Daebak Survey I Stole From Someone LOLz. XD




Can you name 30 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don’t read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 30 people.

1. Sunggyu

2. Myungsoo/L

3. Woohyun

4. Hoya

5. Sungjong

6. Dongwoo

7. Sungyeol

8. Yesung

9. Kyuhyun

10. Taeyang

11. G-Dragon

12. Dara

13. Lee Minho

14. Mickey Yoochun

15. Yunho

16. Siwon

17. Jaejoong

18. Xiah Junsu

19. Shim Changmin

20. Key

21. Onew

22. Taemin

23. L.joe

24. Eunhyuk

25. Kikwang

26. Hyunseung

27. Junhyung

28. Minho (Shinee)

29. CAP

30. U-kwon


[I excluded non-kpop people which came into mind. LOLz XD]






1. How did you meet 10?


I met him in my dreams...? O.o.LOLz.

I saw him first about two years ago in the first Bigbang music video I ever watched [while I was browsing through Youtube looking for DBSK videos]. LOLz. 


2. What would you do if you had never met 6?

I dunno. Can't imagine life without Dino-woo and his awesomeness anymore..XD


3. What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?

OMFG...Jonghyun and Jaejoong are gonna start some serious drama if their husband and wife start cheating on them.. XD


4. If you could marry between 6 and 14, who will it be?

Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Dun make me choose!! Dongwoo is such a sweetheart, cutie pie, innocent pabo-genius while Yoochunnie is such a handsome gentleman who would make such a hot and gentle hubby...T____T


5. Did you ever like 9?

OMFG...of course! He's like my ultimate, ultimate, ultimate BIAS! [Kyu-madness right over here people] XD


6. Have you ever seen 4 cry?

No, I haven't...the Hogod is such a manly man on all the shows Infinite is featured in and I doubt I'll ever see him cry for real. Maybe unless they ask him about his family or he acts in some tragic, sad MV or movie. XD

[I think he'll be absolutely adorable and handsome while crying though. XD. But I'll probably start bawling my eyes out if I DO see him shed tears.]


7. Would 4 and 17 make a good couple?

Jae and Ho-baby...? O.o


*Yunho and Dongwoo enters picture*

*two of them smack me on the head hard*

Me: Aish...fine, no then! T___T

[was looking forward to the birth of new OTP]


8. Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?

OMFG...yes!!! Although Gyu-baby is mine forever since I've already planned on marrying him and having lots of hamster-like, eye-smiling babies with him in the near future.

Myungpoop can just stick with Yeollie or Sungjongie...*coughs* Myungwhore *coughs* 




9. Describe 8:

Yesungie...hmmm, how do I describe this human masterpiece.

God-given vocals designed to make a girl's heart melt to the ground...check.

Handsome good looks and y camera gaze...check.

Crazy, 4D personality...check! And check!



10. Do you like 12?

Who wouldn't ADORE Dara?! She's such a sweetheart. XD



11. Tell me something about 17:

He is a friggin' GOD! *coughs awkwardly* Ignore this ...Jaejoongie does strange things to my head sometimes.




12. What’s 7’s favourite colour?

I heard from somewhere that Yeollie's favorite color is PINK! XD



13. What would you do if 1 just confessed he liked you?

OMFG...*dies of happiness* *revives immediately* *kisses him on the lips*

Then I'll go all, 'I want an awesome punk-themed wedding and three beautiful kids Gyu-hubby!'

And he'll be all, 'Anything you want baby...I'm yours for life.'

[Dude, seriously, I'm dying and fangirling here just imagining it...XD]



14. When was the last time you talked to number 15?

About four hours ago...in my dreams. LOLz. 

Aigoo, when will I ever get to talk to you Yunnie...>_____<



15. How do you think 19 feels about you?

Changminnie...? I dunno, can you ask him for me? Pwease? ^__^

I wanna know too. XD



16. What language does 13 speak?

The great Lee Minho speaks the language of hotness...and presumably, Korean. ^____^



17. Who is 2 going out with?

Possibly Sungyeol or Sungjong...I could never decide between these two since they make such great OTPs. XD



18. What grade is 16 in?

I think he already graduated...? O.o

Siwonnie's...25 already, right? >___<



19. What is 5’s favourite music?

Sungjongie must like girl group songs...he knows almost all of 'em and even puts the groups to shame when he performs their dance routines. LOLz. XD



20. Would you ever date 13?

Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe. XD

I'm too much in love with Gyugyu though so Minho baby, it'll never work out between us. *sobs*



21. Is 11 single?

I think...? >______<

But he may be seeing someone secretly so I don't really know. *calls GD and demands to know if he's dating anyone on the side like a boss*



22. What is 10’s last name?


Last name: Dong...First name: Young Bae. XD

[LOL-ing at the big difference between his stage name and real name XD]



23. Where does 18 live?


Oh, he lives in my closet---...I mean, South Korea. ^_______^



24. What do you think about 20?

Almighty Key! I bow to his superior, overall awesomeness! <3

From singing, dancing, acting to imitating singing styles and dance moves...he surely lives up to his 'almighty' name! <3



25. What is the best thing about 30?

Best thing...? Does the fact that he's so ALASHLKHFLKJSGFLHSKDFJLKHFALKHKFHA HOT count? O.o



26. What would you like to tell 14 right now?

Please invite me to you and your Susu's wedding one day...and I think a pink wedding motif would be just perfect. XD




27. How did you meet 9?

I first saw him in a Super Junior M video of the song 'U' about a gazillion years ago...that's when I fell in love with him and his deep, angelic voice and his awkward dancing for the first time. I haven't recovered since then. XD



28. What is the best and worst thing about 2?

Myungsoo...? O.o

Best thing: he's one of the most good-looking Koreans I've ever had the pleasure of gazing and drooling over...and quite possibly one of the weirdest as well.

Worst thing: I can't decide whether to ship him with Yeollie or Sungjongie [aish, age old dilemma]



29. Are you going to know 3 forever?

It depends... *waves at Woohyun to come closer*

Me: Yah, do you plan on sticking around forever?

Woohyun: O.O...what's with that all of a sudden?

Me: Just answer the damn question Namu...

Woohyun: Well yeah...I kinda wanna be a singer forever...I want to have more concerts, more fans, I want to be loved by everybody...I want to do more bunny aegyo on TV *starts doing bunny aegyo*...I want to---...*gets smacked by Hoya*

Me: You heard him...he plans on sticking around more...ugh..*rolls eyes at sobbing Woohyun*




30. How long have you known 26?

For two AWESOME years dammit! I first saw him in Bad Girl and I've been a B2TY ever since. XD



31. Who is 24?

Eunhyuk...otherwise known as Lee Hyukjae...otherwise known as Suju's dancing machine...otherwise known as 'Donghae's husband'...otherwise known as 'Gummy'...

OMFG...I could go on and on about him forever...^________^



32. Are you dating or did you ever date 2?

Myungsoo...? O.o

Of course not! Gyugyu, Jongie and Yeollie are gonna kill me! 

[Maybe I did, but let's keep it a secret from those two arasso? From my Gyu-hubby as well...XD]



33. Do you have a crush on 27?

Honestly...? YES!! <3

I had Junnie-fever for a few months after I discovered Beast. LOLz. He may not be as handsome as the other members but he's the coolest and most bad- for me...and I love the fact that he writes some of his own raps for the Beast songs. XD



34. Would you kiss 25?

Awwww...who could resist Kikwangie's trouty, pouty lips?. XD



35. Have you hugged/kissed 1?

Not yet...not yet. Soon though, please expect it. XD


Gyu-hubby....BE MINE, please? ^__^

'Coz you're AMAZING...and everything feels like PARADISE just with your existence. Even if you don't love me now, TIME and fate will bring us together BECAUSE I know we're meant to be...and even if we're far away from each other now, I won't give up hoping for the day that we'd meet to finally come because NOTHING'S OVER.

[That didn't make any sense but meh...XD]


36. Would you like to hug/kiss 21?



Maybe I should bribe him with chicken or something first...or I'll wear chicken-scented perfume so he would never let me go...*insert evil maniacal laugh here*



37. Is 29 your bff?

CAP...? O.O

He could be...he looks pretty badass but calm so he'll be such a fun BFF! [My BFF since elementary school, Luigi, is a crazy bastard...I need someone cool but sensible now that I'm older. LOLz. Jk jk...XD]



38. What do you hate about 23?

I hate how he's so y and goofy at the same time...it CONFUSES ME! O.O

'Your love...plus my love... supalove...' ---this immortal line has been stuck in my head since I first discovered TeenTop... XD



39. What’s your relationship with 28?

Of course, we're still in the idol-fan stage of our relationship...if that wasn't totally obvious before. LOLz.


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toujourspur7 #1
Hogod cried when infinite won MCD!!!!
and almost when Leaping over XD
Hahahaha XD I love your crazy answers. This made me laugh so much >.<
Psh psh... Yes myungie is a , cause I ship all of OTPs with him in it... Including:
And Myungjong

And with the inclusion of 2WooL

:) aren't I a darling? But Myungyeol will forever be my ultimate OTP...:)
Ohhh Good!!That was a Cool Survey!:)
I_Am_Dubu #5
OMG ROFL AT THE SURVEY, imma try this some other time too xD
Yeollie's favorite color is pinkxD