Application for "Sue" =P


Username` Seonriyong

Profile link`

Character Name` Kwon Ri Yeon

Stage Name` Luniya

Birthday & Age` October, 17th / 20 years old

Height & Weight (cm&kg)` 165 cm / 48 kg

Ethnicity (somehow Korean)` Korean

Place of birth` Jeju, South Korea

Language spoken (not too much)` English (fluent), Korean (fluent), Japanese (broken~)

Appearance (at least 5 ulzzang pictures and name the ulzzang used)` Do Hwe Ji

Position` Jack of All Trades

Persona` The Devil Behind the Eye Smile

Likes (7+)`

- Plushies
- Her headphones
- Food
- Break dancing
- Mocking people
- Playing pranks
- Martial arts
- Listening to people's problems

Dislikes (7+)`

- Cooking
- Arguing
- Being told what to do
- Scary movies
- People with cakes for faces
- Jerks
- People who don't know their place

Hobbies (5+)`

- Drawing
- Composing beats
- Playing the guitar and piano
- Doing her nails
- Practicing martial arts

Talents (3+)`

- rapping
- singing
- dancing
- imitating people
- arts and crafts
- fixing technology

Trivia (5+)`

- She adores BIGBANG
- Her headphones are Beats by Dr. Dre (black)
- She still makes wishes upon shooting stars
- She sings to herself at night.... since she’s insomniac

- Her pranks normally get her in some serious crap
- She is trained in 3 different martial arts
- She has a tattoo of a purple butterfly encircled by a black sun, and surrounded by black stars, and writing that says 'Navi Tae Yang Byeol', that can be seen on her waist area
>>click to view<< (sorry it looks bad, I drew it..)
- She is so obsessed with BIGBANG and 2NE1 that no matter what person in either group you throw at her, she can complete at least one perfect imitation.

- She has a scar behind her right ear.
- She has nicknames for all of the BIGBANG members.

  • She calls Tae Yang; "Tae Tae-oppa", "Yangie-oppa" or "Teddy 'Bae'r~" -- which is a pun on his real name.
  • She calls G-Dragon; "Yongie-oppa" and "Chii~" -- making fun of people who can't say "Ji".
  • She calls Dae Sung; "Sungie-oppa", or "Dodaemon" -- reference to Doraemon.
  • She calls Seung Ri; "Pandii-oppa" -- because she thinks "panda" sounds weird, and "Pandii" is so much cuter.
  • She calls T.O.P; "Tabi-ahjussi" or "Tabi-oppa" -- just because he's the eldest in BIGBANG

Personality (at least 2 paragraphs or more)` When you first meet her, she will come off as the craziest ever -- and she will be if your first impression on her is bad unless you can prove otherwise. She is what you would call a crazy teenager. She will beat the crap out of you if you annoy her. She’s pretty rude to old people, but you could probably grow to love her -- THE KEY WORD IS PROBABLY! She LOVES to mock other groups, and break dance. She adores the group maknae to the limit, and will spoil her with every chance she gets. When she doesn't get something that she wants, she will sulk in a corner, and when you try to call her name, she will glare at you no matter who you are -- which doesn't help her get what she wants in anyway. Although she maybe a tough girl on the outside, she's just hiding her weak and innocent side. However, get on her bad side, and you've got a total trailing behind your every movement.

She has an obsession with music therefore always has her headphones with her except for on occasions where she’s not allowed to bring them. She is playful, and loves to pull pranks on everyone. She is known to be evilly skilled with pranks. She also likes to freak people out by being seductive. She is like this when people , or when they make suggestive comments -- which just leads to them getting a black-eye... with the occasional epic fail of a punch... aha. She will protect the people she cares for, and she will forever treasure anything you give her as a present.  However, although she seems so hyper and bubbly, the instant she sees her crush, she goes into dead silent mode -- where she hardly speaks, and is very very shy.

Family members (name, age and some info)`

- Kwon Seung Kyon | Father | 43 | He is a resigned composer for YG Entertainment, but after he resigned from his position, he took his works with him and continued on them at home.
- Song Chae Hyun | Mother | 38 | Works as an international fashion designer. She's hardly ever home, and everyone knows as a fact that she's having an affair with someone in Japan -- where she's currently working.
- Kwon Sun Chae | Sister |  22 | Studying in a college in Gwangju. No one really knows what she's doing now because she never contacts the family.

Family background (at least 1 paragraph or more)` Kwon Ri Yeon came from an economically decent family. They weren't rich, nor were they poor, but growing up, they moved around the country a lot. It was hard for both Ri Yeon and Sun Chae to make friends, but eventually they found a place to settle -- Seoul.  But by the time they finished moving around, Sun Chae was in college -- hardly ever contacting the family, and and Ri Yeon was in her sophomore year of high school.

Trainee years (between 2-6 years)` 5 years and 2 months

Trainee background (How you became a trainee? What happened? Daily routines? At least 2 paragraphs or more)` Her father being a resigned composer, he rooted Ri Yeon on to become a singer -- hopefully singing the songs he wrote and left back for the music industries one day. Being so determined and dedicated to their goal of Ri Yeon becoming a musician/idol, Ri Yeon's family decided to drop her out of school after she finished her sophomore year, and auditioned her for CUBE Entertainment -- and failed. LOEN Entertainment -- and failed, then finally Doll Entertainment -- succeeding because of her dancing abilities and rapping abilities, as well as her English.   

Ri Yeon's trainee experience in her words, would be "complete, and disastrous... hell". She was always late for her practices, and she would be very stubborn to follow the choreographed practice dances because she claimed they were much too easy, and she preferred freestyle. Her trainee dorm-mates tried to wake her up every morning early so they wouldn't be late as well, but all fails when trying to wake a bear, during it's hibernation, up. Though much of it was all about getting in trouble for being late, Ri Yeon had a lot of fun making new friends, and training alongside all the people who are now famous from Doll Entertainment -- not to mention all the times she pulled pranks to get them in trouble with the CEO.

Ideal type (between 1-3)`

- Tae Yang (BIGBANG)
- G-Dragon (BIGBANG)

Reason why he's your ideal`

- Tae Yang: He's kind and sweet, and has a great work ethic. Someone fun to be with when you're down because he can cheer you up and he will listen to all your problems. He's seems quiet and doesn't look like the type of guy who would be controlling and gives his girl freedom. Plus he's attractive....

- G-Dragon: The adorkable fashionista. He's so cute and funny. He knows how to lighten the mood, and he also has a great work ethic. He seems like someone you would like to be with to get your work done! His dorkiness has a charm that makes you love him! He's also attractive.

Crush (between 1-3)`

- Tae Yang (BIGBANG)

Reason why he's your crush` He's Ri Yeon's most ideal type.

Partner (between 1-3)`

- Tae Yang (BIGBANG)

Friends (at least 2 or more)`

Jo Kwon (2AM)
Seung Ri (BIGBANG)
Nicole (KARA)

How you became friends` They all became friends in the same way. So Yu was a childhood friend who lived down the street, and after she became an idol, she dragged Ri Yeon around to meet her new friends which just happened to be Nicole, and Jo Kwon. Seung Ri on the otherhand was someone met when Ri Yeon was late for work and bumped into. They all are very close.

Rivals (only 3 or less)`

- Lee Ji Eun (IU)

Reason for rivalry`Rival in love.. and hell to the yes did she meet Ri Yeon's cocky and y side. At each other's throats 24/7~ =3

Twitter account (make one up)` @luniya-tokki

Facebook account (make one up)` (Kwon Ri Yeon)

Password` BarbieDoll

Extras` Because I must always say this; I have NOTHING against IU! =O It's just because she seems perfect for the role seeing her ideal type is Tae Yang! Anyways, on another note; good luck on selecting the members, and I hope my application wasn't irritating to read! Thank you for looking at my application, I hope you consider picking me!


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