Pretty Good/Weird Day?

I had dance practice today and my dance group(which includes Kimiko, TheGoofyGoth, and kauaikoala but she couldn't come today)learned the rest of Supa Luv :3 We also worked on the timing of Breath by B2ST a little bit more and figured out what Kimiko does for some parts~

Also,  my umma and aunty rode horse today so when my aunty was at my house she had her horse(Sky BoyTheGoofyGoth and I got to ride him three times around the block! XD It was sooo funny and awesome :3 But Kimiko had to leave early so she didn't ride with us Y_Y

But it was TheGoofyGoth's first time riding a horse so it was so BEAST :D Also when we were riding, this truck slowed down by us and we looked to see two boys in the truck and one of them was holding up his phone(either taking a pic or vid) And our expressions were like this: <:D

It was so weird and we just started laughing and turned away XD


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YukiMary #1
you guys r weird~
Hahahahahahahaha! LMFAO you know it!