My Love Sick Fanfics and Elias' story - writing hiatus soon to be lifted ^^

Sorryyyy to all the ones asking for new chapters :(
I have been kinda down lately and not gotten anything written, inspiration has been low and I've just been gorging in Thai series and movies
and living in a lazy little bubble :P
But now I'm starting to miss both Phun's thoughts (Love Sick Fanfics) and Elias' story (my original character BL)
so I'll try to get back to my beloved boys as soon as possible ^^

Much love to the faithful fans for supportive messages asking for updates!


// Bambi


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Ojdå! Kry på dig! Hoppas du känner dig bättre och får inspiration till att fortsätta snart~
lilith9999 #2
Hey, I hope you are better. Take your time if you need. And I am a good friend to talk with!! ;P