to late to make peace

156: Orbs: what?

155: Magic: no. but dark magic that devils give to humans? yes.


[ This or That ]

154: Hugs or Kisses: haha

153: Drunk or High: neither

152: Phone or Online: both

151: Red heads or Black haired: black

150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes? idk never thought of it

149: Hot or cold: cold

148: Summer or winter: neither?

147: Autumn or Spring: spring

146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla

145: Night or Day: night

144: Oranges or Apples: both r so sour i just can't-

143: Curly or Straight hair: wavyy

142: McDonalds or Burger King: BK OFC

141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk

140: Mac or PC: normal laptop pls. i don't understand mac at all

139: Flip flops or high heels: flip flops

138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: how about hard-worker and believer?

137: Coke or Pepsi: neither

136: Hillary or Obama: ............

135: Burried or cremated: we came from dust, maybe it's better if we went back to dust. so prbbly cremated

134: Singing or Dancing: I CAN'T DO BOTH but I want to sing lmao how can i sing decently?

133: Coach or Chanel: ....

132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idk

131: Small town or Big city: big city haha

130: Wal-Mart or Target: we have none in our place

129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither?

128: Manicure or Pedicure: never tried before so I wanted to try both of it

127: East Coast or West Coast: in the USA? i've went to both and I think I love the west coast more

126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas

125: Chocolate or Flowers: both

124: Disney or Six Flags: disney

123: Yankees or Red Sox: what


[ Here’s What I Think About ]

122: War: i answered it before

121: George Bush: i am indonesian

120: Gay Marriage: i answered this before

119: The presidential election: i'm still underaged

118: Abortion: NO PLEASE it's most prbbly your mistake but you let another life die?????

117: MySpace: never tried

116: Reality TV: s c r i p t e d

115: Parents: 2 angels God sent to guide me through life so one day I can be one of those 2 angels

114: Back stabbers: say it in my face, not behind my back

113: Ebay: never bought

112: Facebook: never used

111: Work: needed ofc

110: My Neighbors: are old

109: Gas Prices: they have their own reasons why they raised the price, and from what I knew, it's a pretty reasonable.

108: Designer Clothes: mmmm

107: College: im still young lmao

106: Sports: i love it so muchhhhhhhhh

105: My family: the best family that God gave me. all the imperfections are just perfect in some ways

104: The future: good scores = scholarship = less college payment = helping my parents = get good grades in college again = easier to find job = yeah


[ Last time I ]

103: Hugged someone: today

102: Last time you ate: 4 hours ago

101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: mmmm idk

100: Cried in front of someone: yesterday, but just a few droplets of tear, I can't rly call it crying (bcs of The Avengers)

99: Went to a movie theater: YESTERDAY

98: Took a vacation: AAAAAAAAAAAA prbbly a month ago and I rly miss that vacation

97: Swam in a pool: i can't remember

96: Changed a diaper: never

95: Got my nails done: forgot

94: Went to a wedding: few months ago

93: Broke a bone: never

92: Got a peircing: besides earrings, never

91: Broke the law: i break a lot of school laws

90: Texted: today


[ MISC ]

89: Who makes you laugh the most: my friends

88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my mom and dad and the food

87: The last movie I saw: Avengers: Age of Ultron and The Avengers

86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: LONG HOLIDAY and japan

85: The thing im not looking forward to: national exams

84: People call me: Ion, yon, yona, iona

83: The most difficult thing to do is: to forgive yourself? to not be afraid of things you fear?

82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never drived

81: My zodiac sign is: aquarius

80: The first person i talked to today was: mommm

79: First time you had a crush: in kindergarden prbbly

78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: God ofc

77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: JM (asdfghjm15). yesterday she just said something I was thinking

76: Right now I am talking to: no one

75: What are you going to do when you grow up: idk

74: I have/will get a job: i have and will get a job (in the name of Jesus. I have faith in God.) lol

73: Tomorrow: CHURCH <3

72: Today: great! I retrieved the wallet I lost in the cinema even though I think they took few hundreds but oh well

71: Next Summer: HOLIDAY and japan

70: Next Weekend: STUDYING OKAY national examsss

69: I have these pets: a dog and few fishes

68: The worst sound in the world: idk

67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself

66: People that make you happy: my friends and family

65: Last time I cried: yesterday I sobbed a little

64: My friends are: monkeys

63: My computer is: left with 400++ gb from a total of 500++ gb

62: My School: is crazy

61: My Car: maroon and black

60: I lose all respect for people who are: back stabbers, attention , es, liars, bragging. but I think I lost the most respect on back stabbers. for those who say words that throbs through the deepest part of my heart, I can usually understand

59: The movie I cried at was: SO MANY

58: Your hair color is: black

57: TV shows you watch: CSI!! American Ninja Warrior!! 

56: Favorite web site: asianfanfic lmao

55: Your dream vacation: a place where I can calm my heart while enjoying time with shopping and sight seeing

54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I hurt a certain someone's feelings

53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium well done

52: My room is: organized but not that tidy

51: My favorite celebrity is: bap, if it's outside of kpop then it's Sebastian Stan and the whole Avengers family

50: Where would you like to be: here

49: Do you want children: yes

48: Ever been in love: no. like? yes. love? no.

47: Who’s your best friend: in alphabetical order: finna, jm, jd, jojo, kz

46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl bcs my class is 2/3 girls

45: One thing that makes you feel great is: when i'm surrounded by peoples that I love and love me

44: One person that you wish you could see right now: idk

43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no

42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no...

41: Have you pre-named your children:NO haha

40: Last person I got mad at: prbbly my teacher? or my friend? I don't rly remember

39: I would like to move to: here

38: I wish I was a professional: human being


[ My Favorites ]

37: Candy: mm.... not a fan of candies

36: Vehicle: big ones

35: President: jokowi

34: State visited: USA? etc

33: Cellphone provider: telkomsel

32: Athlete: none


30: Actress: SCARLETT JOHANSSON and anne hathaway?

29: Singer: bap

28: Band: bap

27: Clothing store: H&M, colorbox, forever 21

26: Grocery store: any is fine for me

25: TV show: CSI and American Ninja Warrior

24: Movie: Avengers Age of Ultron and prbbly Captain America

23: Website: asianfanfics?

22: Animal: I prefer dogs


20: Holiday: all holidays

19: Sport to watch: basketball and soccer prbbly

18: Sport to play: BASKETBALLLL and doing the bridge lmao

17: Magazine: fashion magazine? idk

16: Book: John Green absolutely

15: Day of the week: Friday and Saturday

14: Beach: i love the beach, i don't love the deep ocean

13: Concert attended: none

12: Thing to cook: anything

11: Food: sushi pizza pasta

10: Restaurant: B'Steak (in Jakarta) and Bornga and Yoshinoya and and and yeah the list goes on (AND SUSHI TEI TOO)

9: Radio station: prambors radio (in Indonesia)

8: Yankee candle scent: what

7: Perfume: NO

6: Flower: mmm

5: Color: red white black

4: Talk show host: idk

3: Comedian: idk

2: Dog breed: not a big fan of dogs of animals

1: did you answer all these truthfully? yes haha but not rly full answers


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