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How have things been? Finals coming up? Mine are in two weeks. Then I'm free for the summer! That wonderful season where everyone forgets what they learned the rest of the year in school. But there's one thing I don't want to forget. Mandarin. I love learning it, and speaking it, and writing it, but I won't be able to really do that this summer. There's literally only ten people taking Chinese at my school and only three (including me) are taking it next year. 

Since aff's community is so huge, I was wondering if there were anyone out there who could write in mandarin, who wouldn't mind having a conversation partner. I don't really know all that much, and my grammar is at an elementary level, but I'd really love the help. And I'd certainly return the favor somehow, in any way that I can. 


Mickey (Turtleyperson)

PS I'm pretty sure I somehow wrote the title of this post wrong....


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