


Lee Haru

15ANNABELLA • AMU • 8/10


You're so Beautiful.

name » Lee Haru

nickname(s) » Haru 2(due to chic resemblence to Tablo's daughter she is called haru number two to )
Panther- because she usually wears all black
Hama-special nickname Jongdae used to called her (short of haru and umma, because she sometimes acted like his mom.)

Birthday + AGe » Jan 14 1992 23

birthplace » Siheung, Gyeonggi-do south korea

hometown » Siheung, Gyeonggi-do south korea
Seoul South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

language » Korean- native 
English- advanced (perfect student in english for many years)

face claim » Mya

backup face claim » Jo eun hee 


appearance »Haru stands at 165cm and weighs 50kg. Haru is quite skinny for her height and due to the length of her legs compared to her torso she actually seems skinnier than she actually is. Usually hidden under layers of clothes she has a faint six pack that she keeps by doing at least 300 sit ups a day. The things that stand out on her is usually her eyebrows because she doesn't keep it very thin and her lips because she likes wearing red lip stick. One more stand out point is that her head is quite small which would give her an innocent look but it doesn't really do that with her style. She has both ears pierced and is usually seen wearing stud earrings. She has no tattoos because she has yet to pick out a design that she finds special enough but once she has she will not hesitate to get it done because she doesn't fear the pain.  

She has hair that is so dark brown it looks black and she has never dyed it before because she likes black. She will not go out unless she has eyeliner on and has mastered it enough that it only takes her a few seconds to draw them on.

style » Her closet consists of 80% black, 10% white and 10% other colors. She feels most comfortable in black and least comfortable in clothes that are brightly colored (neon pink, bright green...ect) She has enough hats to be rivals with most hip hop boy group members. She hates thin high heeled shoes so she will stay as far away from them as possible. Shes not afraid of the winter so when others have a big woolly coat on she might just wear a average jacket.

"Maybe it'd be better if I helped out in the kitchen"


She's My lAdy.

plotline »Entertainer
BackUp PLOTLINE »Pastry Chef

Description » Long lost childhood friend of the Dae. She has a voice that's good enough for her to be an idol but she really doesn't like too much attention. It really is her passion for singing that makes her stand on the stage everynight (and the fact that Jongdae dragged her on.)
Traits » 

(+)/positive traits - good listener, caring
(-)/negative traits - quiet, insecure, harsh
(/)/neutral traits - hard working, secrective


personality » She is someone who understands that achievements come from hard work and without hard work you get nowhere, so she is someone who works her off no matter what and was the type of student that read the whole text book the week after they got it. She's the type to give almost everything her 100% and if you need a favor from her she will try to do it to the best of her ability. When she wants to improve on something she will work extremely hard to master something to the best of her ability. Usually being hard working is a positive trait but sometimes she tends to take it to the extreme, often skipping meals or not sleeping the day before a test to study. There has been once or twice when she fainted due to exhaustion so her friends watch out that she rests. She is harsh on herself when working and even though she is usually quite even tempered around if she finds someone slacking off during work she will not hold back and start scolding them, even if they are older than her she still will be telling them off for not giving their all. When she is scolding people her voice goes low and the arua she gives out is very scary so even if someone has a big temper they are quiet when she is scolding them. If she makes a single mistake on stage she will not forgive herself and would endlessly practice that one line again and again. When she is on stage she forgets everything and it is almost as if she is in a trance when the music is on.

She isn't very good at approaching people to make friends. She doesn't know how to randomly start talking to someone so it might seem like she is cold but in reality she is just slightly awkward. To get close to her it often has to be someone talks to her first her first and then people will realize that she is a really nice girl. She still isn't as talkative as some people out there but she likes listening to others more than just talking on and on about herself. Sometimes she might tell a story from her life but then she would think that she talks to much and suddenly stop and apologize. (example. "and then we went to the store to buy some things and the fans recognized us and that made me happy...oh sorry I talked for too long).  She will answer questions asked but she doesn't know how to start topics and cut into conversations.  She is usually the first person people go to when they need to talk because she gives the person her whole attention (having known what its like to be not aknowledged) and makes sure not to form a judement until everything is said. ​She enjoys taking care of others and will automatically nominate herself to help when everyone is tired (this how you tell if people are close to her. If they aren't close then she would not take care of them ) She will go out on her own to buy medicine for sick friends. 

Every time anyone gives her a compliment her automatic reply is "*insert name here* is better than me i need to improve more". She's so used to it that those who know her have stopped trying to get her to accept compliments. There are people out there that thinks shes being sarcastic but truthfully no matter how well she does she never truly thinks she is any good. When she is outside of the practice rooms she is very secretive of her emotions. Its very hard to tell if she is upset or not because she doesn't easily show it and chooses to keep it all inside. She only ever cries when she is alone, she cries due to stress or sadness but never due to happiness. Since she isn't someone that always has a smile on her face (her regular face can look tough which has led someone people to think that she is a .

trivias »

 1)Fried Chicken (she can eat it for three meals a day and not get tired of it)
2)Iron Man (she is a marvel fan and her favorite superhero is iron man because she finds Robert Downey Jr to be very cool and because Iron Man is just awesome)
3)light rain (she likes the smell and sound of the light rain and she sleeps better if its raining (not if its a heavy storm though) she sometimes likes walking through light rain and feeling the droplets fall)
4)nail art (one aspect of fashion where she likes to be colorful. She is learning the simple stuff and likes helping others paint their nails)
5)cold drinks (she rarely ever drinks anything hot (besides soup) and if she gets served hot water she will wait for hit to become cold before she drinks it)
6)hats (she likes different types of hats from snapbacks to beanies and has a large collection at home)
7)watermelons (favorite fruit)
8)Lattes (hot or cold its her favorite drink)



 1)heavy smelling perfume (she hates it when people puts on too much perfume and she will stay away from them because her nose would feel horrible)
2)white chocolate (too sweet)
3)really sunny days (she burns easily so if its sunny she has to apply on a ton of sunscreen)
4)garlic (she hates the taste and the smell)
5)hot weather (it makes her feel sluggish and icky because of the sweat)
6)snakes (big no no. She is terrified of snakes)


 1)She carries a set of earphones and her mp3 wherever she goes
2)She carries a pillow when she needs to spend a long time in the car
3)If she is wearing a ring she will fiddle with it when talking
4)she drinks low fat milk every morning (if she is in an unfamiliar area she will ask for directions to the market) 5)she plugs in her earphones when she is in the car but the volume is usually low so she can hear others talk
6)calling jongdae pabo at least once a day.



 1)knitting (a rather recent hobbie she now turns into a grandmother during christmas making scarves, gloves and hats for her friends)
2)watching marvel movies (if there is a new one she needs to watch it in theaters and when she is on break she will be in bed rewatching some of the movies)
3)cooking (since she usually cooks for herself she is quite a good cook)
4)nail art (she is on her way to doing more and more complicaed designs)
5)listening to music (she has about 450 songs on her phone that ranges from kpop to krock to american pop to hip hop. she will listen to anything as long as she likes it.)


Random facts

 — Her favorite artist is Tablo because she respects his lyrics and his skill.
 — Her ringtone is the chorus of Spoiler
 — Her eyesight is perfect so she doesn't need glasses.
 — she can't wear colored contacts because her eyes are sensitive
 — She is easy to wake up if she has slept more than 4 hours if not then she latches herself on to the person waking her up like a koala
 — She is good at the piano and uses it as a way to get inspiration for songs.
 — Shes the type to know everyone's birthday and message them at 12am.
 — she only needs to listen to a song 4-5 times before she can sing it
 — people have told her that she sounds like Taeyeon although she always denies it and says taeyeon is way better
—she can push herself to stay awake for three days before she collapses.
—whenever someone thinks that she and jongdae are dating because they act close she just stares at them confused and then she laughs.
—her special nickname for jongdae was padae (short for pabo jongdae)
—besides from her actual job she also helps out as a waitress and even helps out Kyungsoo in the kitchen.
—jongdae knows her temper quite well so he always makes sure that he doesn't piss her off to the point that she is angry and when she tells him to apologize to customers for being too blunt he usually does (although he doesn't really mean it)



The History that i make.

background » Haru's life wasn't sad but very lonely. Her parents fell in love too young too fast and almost as soon as Haru was born they realized they weren't meant for each other but had too much to lose if they separated. They were the type that never really planned their lives and used work as an excuse to spend time away. Haru spent most of her early years with different nannies rather than her parents. She tried her hardest to get their attention but they were involved in their own lives. 
At school she was the straight A student because she wanted her parents to be proud. In third grade she was sat next to Jongdae who often managed to make her laugh in class. He made small jokes and would pass her notes in class with jokes about the teacher. He became her friend and she watched out for him by letting him copy her homework and helped him out by whispering the answer to him in class. Since they had a positive effect on each other the teahcers mostly  turned a blind eye on their whispering. Jongdae loved to play pranks on classmates and teachers and Haru helped him by making sure that every step of the prank was perfect.
They both really loved music so in fifth grade the two sang a duet for the school talent show and won because they really were good. From then on in music lessons the two were often paired together and even lead the choir in their middle school years. During that point it didn't matter that her parents didn't care about her because she had Jongdae who was like a brother (only plantonic love between these two)
Just before high school her father and mother were transferred to Seoul for work, even though she didn't want to she went to seoul as well because even though she could tell they didn't care that much about her she couldn't stay in her hometown alone. After highschool started jongdae and Haru lost contact. Since she was such a quiet person she had a hard time getting used to a new place and going to a new school with new classmates. She made a few friends but never really had someone like Jongdae and being to scared to sing alone she stopped performing. Haru continued to work hard and she got into Yonsei college (taking a course in international studies). Since her parents didn't  bother coming home at night now that Haru was an adult she moved to the dorm. she saw her parents about once every three months if she was luck although they always rememberd to send spending money to her card every month so she couldn't completely hate them. 
Wanting to earn her own money Haru took up a job serving coffee at a cafe. It was on a regular monday afternoon when she saw someone that looked very familiar walk into the cafe, thinking that she might have mistaken him as a idol she let it go until she heard him yell "Is that you Hama?" recognizing that childhood nickname she called back. "Padae?" (yes like some random kdrama) and the two hugged. He waited until she could leave and they walked and talked about how they have been. He dragged her to the hoteland came up with the idea of the two doing a duet. She declined because she didn't sing anymore but he got really annoyed and picked a song the thought she would know and just dragged her on the stage. Being on stage and with so many eyes watching she zoned out and the 'no failure allowed' part of her brain so she sang and sang well. She didn't even realized they finished until the clapping from the audience woke her from her daze she ran off. 
Jongdae came by for a whole week to convince her to take a permanate job at the hotel but she kept declining until finally she couldn't put up with it anymore and agreed to apply for the position pretty sure that she wouldn't get chosen since she wasn't very good. When she got chosen she dind't know if she should cry or laugh.


family  her father and mother will not appear much in the story as they are "too busy working and don't really have time to visit home"



» Kim Jongdae | sibling like | 22 | caring, funny, cheerful, honest |like brothers and sisters these two have known each other for more than ten years. With no real end to the dumb stories they can tell the two are polar opposites. Jongdae has a big enough mouth that he is able to do the talking for both of them while Haru listens for the both of them. Haru knows what Jongdae is planning even before he opens his mouth and she is one of the few people that can in some form get him to control himself with his honestly. Haru laughs the most with Jongdae since he knows the jokes that will make her laugh.

» Kim Hyuna | Dormmates +best buds
|22 | bright, charasmatic, charming, funny | These two are dormmates and although things were awkward at first sincee they were very different but they have grown used to each other. Hyuna gets haru to come out of her comfort box by hanging out with her friends and dragging her out to party while Haru takes care of hyuna helping her with anything she doens't understand. Haru sees Hyuna as a strong persona and although she often gets misunderstood as a because of her charasma she never lets that bother her and that is something Haru respects. If you ever hurt one of them the other will come running after with a huge chainsaw so beware. 

» Do Kyungsoo| new friends | 22 | quiet, short tempered,hardworking. | When he heard that Jongdae's friend wanted to help in the kitchen he was oh so skeptical but after he saw her work he was satisfied. The two don't really talk much but are quite silmilar so they get along. Not the best of friends but he doesn't want to punche her face out like he does with Baekhyun so they are cool.



RIVALS optional

» Name | Relationship | Age | Traits | Interaction


OtherS optional

» Name | Relationship | Age | Traits | Interaction


Call Me Baby.

love interest » Kim Minseok

backup love interest » Zhang Yixing


Interaction » When Minseoks and Haru are in the same room the two just drift together until they end up standing next to each other. Its just like magic when subconsciously they end up close together. Minseok also being one of the quieter ones in the group knows when Haru wants to speak out but doesn't know how to so he'll ask her to tell him and he'll say it out loud. Minseok is very encouraging he understands her insecurities and makes it his mission to give her a compliment a day till she accepts them. Do you know those people that you know like each other from the way they look at each other? This is the relationship between Minseok and Haru. For them there was no bubbling, blushing stuttering as you stared at the other moments they simply moved from acquaintances to a old married couple. Always looking out for each other and telling th other to take care of themselves, these two leave the loveless crying. 
The skinship comes naturally for these two and they don't even really notice it. Why should she freak out that Minseok's hand is on her shoulder when it doesn't feel out of place? They haven't known each other long but can read each other like an open book when no one esle can. She knows perfectly well when Minseok is tired even when the others can't and shes ready to give him a shoulder to lean on. They are so matching that no one really questions when they call each other just to hear their voice. The word fate couldn't really descrive them any better. 
haru does snap out of this 'marriage' once in a while to wonder what they are. She tries to put space between them as she thinks about it but sooner or later shes standing next to Minseok as he makes a drink just for her.


love story » Minseok met Haru when he heard her sing with Jongdae and cupid then and there shot an arrow through his heart. He didn't see her again (athough he asked Jongdae about her a lot) until he saw her twirling a ring on her finger as she waited to be interviewed. With her in mind he made her a latte and went over to talk. Since Haru didn't know him she only politely answered his questions "yes I'm Jongdae's friend" "I'm waiting to see the manager about a job""nice to meet you Minseok." but she did manage to memorize most of his handsome facial features. Let's jsut say that after the meeting with him she was slightly more motivated to get the job.

When she's working shes focused on her job but when shes on her break she finds herself staring to where Minseok is. When she is singing sometimes she finds that she is facing that direction. Finally tired of the obvious crush Jongdae pushes Haru over to get a drink during her break. She gets the drink and when hes not busy Minseok walks over to get to know her. They don't relly know what to talk about but they get on the topic of coffee and that conversations lasts for a while and they both go away smiling. 

Minseok loves it when she sings because not only does she sing well but she looks so happy (unless its a sad song)when she sings and he loves it. They get to know each other more and they descover bits and pieces about each other. Everytime the others name is mentioned in a conversation their ears grow bigger trying to find more information about the other. When they exchange phone numbers they pick up little habits such as texting each other good night. When it becomes less safe for her to go home alone Minseok is in charge of sending her home (courtesy of Kim Jongdae). Most of the time she is too tired to talk so they drive in a comfortable silence and there are times when her head falls on his shoulder.(he tries not to wake her until they have reached her dorm)

It soon becomes a thing where everyone knows that those two like each other but time goes on and pepoel start to wonder "Why aren't they dating yet?" The two of them have skinny love that neither knows how to deal with. Haru sees Minseok with the pretty ladies at night and she never gets jealous but always wonders "am I really good enough for someone like him?" Minseok sees her shine on the stage and he wonders "I can really make her happy?" They two are described as married when in reality they haven't even begun to date. If asked they would both likely say that they do like each other which just frustrates people because "WHY AREN'T THEY DATING YET?"

(I would love it if they ended up together after the others just sit the two down and make they confess to each other)



LOVE RIVAL » optional


INTERACTION » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.



» Haru: I choose to apply to work here because my childhood friend Kim Jongdae works here and he was very stubborn about wanting me to work here. I sang here last week and I apologize if I managed to scare off customers with my singing.
Junmyeon: Oh yes I heard you. You were quite good.
Haru: Please there is no need to lie I know I still need to improve much more.


What can you contribute after getting accepted? 
» I'm not really sure. i can help around and I know how to wait tables and can help in the kitchen if you want me to. Although I'm not really that good at anything I'm a hard worker.


Who do you think will you work well with? and not work well with?
» From past experience I know that Jongdae and I work well together although please don't tell him I said that. I'll work well with anyone who works hard since I like that in people and I won't get along with people who tend to slack off.

» Ummmm wow....is this question really relevant to the job? When I was waiting to be interviewed there was this really nice barista who made me a latte...he was really handsome.
Junmyeon: You mean Minseok?
Yes. (shows no emotion on her face as she says this but is blushing like mad on the inside.)

» Since I don't know Sehun or Kai well I should choose Jongdae but he definaitly thinks that i would pick him and I don't want to give him that satisfaction. Can I choose Kyungsoo? I would like Kai and Sehun better if they did more of their work.

» Hamaoverpadae 


Run, don't let go of this hand.

comments/suggestions » hope you like her. sorry it wasn't really funny.

scene requests » a really weird moment where two of the guys are in a compromising position and someone suddenly asks "are they dating?"
Kyungsoo and Haru both being mad at someone.
peppero game

Desired CLients » Tablo with family and her fangirling so hard
A idol singer (like Taeyeon or Shinee Jonghyun hearing her sing and telling her and jongdae how good they are)

password » Love me like you do


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