Writing comeback?




I've decided to continue with my writing and to complete all of my stories. 

Lately I've been super busy.

And yes, today is a sad day for EXO-Ls don't you think? I've cried my heart out and ranted but in the end I am resigned. Yes Tao's father wants to nullify his son's contract and I'm torn. I love Tao, he's my bias and his health will always come first but I will miss him dearly If he agrees with his father and decides to leave. 

But in the end, it's his decision. I will love him no matter what. I will wait for his own words on the situation because I will always believe in him no matter what.

So how does that make me come back to writing? I need something to help me through this and writing lets me express myself. 

Most of my stories are taohun, and I know some of you may stop reading because you can't handle the feelings from the news we've recieved today.

And honestly, I can say that I will indeed be continuing my taohun stories. I will finish the ones I have and even write some more, even if the our baby panda leaves because taohun is something I have so many feelings for. And even if the two of them are separated, I think the two of them will keep in contact. 


thank you for your time in reading this.

~ Chibi-Idol


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