"oh hun." + hello there, i'm graydon mars! you can call me gray if you like, graydon's a pretty long name! if you ever need anything, please don't be afraid to ask, alright? trust me, i'll have what you need. my maman has always said that i was a gentle and tender soul, very in touch with my feminine side. i like dungeons & dragons and i trust nicki minaj with my life. i'm a little dense too, so please be direct with me!
replace with icon of your character. 100x100. note this will be used for the chatroom!!
replace with photo of your character. 216 x 311.
basic info
name: graydon mars
+ gray :: used by a lotta people because graydon is a long name
+ dimples :: used by his goddess sistine because of his adorable dimples
+ Giraffe :: used by friends because his neck is so long its kinda scary
+ mama hen :: used by anyone who knows gray because he's a mega mama hen
birthday: 02/14 + 18
ethnicity: african american creole + cajun
birthplace: baton rouge, louisiana
+ baton rouge :: 2 years
+ modesto :: 15 years
+ english :: fluent
+ french :: native
faceclaim: alfie enoch
backup faceclaim: chaz bundick
style: gray gets all his clothes from thrift stores, so he kind dresses like a dweeb. he has a lot of cozy sweaters and high waisted jeans that make his look nice.
appearance: graydon mars is so handsome!! look at his dimples!! he's a bit tall and lanky, but that's okay!! he also has a really, really nice that is always accentuated by his jeans.
height: 6'0" and 182cm
weight: 139 lbs and 63kg
anything else: 18.8 bmi.
who are you truly?
personality traits
+ positive: resourceful, mama hen, sincere, sweet, feminine
+ negative: weak-hearted, gullible, fragile, dense, passive
graydon mars' backpack is basically hammerspace with anything anyone could possibly need, ever. you need pads, people with s? mama gray has them here. oh i'm sorry, cramping up? oh yeah just let him whip out his advil. hungry buddy? bam take a microwave meal. missed out on those notes? that's a-okay because gray has you covered. why does he have all this stuff? not because he enjoys carrying a 25 lbs bag, but because he wants everyone to be safe and healthy. if you ever need to talk, graydon mars is there for you. he treats everyone like they're his child, and is actually quite fond of calling people "the fruit of my loins". graydon is essential the therapist for 90% of the kids at the modesto high school. he's just so bright and sweet and loves everyone unconditionally. just seeing his face can put people in a better mood. he tries his best to keep everyone out of trouble, always looking out for everyone, even those kids smoking weed behind the school. graydon isn't afraid to lecture people either. he would risk his life to make sure others are safe.

graydon mars is basically afraid of everything. he's scared less of just the possibility of someone breaking into his house and strangling him with a plastic bag, so he puts all plastic bags away. he's terrified of his mama finding out he watched and sending him off to the vatican, so he's never watched a in his life. he ducks every time a bird gets too close to him. and don't get graydon mars started on worms and butterflies. out there somewhere is a universe where there are butterfly worms. just flying around and drying up on sidewalks. just the thought makes his heart stop. he's just one giant scaredy-cat and will jump into someone's arms like scoobert doo if he sees a worm honestly.

there is nothing wrong with a young man wanting to express his femininity! graydon loves girls and femininity so much. he just loves seeing girls being girls, its such a spiritual experience. honestly, graydon mars is probably more feminine than even some girls he knows, and that's okay! he's all about pink and he's all about cute. gray cares more for his appearance than most guys do, going out of his wear to put on some bb cream on those touch skin days, and yes he does wear bronzer, he has to make his beautiful brown skin shimmer like her was graced by sistine bianchi the gods

please do not yell at or be too harsh with graydon mars otherwise he'll cry. he is just a tiny fairy who is trying his best, so please. graydon is very distressed at the littlest things, and just about everything makes him cry. when he talks to people, he has the power of making them feel like the most special person on the planet.

if your wanna be graydon mars's lover, you gotta spell it out concisely and clearly because he is so dense he will not get it. he's not exactly good at reading the mood and reading between the line. if you tell him to stop texting you because you're sad and you want him to talk to you more, he'll just say "okay bye?" also he's rather passive because he doesn't like confrontation. what's that you wanna shove him into a trashcan? okay i guess, just please be gentle because he bruises like a peach. you wanna not give his pen back after you borrowed it? that's alright he has plenty that's why he buys a lot of them.
graydon was born in baton rouge and moved to modesto. it's only been gray and his mom, so it makes sense he's a bit more feminine than most boys. the pair don't live in the fanciest house in modesto, nor do they have a lot of money, but his maman is very hardworking and he is eternally proud to be her son. he used to be friends with maxine price but she stopped talking to him and he is now in love with sistine bianchi.
+ sistine bianchi :: she's so beautiful and cute and funny and she makes his heart skip beats and butterflies flutter around in his tummy. and she has nice s
+ nicki minaj :: his mother. he trusts nicki with his life
+ babies and kids :: he's so good with children and babies its not even funny
+ when his maman does his hair :: its very soothing and she doesn't rip all his follicles out and calls him "tenderheaded"
+ dungeons & dragons :: he's a dweeb so what?

+ when guys try to make new words to cater to their masculinity :: "bromance". "guyliner". "manbun". , its just friendship, eyeliner, and a bun the ?
+ yelling :: everyone just use your indoor voices pls
+ hypermasculinity :: there is nothing wrong with him embracing feminity get outta here with that machismo bull
+ being scared for people's amusment :: its really not funny thinking you're gonna die bc someone plays a mean prank on you.
+ not having what people need :: it makes him feel like a failure because he's know as the guy who has everything you need.

+ cooking :: since his mom is busy a lot, he usually does the cooking and cleaning in the house and he's really good at it too.
+ knitting :: shut up its not an old lady thing.
+ every morning he dances to nicki minaj's anaconda in his undies. it makes him feel powerful
+ his nose crinkles when he smiles
+ chews gum when he studies
+ dances around in his undies every morning and night
+ when he's in the passenger seat, he's a backseat driver and always talks about the things people do wrong on the road
+ whenever he sees sistine, he thanks the lord

+ being robbed while delivering pizza :: what if they take his money, car, and pizza? if someone tried robbing him he would beat them with piping hot pizza.
+ sistine not loving him :: he's built up such an intense relationship with her in his head that he doesn't know what he'll do if she rejects him. 
+ some of his more memorable pizza delivery customers are a surly korean mom with a giant shoulder tattoo about a baby giving birth to a full grown woman, the obligatory men with unimpressive es, an on duty cop who flagged him down and intercepted him before he could get to the police department and pulled gray over to get his pizza, an elderly man who wrote ' off' as his signature on his receipt, an elderly lesbian couple who didn't have money for a tip but gave gray a big bag of pistachios that took him 3 weeks to finish
+ his mom fully supports him dating sistine
+ in d&d, his character is a halfling inventor
+ he had never touched himself until he met sistine don't tell her that though what if she thinks he's a freak?? or a ert?? she's just so pretty
+ he wants maxine to talk to him again he swears he never put any worms into her ice cream.

+ maman : georgina mars : 38 : housekeeper : 10
+ best bud : ellington jung : 18 : best buy geek squad : 10
+ love of his life : sistine bianchi : 17 : aa employee : 8
some weird limbo where she doesn't talk to him even though he never put worms in her ice cream : maxine price : 18 : mayor's daughter : 4
you got invited to the 'biggest party of the year', how do you react? 
+ um
i didn't get invited... but that's okay my invite probably got lost in the mail. or maybe maxine forgot about me? i understand, everyone's busy and we forget things sometimes!! ha
thoughts on maxine pryse? *coughs*
+ maxine please i never put worms in your ice cream! i would never do that i'm terrifyed of worms!
did you know her dad's the mayor??
+ yeah i knew. my maman was actually her housekeeper for a while.
were you even relatively interested in that noise in the backyard?
+ of course! what if sistine had gotten hurt? i mean, what if anyone got hurt? and plus no one was there to pay for the pizza because they were all either staring at the window or outside trying to touch whatever it was! oh hun, i just didn't know what to do 

but really though, sistine's okay right?
would you let an alien live in your house?
+ my mommy would probably yell at me if i did.
do you find aliens to be cool?
+ of course i do, hun! there are more galaxies than we could ever imagine and so many planets and we're not alone and just the thought of seeing an alien terrifies me and excites me at the same time!
can you please tell me why the aliens are so... hot?
+ oh hun.
ok but seriously lmao would you bang or nah??
+ hun!
got any plans for the future?
+ hmmm... well, i'd like to be a vet. but for elephants and lions and stuff and then i wanna spend my life in africa taking care of animals.
what is your life like right now?
+ i wake up at 5am and i dance to nicki minaj before i go downstairs and start making brakfast for maman. i usually check the news and the weather and send sistine a good morning text before checking to see when my next d&d session is. after breakfast is done, i wake maman up and i go to school, then i go to work, then i go home and talk to sistine and ellington for a bit before dancing in my undies some more before going to bed at a decent hour.
what knowledge of earth would you offer to your alien comrade?
+ cajun food :: one of the great prides of louisiana, graydon learned how to cook cajun from his maman and how he wants to pass the knowledge to mimi.
replace ksh with l/i icon 190x190. note this will be used for the chatroom!!
who's this freak?
alias: kim miyoung
+ mimi :: her "american" name but graydon is pretty sure that name isn't american and he just decided to call her what she wanted to be called 
birthday: 05/01 + 16
ethnicity: korean
faceclaim + backup: mimi & soyul
+ english :: fluent
+ korean :: fluent
what's the story?
+ POSITIVE: dediated, cheeky, lovely, intelligent, dedicated
+ NEGATIVE: snobby, intimidating, indecisive, pretentious, spoiled
mimi on the outside is a bit cold and standoff-ish. she doesn't talk that much and it takes a bit to bring her out of her shell. to those who don't know her, they'd sum her up as that brainiac kid who raises her hand to answer every question and up to the teacher and reminds the teachers to collect homework. and whenever someone complains about it she says, "its not my fault you're irresponsible and slack off instead of doing your homework". not many people actually do try and peel back mimi's layers, because she's a bit intimidating. mimi really is brainy, she knows a whole bunch of stuff. she can recite the first 400 digits of pi, she solves problems using math formulas that aren't even in the textbooks, she reads classic prose and heavily analyzes everything down to the simplest themes. she solves chemical equations to start her day and the only way to turn off her alarm clock is to solve a problem using only long division. mimi spends most of her time with her nose in an above-level textbook or some archaic piece of literature that not even the english teachers have heard about.

but looking past her brains, mimi is totally cheeky, in the cutest way possible. she's brash with a smile on her face, she's honest but not too hurtful, she's confident without coming off as cocky. she's sassy and vivacious. her responses are always sharp and on point. she will not hesitate to on someone's life. mimi can command a room when she wants to, with strong hidden charisma. if someone tries to come at her reckless, she'll quickly shut them down with a cute and witty smartmouthed comeback. mimi is a very lovely woman, the kind your mother would be happy if you brought home and the kind your granny would invite for tea. despite her slight sassy streak, she's thoughtful for the most part. very sincere and genuinely cares about people and what may be going on in there lives. she's very elegant as well with proper grammer and and a broad vocab and avoiding contractions and speaking clearly and loudly. mimi's outer demeaner is very composed, and she doesn't really show if she is like sobbing or fuming with rage unless she is at her boiling point. mimi can keep her confidence in check. yeah, she's really awesome and a queen, but she knows that everyone else is on her level too!

being a rich girl, it's kinda hard to not be a snob. she always presents herself as more mature and sophisticated than everyone else, no matter what the situation is. at this point, mimi doesn't even realize she's doing this because it has been conditioned in her brain to act this way and hold her head that way and walk with her shoulders back. mimi is very priviledge and is able to visit the places she wants, and as such she is very cultured and ripe with experiences. she casually uses ostentaious words in her daily vocabulary. mimi, sadly, cannot even begin to imagine life with no money. like if her life was like 2 broke girls, she would probably hate herself and her life. she always has an eye for the refined and more expensive things in life, especially after growing up in an environment where money was never an obstacle.sad as it is, mimi has the hardest time making decisions for herself. the most dreaded question of her childhood was when she went to someone's house and they were like "so what do you want to do?" that made mimi want to scream. mimi is literally the worst at making decisions because it will be 99.9999% of mimi freaking out because she's never had this much control over anything and 0.00000001% actual decision making. choices just make mimi really anxious and she just can't handle it. mimi really likes people who can decide everything for her, because that makes her life so much easier, as she grew up with everyone making her decisions for her.
her parents were leaders of the planet. as such, she experienced a very priviledged upbringing. she went into human studies and was sent down to earth to try and make contact with humans. she got everything she ever wanted because she had a lot of money in the bank.
+ likes expensive jewels
+ dislikes decisions
+ she traveled a lot
+ her family has multiple summer homes and are planning on getting one on earth
+ Can play a bunch of instruments
+ is very impressed by sistine's s

PREFERRED LOVE INTEREST: THE beautiful goddess that is sistine bianchi
PLOTLINE: I, THE #pizzaguy, heard the crash while delivering pizza.

Hopelessly in love with her > Too dense to realize she likes him too > HE FINALLY NOTICES > LOTS OF KISSES > also no longer having to use his hand for company
check sistines app lmao
love story:
essentially falling in love at first sight, gray built up this serious relationship with her in his head. despite this, he's been too afraid to confess to her because she's so pretty and perfect and he's a pizza delivery guy. it takes aliens falling from the sky to notice that she likes him too
anything else:  

his first meeting with sistine was equally as ugly. as soon as she walked into the cafeteria, his eyes were on her. and he bumped into maxine and spilled spaghetti all over her fancy white shirt. ( sorry maxine! )
replace with a photo of your l/i being cute. 206 x 160. 2nd password.
this is the end
+ u should listen to starry night by standing egg its v nice and soothing
scene requests
+ gray getting sistine into d&d



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bye idk u anymore go od bye