「 #액세스。 Lee Saeryun

Lee Saeryun
NAME » Lee Saeryun 이새련.
+ Ryun- a shortened version of his name called by friends

+Puppy- called by fans and netizens due to his cute personality. Often called the puppy of the group or even joked about being the nation's puppy.
+HongKi 2.0 -called whenever he hangs out with his brother and friends because they like to joke about how he is a better version of Hong Ki. This usually leads to Hong ki shouting "you guys only like him because he's taller"

BIRTHDATE & AGE » 07.11.94 & 21.
BIRTHPLACE » Seoul South Korea
ETHNICITY » Seoul South Korea
+ Korean (native)

+ Engish (Basic- learnt for promotional purposes
+Japanese (near fluent- his brother forced him to take japanese lessons together because it would make it more interesting.) 
예뻐! 예뻐?
APPEARANCE » 177cm and 58kg. He is someone who is skinnier than muscular. This means that he has a hard time developing a six pack because he is mostly bones. He is not afraid of eyeliner and doesn't understand why its not socially acceptable for men to wear makeup (although he never goes crazy with makeup. He is often seen with bangs and hates the idea of having to shave or cut his hair short. He likes dying his hair different colors (nothing too bright like bright red) and even had someone teach him so that he is now able to dye his hair at home. He has both ears pierced. Saeryun is said to look similar to his brother although neither of them think so.

STYLE » He likes to stick with black and white colors. He doesn't over accessorize and would usually just be seen wearing his stud earrings and a simple necklace. Since his brother started his own fashion brand Saeryun sometimes helps to advertise by wearing his brothers brand a lot. He has less of an obsession with skulls but can be seen wearing skull necklaces and occasionally skull rings. He's not a chaser of big brands and thinks that as long as it fits his style than its alright. Hes not the fashionista that his brother is but he likes his more casual style. He also doesn't like wearing tank tops (no reason he just doesnt like them)

남자가 필요없는 이유.
—  positive traits. optimistic, friendly, hard working, good natured, hyper, childish
negative traits. scared easily, cries easily, posessive, dramatic, grudge holding, stubborn

When he is himself he is basically a child with too much engery. even after practice he would often still have energy to jump around and thats why he does a lot of extra practice because he doesn't want to annoy the other members who are tired (and he likes to be perfect onstage). it usually takes a lot to tire him out and that is why he would usually be sent out on errands. if its running errands for the group he doesnt mind and would be happy to help the out (examples would be buying groceries or buying medicine) but if its for himself then he would do aegyo and the other members would usually do stuff for him even if he can do it himself (like cooking, even if he is a good cook if he just has to cook for himself he would rather another member cook for him, same goes for washing clothes.) he's not spoiled because he can do cooking and cleaning himself but he likes the feeling of being taken care of. thats why there would probably be someone in the group that he would call umma. his umma doesn't have to be the oldest but would be the person who would take care of him. he would actually do stuff such as protending to oversleep so that his umma would look for him but actually he would already be dressed. he also says "buy it for me~" a lot but then he usually just buys it himself, he just likes saying it and knowing that people care about him enough to spoil him. he likes hugging his friends and the people close to him so there is a lot of skinship between him and other members, it would usually be him back hugging other members or holding their hands.

The only time he is really serious is when he is rehearsing or on stage performing because he wants to be seen as an artist and thats why he tries his hardest so that the moment he is on stage everything is perfect. people are often surprised on how different he is when he is in the practice room and outside of the practice room. when he is practicing or preforming its as if he is in a trance and its very hard to shake him out of his trance thats why there are moments when he 'disappears' because he is practicing and doesnt hear his phone ring. there have been moments when he has slept in the practice rooms because it was too late for him to go home. when he isn't practicing usually he tries to be all smiles and has a happy go lucky kind of aura. if its not about the stage or his friends then he doesnt get mad a lot (example if you perform or reherse half heartedly then he will openly glare at you but if say you break a cup he really likes he will just give you puppy eyes but say "its ok we can buy another one") if you aren't a half assed performer than he is possibly the friendliest person you will ever meet (kinda like amber in a way) if he sees someone sitting alone he will most likely go over to talk to them. he has a huge number of friends because he is a friendly person that usually gets along with everyone and since he acts the way he does people all just think of him like their little brother. its kinda like he should be annoying but hes more cute than annoying so people can get along with him. he also doesn't really mind if he is yelled at so sometimes people call him when they are having a bad time and he usually makes things better with the whole happy go lucky attitude. he also has a lot of friends due to his wide connections so in general hes a people's person.

He cries a lot and sometimes he can't control it. sometimes the tears fall without him even noticing it and even though it annoys him he doesn't know how to control it. he can literally cry if he's listening to sad music and the lyrics remind him of a sad experience. If he watchs a movie where the main character dies he will cry. If he reads a really sad story he will cry. He won't be a sniffling mess but tears will just fall down his face. seriously though it's something he can't control. if he suffers from too many emotions tears will fall down his face. if he is really happy he will cry. guess who will be crying when theys wins an award? yep Lee Saeryun. he is also deathly afraid of ghost and the dark so if they ever have a courage challenge that involves walking in a dark haunted house then he would try his best to sit out or he will be screaming and grabbing onto another member really tightly. tears would probably be falling down his face although he would not be a sobbing mess. he's also not that good with heights but he can pull it off although he would not ever want to, and another thing he fears would be snakes...small ones he can handle but big ones are a no no. one of the few things that can ever get him depressed is when someone openly ignores him. due to his childhood the thing he hates the most is when someone doesn't talk to him. when he is depressed he tries not to show it but its as if someone turned the light out and its really easy to tell when he is upset. Basically when he isn't talking or smiling then something is wrong with him.

He is possesive of people rather than things. If his friends ditch him to hang out with others and he finds out about it he will be pretty annoyed all week and he will act like a child about it. "why don't you go hang out with your other friend." he doesn't like it when his best friends/crush acts really close with others in front of him and he will stand there pouting until the attention is on him again. he is also possesive of his fans so if he sees a person that is clearly his fan (she might be carrying his sign) flirting with the other members than he will also be clearly annoyed. "I thought I was your favorite."Some people think that this is an act to get fans to like him but truthfully he is just like this. If you were someone with enough guts to try and steal his girl/boyfriend then...I wish you the best of luck.

Theres a saying called forgive and forget, well with Saeryun its simply forgive because although he doesn't usually get mad at people if someone has hurt him or talked about him badly he will remember it.. He might not show it but if he and that person is alone he will confront them about whatever it is and then proceed to ignore them. The person will have to do a lot in order to get him to talk to them again and they will have to basically move the earth for him to trust them again. He has a mental blacklist of people he will not speak to again due to reasons like saying things about his brother (Saeryun is on non speaking terms with the CEO of FNC due to what he has said about Hongki)

Once he sets his mind to something its very hard to get him to change it. Theres no point in arguing becuase he'll smile and agree but then do whatever he wants anyway. Hes not illogical because he would have thought through whatever he wanted to do and if you don't agree with his logic...too bad its his life. He is only stubborn when deciding things about himself and is open to talk about group things but his logic is "If i don't hurt myself or anyone else then it should be fine right?" He followes his beleifs and if he beleives in something he is not someone that will easy change his mind. He will decline to do things and no amounts of convincing will work on him in fact he will decline to do things that he deems unapropriate on shows (e.g talking bad about his brother, being forced to eat onions) he will try to aegyo his way out of it or will jsut politely decline.

— Born the youngest sibling in a happy childhood but he had to often take care of himself from a young age due to his parents being busy (since their family wasn't really that well off), his older brother debuting in acting at the age of 13 and his sister being really smart and staying in school for classes. His childhood was happy but quite lonely. He wanted something to do as well so he took joined his brother in singing lessons and also took up piano and giutar  lessons to occupy himself. His brother debuted in Ft island when Saeryun was 12 and Saeryun became lonelier because his brother was around even less, it was around then he started to develope the whole "i can take care of myself but wouldn't you want to take care of me attitude." At school he did quite a lot of performances because he liked the spotlight, he also got small amounts of hate from guys that were annoyed at the amount of girl fans he had but that just made him strive to have perfect performances so they couldn't say anything bad. When Saeryun was 14 and sure that he also wanted to be a idol he decied to move out with Hong Ki so that the fans wouldn't flood the house (their parents weren't that keen of fan girls and being stalked and that is why their is very little information on them) Hong Ki and Saeryun ended up renting a house near FNC. That same year Hong Ki stared in You're Beautiful which made him even more famous (Saeryun had a few cameos as a fanboy) Hong Ki also took Saeryun to a few meetings with his friends (chocoball- Kim Heechul, Jang geun suk, Simon D...ect)
Saeryun started taking some dancing lessons he wanted to join a company and start training but everyone wanted him to finish school first. Saeryun didn't like the idea of just living off his brother so he started to write songs so he could make some money as a student he wrote 'Love Love Love' ''Severly' for Ft island. Orginally Saeryun wanted to audition for FNC but Hong Ki told him to find a company that better fitted him as an artist. When Saeryun first heard that KSH wanted trainees for a boyband he jumped in to audition as fast as he could. It was something orginal and he knew that he would have more freedom there than big music companes. He loves gag concert and he had such a celebrity crush on Shin Bora (was really upset when Discoveries in Life was gone). 

+cake fried chicken

+being taken cared of
+dogs (his favorite dog type are golden retreivers.)
+Children (he likes playing with kids because he has the engery to keep up with them. Children seem to flock to him)
+marvel (he has seen all the marvel movies and his favorite superhero is ironman because 1)hes awesome and 2) Robert Downey Jr is so freaking cool
+black and white (clean combination of colors).

+big snakes

+ghosts and anything with evil spirits (him going in a haunted house will involve him crying)
+food that is very sour
+being ignored
+hot weather
+getting disturbed when he is practicing (for non important reasons)

+ he carries a pillow with him when he need to travel in the car for a long period of time.

+when he eats ramen he eats all the topping and then the noodles.
+He always has a pack of gum with him
+When he is thinking hard he twists his left earring around.

+ He carries around a small notebook everywhere he goes to write down lyrics or little tunes he has stuck in his head to play on guitar later.

+Blood type AB just like his brother
+He at gaming and is someone titled "Forever Noob" when playing video games
+He has been mentioned by many friends on shows as most anticipated rookie
+He can't eat raw onions because the smell makes him sick
+He doesn't like it when people put on a ton of perfume or deodorent
+He doesn't know how to drive a car and thinks that he isn't the type that would be good at driving
+He gets around on a black scooter.
+He is a good cook since he has been cooking for himself since he was little
+He want a tatto but hasn't decided on the design yet.
+Many numbers hurt his brain.
PERSONA » Hyper Puppy

POSITION » Main Vocalist

BACK UP POSITION » Lead Vocal Lead Dancer


TRAINEE DURATION » 1 and a half year
—  As a trainee Saeryun dived into training as hard as he could. Saeryun has zero talent with rapping. It's a mixture of lack of control with the beat and lack of the right rapper aura that makes his attempts at rapping laughable. For Saeryun it's pretty impossible to make him a good rapper because even though he might be able to get the beat right it still feels wrong its almost like watching a dog try to be a cat. When he first met his roommates he had a connection with the rapper because they both liked to write music but unlike the rapper Saeryun could only write ballad type songs. They two learn from each other and help each other out with Saeryun helping to arrange the compositions. Saeryun never complained about the hardships of trainee life because he knew that at some companies things were worst and he was finally working towards being able to debut and catch up to his brother. 


+ Novemeber 4th 2008 | Cameo in "You're Beautiful" drama
+ July 7th 2009 | Wrote lyrics to "Love Love Love" by Ft island and wrote acoustic version
+ Nov 23rd 2011 | Wrote and composed song "Severely"
+ Dec 11th 2014 | Cameo modern Farmer
+ Jan 2nd 2014| Wrote Evanesce for super junior (was a gift to Heechul)
+ May 12th 2013 | Recorded chorus for Amor Fati in Epik High's new album
+ Jan.28th.2015 | appeared  at shut up flower boy band skit in gag concert.
+ April 4th 2015 | showed up as dancer in Gain's section of SNL Korea

아빠와 아들.
+Lee Hong Ki |Older Brother | Member of Ft island
The two of them are very close and although Hong Ki doesn't always show it he is often worried about his brother. They rarely get into fights because Saeryun loves his older brother too much and understands why he behaves in the way he does. Due to them ot being able to hang out much during their childhood Hongki tries to be able to meet up with his brother more although their scheduals are conflicting. They are both willing to listen to each other talk for hours and whenever something big has happened they will tell each other. Outside Hong ki migh say things like "he can take care of himself" "Or I don't talk with him much" but in reality he tries hard to make sure to be there if something is bothering his little baby brother. older

 +Lee Jaeyoung |sister | College student |
Since she always has her head buried in a book Saeryun doesn't see much of her but their relationship is not bad. Minna always makes sure to text her brothers once in a while if she has seen some news about them.

+ Lee Sunmi |Mother | office worker |
The family wasn't orginally from Seoul (Hong ki was born in Gwangju, Gyeonggi, South Korea) yet she suggested to move to seoul so the children would have better schools. All the children respect their mother and they all want to make sure that she spends her days comfortably now.

+Father || Lee Jaesong | office worker || He is there to balance out his wife to make sure to calm her down when she gets too excited or give her a shoulder to lean on when she is tired. He is like Jaeyoung is one of the quiet members of the family and doesn't know how to deal with the fact one of his kids is a kpop star and the other might become a kpop star soon. He enjoys peace and solitude more but he is willing to let the children do what they want. His father is his fountain of wisdom, sometimes when he is conflicted he will talk to his father who always seems to be able to point out the most ovbious things.

He has a huge list of friend (e.g most of chocoball so I'll just mention a few)

bestie/mentor | Kim Heechul | member of Suju
Heechul treats Saeryun just like how he treats Hongki. Heechul originally was only trying to take care of Saeryun but the two easily became friends because they are both very friendly and crazy in a way. They always have dinner together when they have time and they get their hair done together. They can both be a little childish even though Heechul is a lot older. Heechul sometimes calls Saeryun just to complain about stuff and Saeryun listens while trying to make him happy. Heechul is like a second brother only this one varies sometimes between younger and older. Heechul often tells Saeryun what to do on shows (e.g what to say to get the spot light) Saeryun listens but he wants to do things his own style so he doesn't always do what Heechul says. Saeryun is one of the few people that Heechul thinks is as pretty as himself. No one sees the age difference between them because Heechul likes to act like kid.

Food buddies | Onew | Member of SHINee 
Saeryun calls Onew 'the first idol friend I made on my own'. They met when Saeryun was eating fried chicken in one of the rooms in SM because he was waiting for Heechul (technically he wasn't supppose to be there but Heechul was not someone that often followed the rules and they managed to sneak in.) Onew came over because he smelled the chicken and was hungry. Saeryun shared it with him and the rest was history. The two are fried chicken friends and will often go out together to eat fried chicken (sometimes with EXO Kai) they are the idol fried chicken club and will send each other fried chicken before events.

littlest friend | Lee Haru | Tablo's daughter
Haru has a creative imagination and a love for nature that makes her the cutest thing in the world to Saeryun. She might be rather quiet but she is a very caring kid that always looks out for others. Since Mithra Jin is part of Chocoball Saeryun became aquainted with Tablo and he has known Haru since she was a tiny baby. Kids and Saeryun is on Haru's list of favorite people just slightly behind Gdragon and Taeyang. Saeryun loves playing with Haru and will often call Tablo to ask if he can come over to play with Haru (Tablo says that it feels like he has a big son that comes over when he feels like) Since Saeryun has a lot of engery he is able to play well with Haru and sometimes the two of them dance together. He always comes over with a new plushie for Haru and that makes her like him more. Whenever Saeryun is frustrated spending time with Haru takes his mind off things. Tablo is also a mentor like figure to him who asks him about how things are going and teaches Saeryun some things about song writing.

LOVE INTEREST » here, put occupation in parenthesis. i.e, [ gook minpyo (idol, b.i.g) ]

He seems like he would be full of himself due to the image he has on stage but in reality he is quite shy around people hes met for the first time. he sometimes acts way older than his age and people say he is like a dad but other time he jokes around like a little kid. he is good at looking innocent due to his smile. he's extremely well tempered and its almost impossible to make him angry. he works really hard at the things he likes but sometimes when he doesn't like something he will try his best to get out of it. hes very willing to do stuff and if something sounds right to him then he will act on it right away almost without thinking it through. he doesn't like conflict so instead of fighting for something he will quietly back down even though he wasn't in the wrong. he is easily subdued by others with bigger personalities when he is offstage but when he is onstage he truly shines. He's not the best with words and sometimes says some random things that he finds funny but no one else understands.

Onew has been friends with Saeryun for two years and he sees him as a perfect candidate for Taemin's boyfriend. He dragged the two of them out shopping with him as the first meeting and then left half way when 'more important things' came up. Things weren't awkward for them because they seemed to match wavelengths and they had many thing to talk about. Onew planned two more of these events before the two were meeting up without him.

Saeryun has always had a sort of idol crush on Taemin an when the real things was as awesome as the one in the videos he was very happy. Taemin loves Saeryuns energy and overall fluffy cuteness. When the two are together Saeryun sticks to Taemin by holding onto his arm or holding his hand discreetly. He doesn't really notice how much hes doing it until he sees that taemin is red in the face and then he will try to keep his hands to himself. Taemin is the more calmer one always their to slow things down if Saeryun gets too hyper or excited. Taemin is the hyung but it always feels like he is getting led around by saeryun. hes always the one that nags Saeryun by saying things like "You shouldn't eat so much chicken" or 'you should rest more" but taemin's a real push over. Saeryun knows to listen to taemin sometimes so that taemin doesn't feel ignored but he finds it fun to see Taemin's frustrated face. Taemin also has these moments (ideas fed by SHINee) when he becomes a romantic and would do things such as getting the two of them matching bracelets and he would just smile at Saeryuns happy face. The two of them also sometimes joke around like five year olds giggling at the strangest jokes. Saeryun knows how to make Taemin happy and how to make him forget about his worries. Sometimes the two of them might even just sit around in silence listening to their own music but they would just be happy to be near each other. The other shinee members find it funny how happy saeryun makes their maknae and there is no end to the amount of teasing taemin receives. the shinee members have taken to calling saeryun their brother in law. Onew is happy the two of them have gotten so close and everything is going according to plan for them to fall in love. Many people don't understand their relationship and just think that they are close friends like kai is to Taemin. Saeryun gets very possessive of Taemin and often gets jealous when he sees Taemin close with others in front of him (besides SHINee because Saeryun understands that a group is as close as family). Taemin doesn't get mad because (he just rarely gets mad) he knows that Saeryun means no harm and usually Taemin knows how to deal with a glum Saeryun. They are at a point when they are sort of dating but neither one of them has said anything so both are rather unsure what to do.

ENDING » one of them finally confessing and they get together.

BACK UP LOVE INTEREST » (an applicant)
걸인의 추억.

—  netizens comparing him and his brother and his reaction.
—  inviting friends over for party

PASSWORD »song dahye


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