AFF Quiz

Did another quiz...


1. How long have you been on Asianfanfics? - Since September 29th 2013 :D Around one and a half years now

2. How many stories have you written?  - I'm still working on one..

3. What is the best fanfic that you've read?  - Unbelievable by noirdoe

4. What do you love seeing in stories?  - Everything in the story mentioned above 

5. What do you hate seeing in stories?  - Bad grammar, generic plot, etc

6. Name three things you love about Asianfanfics.  - met people, read good stories, and that's pretty much it

7. Name three things you hate about Asianfanfics. - idk aff is fine 

8. What is your favorite pairing to read?  - jungli, krystalxyou

9. What is your favourite genre of story?  - romance or romcom 

10. How often do you go on Asianfanfics?  - almost everyday

11. Who is your best friend on AFF?  - i have friends here but i don't think i have a best friend

12. Who is your favourite Author?  - noirdoe, TheDoktor

13. Where do you come from?  - --

14. If you could change anything on AFF what would it be?  - idk :P 

15. What is your biggest AFF peeve?  - roleplay advertisements lmao

16. Which group do you mostly read about on AFF?  - i went from taecyoon to wootae to jungli so idk 

17. What is your favorite narrative to use in your stories?  - idk 

18. What is your most disliked sort of story?  - stories that don't make sense

19. What age are you?  - turning 15 in less than two weeks

20. What pairing don't you like?  - Sustal, kaistal, sestal


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