My Teacher is so Racist -_-

So I'm Chinese And Filipino. But I was born in America. (Seattle Washington) And I still live there.  ><' 

I'm at a school that is supposed to be Multi Culture. But for some reason my LA teacher doesn't like the Chinese. Or is it Chinese culture. She know's I'm Chinese. But she was talking smack Like She was saying. 

"Chinese are stupid and Should go back to where they came from."

I know it's not just me she was talking about. But What she said hurt, And She was even making fun of Colored people. When someone brought it up, She told them "I'm angist Racism".

  She out right denied it. And Told the person He had Detention just for saying his opinion. It's messed up, She is being so unfair. And When A Person who was White Had stood up, She treated them like a Hollywood star or something.

But How can she be angist it, when she is making fun of Colored people. Like Really? It doesn't Make sense. -_- 

She Talks about Chinese people, Thinking colored people is trash and I'm tarried of it.. But I don't know what to do with it. The Princpals wouldn't listen to us, saying "Oh Ms. So and So is a nice person. Don't talk about her that way." ><' But I want the Racist remarks of hers to stop. I don't want to be stuck with her for the rest of the year, Even though its two more months. 

I'm tarried of hearing her Talk smack about colored people. And She freaken gets away with it. It's not Fair! 




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Hilleo #1
Try recording what she said! Fck, show it to your principal or maybe show it to the while world! Geez, what's so good talking about us, Chinese people, huh?
Get your parents to complain. If everyone the class gets their parents complain, the school will have no choice but to look into it.
i understand what you're saying(i had some problems with racist people...i'm black-asian) that people can hurt and be really anoying
if you feel that bad you could try to record her voice and show it to the principal(only an idea)
Stay strong i hope everything get better fighting!