ginseng • kathie • 8/10


You're so Beautiful.

name » son yumi

nickname(s) » 

» munchkin — it originated from her parents, mostly her dad, but now haeri, jongin and kyungsoo call her this; it's the only nickname that has something to do with her being pocket-size that she doesn't get upset over
buttercup — dark hair, short, full of anger - that's what yumi has in common with the green powerpuff girl; her closest friends call her this and she isn't really fond of the nickname because of the reason behind it but she got used to it plus she is secretly a #1 fan of the powerpuff girls
» babydoll — jongdae calls her this and each time he does it, yumi is close to strangling him; it's just him being way too cheesy
» midget/shortstack/oompa loompa/shorty/shrimp etc. — anyone who has a death wish calls her this, which is basically everyone since no one can control their urge to make fun of her height /caughbaekhyundoesthisthemostcaugh/

Birthday + AGe » june 12, 1994 + 20 (turning 21)

birthplace » seoul, south korea

hometown » seoul, south korea

ethnicity » korean

language » 

korean - fluent; native
english - conversational (engrish)


face claim » park seul

backup face claim » hong yoo kyung


appearance »
with a short height of 158cm, this little dwarf girl looks like an actual living doll. her porcelain-looking, milky white skin and her barbie-like face make you question if she's a real human being or something kids play with. not only that yumi is pocket size in height, she is also quite skinny (she has a very fast metabolism), weighing around 47kg. her dark brown hair reaches a bit over her mid back and is usually wavy. yumi often wears ponytails or messy buns, but even more often has her hair down. she owns a pair of kyungsoo eyes (meaning big owly eyes) that make her look even more like a doll. with all that being said, please do not attempt calling her a doll or telling her she looks like one because if you do, it'll be the last time you see daylight.



style »
yumi doesn't have a particular preference when it comes to clothing as she wears a lot of different styles. one day you will see her dressed all elegantly, while the other she will look like a potato. okay, maybe not exactly like a potato since she does care a lot about her appearance, but for example an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of simple jeans (like in the picture above). she usually wears jeans though, which are more than often high-waisted. which brings me to this - she loves high-waisted anything; from jeans, to skirts, to shorts, even bikini bottoms. yumi has a thing for vintage, retro fashion, but also street fashion, so she would sometimes mix the two. her style is pretty much like park seul's.

" off baekhyun or i will slit your throat. "


She's My lAdy.

plotline » waitress
BACKUP PLOTLINE » shop employee

Description »
short but deadly - the perfect way to describe son yumi. because of a certain byun baekhyun many people seem to love making fun of her height, but be ware if you do this too. she will unleash her inner psycho and no one can gurantee that you'll see another sunset. come to think of it, it's weird all those people who make jokes about her are still alive. on the other note, she's smooth and light on her feet which makes her a great waitress and she has her way of dealing with the overly-demanding, arrogant customers.

Traits » 

( + ) understanding, sociable, rational, independent

( -- ) short-tempered, narrow-minded, obstinate, sadistic

personality »
upon a first glance at this pocket-sized girl, you'd think she's the cutest thing in the world. she looks adorable and cuddly and just like the sweetest person alive. well, you know how the saying goes 'looks can be decieving'. son yumi is anything but those things. you know how some people say 'poison comes in small packages'? well she is here to prove that that saying is true, in her case at least. yumi has a very very short temper. the smallest things piss her off and she can get quite agressive. you'd think her punches would feel like being touched by a flower as she's so small, but let me tell you something, the girl can hit pretty damn hard. the thing that pisses her off the most is when someone makes fun of her height. it doesn't matter if it's just a nickname relating to her height or straight up jokes, you will get a beating. she doesn't always result to violence, she barely does since she tries her best to stay controlled, so she would most likely just yell but it's still like unleashing satan's wrath. if you can't already tell, she has anger management problems, but refuses to get any help since she says that she's completely fine and calm, but it's the annoying idiots around her that make her react a certain way. adding up to her being short-tempered, she is also narrow-minded. when she says something, it has to be that way. she considers herself always right and she will fight you if you say otherwise. she has her owns views and opinions on things and doesn't really tolerate other people's. honestly, she doesn't even care about anyone else's opinion but hers. if you by any chance contradict her be sure an outburst is coming your way. being narrow-minded also makes her really stubborn. she refuses to do as told and has a need to do opposite of what someone tells her. yeah, she is like that which makes her sound really childish, but she isn't (at least not that much).

yumi is independent. she has no need to rely on others and is perfectly fine on her own. it's a trait she was taught by her parents. she doesn't like it when people give her money (ex. her parents), buy things f
or her (exve things that is; buy her candy though pls) and things like trying to find a job or something for her. kind of contradicting to yumi being narrow-minded is the fact that she is rational. she thinks quite logically and reasonably, so her being wrong won't happen often. she always comes up with logical solutions for problems and is always out to knock common-sense in baekhyun those who need it. although yumi sounds like the spawn of satansoo, she is actually friendly. she easily makes friends and has a lot of them. as long as you don't make jokes about her small build, you're good to go. it's easy to talk to her, especially since she is really reasonable and understanding, so people like having chit-chats or discussions (non-violent ones) with this little water lilly. which brings me to this - she is quite understanding. she isn't the one to judge others besides baekhyun and jongdae and she accepts everyone as they are. so you can come to her whenever you need advice or you're feeling insecure about something. as mentioned, she doesn't tolerate other people's opinions, but in a sense if they are trying to change her mind with their opinions or are fighting her because of their different views, but she wouldn't mind you seeing things in a different way than her if you aren't being rude and annoying about it. yumi has this secret cute side when she would act like an adorable little girl. she doesn't let this show to others, but jongin, haeri and kyungsoo have seen her in this state. she would become really cuddly and talk with a baby voice and you just can't resist her. her love interest will get to see this when they become all mushy.

trivias »

 » candy —  loves candy more than life; she'll love your forever if you give/buy her some
 » red bull —  can't live without it; the amount she drinks is definitely unhealthy

 » horror movies —  she doesn't get scared easily, but she really enjoys watching horror and thriller movies; the more gore, the happier she is

 » maths —  it has always been her favorite subject; she's a math genious

 » tragic novels —  her favorite kind of novels, for some reason she really enjoys reading them

 » coco chanel —  'everything is coco chanel and nothing hurts' - yumi; she has this weird obsession with coco, the woman, she sees her as an inspiration, and well the whole brand is what she refers to 'a gift from god'

 » animals —  she has a sweet spot for animals; especially dogs and chinchillas

 » strawberries —  she can live on them for the rest of her life

 » hip hop —  her religion swag; it's probably hard to imagine yumi liking hip hop, but yeah, she adores it

 » iggy azalea —  her favorite celebrity, her idol, her role model; basically her life

 » eminem —  aka her future husband; insult him and she'll kill you
» vintage stuff —  she is a er for all things vintage; from objects, to clothes, to music and movies, etc.
coffee —  iced americano and mocha are her life
alcohol —  tequila is her favorite alcoholic beverage; she loves minseok's cocktails, would die for them



 » byun baekhyun— no need to explain
kim jongdae— same here
snow —  only likes looking at it from the comfort and warmth of her home; hates being out when it's snowing
kimchi —  probably the only korean that doesn't eat it, but she can't help it since cabbage makes her vomit
spiders —   she is extremely afraid of them. she's somewhat okay with other bugs but spiders scare the out of her
nosy people —  please mind your own business
» the sound of a drill —  (no one likes that) she literally starts screaming when she hears a drill, it's too loud and scary for her
public transport —  too many sweaty and smelly people stuffed in a moving box, no thanks
orange (the color) —  absolutely hates this color and refuses to wear anything orange. only likes pastel shades of orange, such as peach
meat —  meat is murder

» she bites the inside of her cheek when she's thinking
» talks in her sleep; she would have full conversations with herself while she's sleeping
» when she isn't talking in her sleep, she would have hanging open
» talks really fast when she's happy and excited
» beating the living hell out of baekhyun and jongdae



» taking her dog out for a walk —  it's not really a hobby, it's more of a necessity, but she loves taking long walks with her doggy. they're relaxing and fun, plus she loves it when ash makes new doggy friends
watching horror movies —  she just loves watching them; she would watch them whenever she has time
playing card games —  when she was younger she used to play card games with her dad all the time and now she loves playing them with her three besties. plus she makes joonmyun gather the employees after work and have them all play together

Random facts

» she can't rap to save her life but loves doing it nevertheless, even though it isn't very pleasant for the ear
one of her ultimate favorite songs is stan by eminem feat. dido
» besides eminem and iggy, she likes rappers like tyga, jay-z, nicki minaj, lil wayne, drake, etc.
» she has an unhealthy obsession with dynamic duo; she's their #1 fan
» another one of her future husbands is bruno mars, absolutely in love with him and his voice
fancy by iggy azalea and uptown funk by bruno mars are her jams; she quotes fancy daily
she has a two year old boston terrier called ash whom she loves more than anything
she is an insomniac
» even though, because of her insomnia, she can't fall asleep for a really long time, she would still wake up really early
she suffers from migrens, which are probably caused by insomnia
» she is a vegetarian and has been since she was 15
she is secretly obsessed with the cartoon powerpuff girls
her bed is covered with plushies
» she is surprisingly really good at sports, especially volleyball
» she cusses a lot. she wasn't like that before, but ever since baekhyun and the others happened, she just can't control her words
» she has a fear of fire. nothing really triggered it in the past, but she is really scared of it
she has a fear of clowns too. she is so scared of them to the point where she would have a panic attack if she is close to one
» she loves horror movies. she doesn't get scared easily. basically she watched tons of horror movies and lost the ability to get scared of them. the more gore, the better it is for her (though she can't watch movies with clowns)
» when she can't reach or see something, she would order chanyeol to lift her up
» she has her iphone 6 with her non stop and you can remove it from her hand only surgically. (she has the cutest rilakkuma phone case)


The History that i make.

background »
in the early hours of 12th june, 1994, a tiny baby named yumi joined this world with the intention of making it her own. being the first and the last child of a young, happily-married couple, she grew up in a loving household. she did get a little spoiled, since she was their only child and, well, their income was on the plus side, but she definitely wasn't a spoiled brat. however, the parents weren't around as much as they should've been, since they were (and still are) workaholics and ironically enough had demanding jobs. this didn't bother yumi much, though, since whenever they stayed longer hours or went on business trips (yes, they work together) she would stay over one of her friends house. you know how most parents who, because of their jobs, don't spend much time with their kids would make up for it by buying them things? well yumi's weren't any different. they were aware that she wasn't bothered but still felt bad, so they would buy her bunch of toys, clothes, candy, etc. and take her on luxurious vacations to different countries around the world. again, a lot of kids wouldn't like their love being bought that way, but yumi loved it. this makes her sound like a spoiled brat, but she really wasn't, she just simply liked getting new things and travelling, since her parents could afford it. in kindergarten, when yumi was around four years old, she met a girl her age, called min haeri. they instantly clicked and became the bestest of friends. always side by side, sharing secrets, brightening each other's days, comforting the other when she's sad, 
they were inseparable. they had other friends as well, since both were very sociable, but they were each other's best friend. in middle school the duo met a kid, kim jongin, who managed to become as close to them as they were with each other. the trio fantastico was inseparable. jongin protected them from whom ever and made them feel safe, while the two gave him girl adivce and treated him like a little puppy he is.

yumi was a good student; she had almost all A's, a B would slip here and there, she was almost never late to class, but she did have a problem with the teachers and other students, because of her temperament. the problem with the students was that she was made fun of for being short. she wasn't the only girl that height, but she appeared the tiniest because of her skinny figure. some found it cute, but most liked to poke fun at her. it wasn't drastic to the point where you can call it bullying, but she hated it. of course, she had haeri and jongin, and her other friends, to protect her but she would slip out of control from time to time and unleash the inner satan!yumi. with the proffesors; if she found that they've been unfair to her by something they said or did, she wouldn't be afraid to confront them about it. she tried her best not to lose control since, after all, they are way older than her, but she had to get her way. if she got a B on a test and she thought she deserved an A, she would've done everything in her power to prove the teacher wrong and 97,8% of the time she won. not long after high school was over, jongin got a job at hotel el dorado. he seemed to really like his job and would always blab about it when he was with his two tiny best friends. there he met and became close with a guy called do kyungsoo. he wanted the girls to meet him so bad because he knew they would like him as well, especially yumi. so one day they had a get together at jongin's place where the two finally met the infamous kyungsoo. just as jongin predicted, they cliked right away. yumi especially liked him, like jongin tought she would, because he was quite similar to her - a little thing full of anger, fun-sized satan that is. so now, they became the fantastic four. when she turned 20, yumi finally moved out from her parents house and in to a loft near jongin's. a year before, she enrolled into a law school and since she didn't want her parents to pay her bills and taxes, she wanted to find a part-time job. she had quite a few, mostly as a waitress, but after a few visits to el dorado and finding out they're hiring she was sure she had to work there.




» heo yura | mother | 46 | short-tempered, workaholic, talkative, bossy, caring |
you might be wondering how in the hell is yumi so short-tempered if she grew up in a happy family and everything was candy and rainbows, but she inherited that trait from her mother. her mother has always been naturally short-tempered and without meaning to, she passed the not-so-good trait down to her daughter. the two have always been very close. yumi would tell her mother everything and they had a really nice bond. but as puberty kicked in, they started fighting a lot since their personalities were clashing. however, those weren't some big fights, just about small things like yumi not being dressed in correspondence to the weather or not wanting to do as told, etc. after yumi moved out, yura felt really proud of her daughter for starting her own life. they are still really close, but from time to time they would have one of their meaningless fights which you most definitely do not want to be present at as you'll have two satanic outbursts clashing with each other.

» son min woo | father | 46 | workaholic, understanding, sociable, rational, supportive |
yumi has always been daddy's little girl. they had an inseparable bond. whenever he had the time, he would take her on fieldtrips which always ended up in her favorite stores. he was the one that always bought her things she wanted and tried to spoil her rotten. between her and her mother, especially when she hit puberty, it's a miracle this man is still sane. he is as calm as ever, even though he has to control two flaming balls. after she moved out, minwoo would always make sure to check up on her, even more often than yura and even though he is sure she is totally fine on her own, he is having trouble letting her go into the big world, even after a year of her already being out there. yumi keeps convincing him that she's still daddy's little girl.
+ her parents own a retail company





» min hae ri | best friend | 21 | talkative, friendly, energetic, humorous |
another fellow shorty, but isn't made fun for it. she is only 2cm taller than yumi, she's 160cm, but yumi looks a lot smaller than her best friend. one of the reasons why no one calls haeri a shorty and so on, is because she's always next to yumi and compared to her she doesn't look short at all. haeri is the moodmaker and always knows how to make yumi smile. they are the bestest of friends, but they fight a lot, like a lot. it's mostly because haeri is quite childish which irritates yumi most of the time, but nevertheless they make up after like ten minutes of silence treatment (which comes after yumi's outburst). haeri is the only one that can control yumi when she goes full satan.
kim jongin | best friend | 21 | sympathetic, hardworking, romantic, protective|
yumi's resident bodyguard. he always protects her when she's being made fun of and tries his best to calm her down. he is the only person she can't get mad at (okay, there are yixing, minseok, haneul and joonmyun too, but you get my point). jongin can never say no to yumi as he has this very sweet spot for her. yumi is the first person jongin comes to when he's facing love problems, or any other kinds of problems.
do kyung soo | best friend | 22 | quiet, sadistic, slave-driver, fluffy af |
these two have a really close relationship. they are similar in many ways; some of them being that they're both short and full of anger. but what makes them different is that kyungsoo stays quiet and holds his anger in, while yumi can't hold it in for one second. after observing her for the few years they've been friends, kyungsoo knows exactly which buttons to push to set yumi off. he doesn't do that often, but he likes seeing her lash out on baekhyun so even if baek doesn't say anything, kyungsoo will make it look like he did. yumi loves hugging kyungsoo as he's so fluffy.




» kim jongdae |enemy | 23 | honest, mischievous, cheesy, prideful |

technically, they aren't rivals. neither of them see competition in the other. but what they are is enemies, at least that's how yumi sees jongdae. the first time they met, baekhyun had already established her as a target, and he purposely called her an oompa loompa in front of jongdae. jongdae, of course, found this hilarious so from then on he kept doing the same as baekhyun. although yumi hates his guts, the hatred she has for him is a bit smaller than how it is for baekhyun. though he's the worst when he's with the beagle line, so yumi tries her best to escape situations where all three idiots are present. jongdumb also likes being cheesy with her, not because he likes her or anything, simply in order to annoy her.

» byun baekhyun | enemy | 23 | gossiper, talkative, mischievous, childish, friendly | down there in the love interest section


OtherS (i wanted to briefly describe her relations with the rest of hed employees, i hope you don't mind)

» kim minseok| 25 | 
one of the rare normal ones, minseok was the second person yumi met when she entered the hotel (jongin and ksoo don't count) and he gave her the warmest welcome. he is always really nice and sweet towards her and never ever makes fun of her height. he sometimes calls her munchkin, because he thinks it's cute and fitting. whenever she's done with work she would go up to the bar, exhausted and sit there and minseok would know exactly what kind of drink she's up for - tequila. yumi always brags how he is the best cocktail maker on the planet and if she isn't feeling like dying (when she desperately needs a tequila) he would make her cocktails.
lu han | 25 | 
facing a similar problem like yumi - having one of his flaws (not really) pointed out and made fun of, these two sometimes seem to click, sometimes. he hates being called girly just as much as yumi hates being called short. but unlike him, she doesn't feel the need to make fun of others just to feel better. he isn't really that type of guy, like baek and the others, but since they make fun of her too often he started to think it's okay if he does it too, even though her reaction says otherwise. she doesn't hate him as much as the others though and they're pretty chill as long as he doesn't call her a shrimp or something among those lines.
wu yifan| 25 |
yifan doesn't call yumi certain names often, heck, he barely does it and he certainly does not straight up make fun of her. but much like luhan, after some time of hearing the other boys doing what they do, he thought it's okay for him too. when he's in some sort of a playful mood and he wants to talk to her, he would say 'hey, shortstack', which slightly gets on yumi's nerves but since he barely ever does it she doesn't let her inner psycho react. + she likes calling him krisus, for no apparent reason
kim joonmyun| 24 | 
the first person to flash her a bright smile as soon as she entered the hotel for the job interview. joonmyun treats her nicely and is always on her side when she makes a ruckus with baekhyun one of the boys. if he hears them making fun of her short stature, he'd make them apologize like little kids which ends up humiliating whoever joonma caught and makes yumi all proud and happy. sometimes, yumi would come to work a lot earlier than she has to, just to have a cup of tea or coffee with mr. kim.
zhang yixing| 24| 
her favorite person in the hotel. scratch that, her favorite person in the world. as she describes him, he's the sweetest person to walk the earth and he's also really funny and adorable and such a gentleman. yumi loves hanging out at his office, but since she can't just leave her work and he has to be working as well, she would always use her migrens as an excuse. she is used to her migrens so she can take it when she gets them, unless they're too painful, but because she just wants to spend time with yixing, she would go to his office even when she has the slightest headache. sometimes she would pretend too. this shrimp finds him very calming and just adores him and talking to him. he would often tell certain people to 'cut it out' if they're saying something that 'isn't nice' to yumi.
park chanyeol | 23 | 
he knows better than to say anything to yumi since they work together and he is, in all honesty, really scared of her. they have a good relationship but as soon work's done and he's with either baekhyun or jongdae, or the worst, both of them, he makes fun of her as well and laughs too hard to be healthy at their jokes. but yumi's wrath has trained him properly that if the other beagles come to the dining hall during work-hours, he would tell them to stop if they say anything to set yumi off. when he does make fun of her, he only does it as a joke and is at no means trying to insult her.

» jeon jihye | 22 | 
jihye is someone yumi doesn't talk to that much. it's not that she doesn't like her, it's just that jihye is quiet whereas yumi isn't, so they don't have much to talk about. jihye is similar to kyungsoo, so if it wasn't for jongin there would've been quite a high chance yumi wouldn't talk to kyungsoo either. however, yumi finds jihye quite interesting as she's clumsy. she is one of the rare people jihye doesn't pull pranks on since she doesn't want the yumi!satan unleashed on her. if they ever get the chance to be alone and just talk, who knows, they might become good friends.
huang zitao | 22 | 
zitao is guilty of cracking untasteful jokes about our resident oompa loompa. after experiencing yumi's wrath, each time he makes jokes he runs like 5 miles away from her and doesn't dare to go back until he's sure she has calmed down. he is actually a fluffball and has this thing when he would be super nice to yumi and he even likes hugging her sometimes but he often accidently says something which ruins the nice between them and makes yumi want to punch him again.

» song haneul | 21 |

yumi loves haneul. she sees her as an older sister that she never had, even though they're the same age. she dislikes the fact that she's naggy, but nevertheless adores her for being so caring. she would nag the boys for calling yumi short and all their jokes. haneul never witnessed yumi's wrath, actually maybe one or two times, and those times she said that yumi had all rights to yell at the other employees for they were being rude to her, but when someone complains she's always like that, she would say 'no she's not. she's so nice and calm, what are you even talking about.' and something among those lines.

» oh sehun | 21 |
the ever so famous brat, oh sehun. their first meeting was not the best, to say the least. joonmyun was taking her on a tour of the hotel on her first day when sehun was passing by with some clean towels. the two shorties were walking too slow for sehun's taste, through a narrow hallway while sehun was rushing and instead of politely saying 'excuse me' he pushed yumi out of the way saying 'move it, midget'. you can probably tell what happened next. ever since then, these two haven't been on good terms. but one time, no one knows this but the two of them, he needed help with cleaning one of the rooms and nobody was around but yumi who was on a break, so she helped him and they actually stayed there even longer than needed and just chatted away like best pals. as soon as they got into the public's eye though, they got back to their old selves, which is just them insulting each other. + yumi calls him hun


Call Me Baby.

love interest » byun baekhyun

backup love interest » kim jongdae


Interaction »

yumi sees baekhyun as an enemy. on the other hand, baekhyun sees yumi as an easy target. she is an easy target, but also a dangerous one. even though baekhyun gets hit a lot and unleashes yumi's inner satan way too often, he doesn't plan on stopping. he just loves making fun of her and it's all because of her excessive reaction (and to feel good about himself since he is a shorty too). each time he sees her, he adresses her with a different nickname (ofc, something related to her height). when he is bothering others, he would stop if they're not paying attention to it, but since yumi can't seem to do that, he doesn't stop. whenever yumi hears his voice, especially if it's directed to her, she cringes and imagines hundreds of different ways of killing him in her head.
+ she calls him baek & a lot of other explicit names too


love story »
it was yumi's first day at work when they met. she had finally took a chill pill (metaphorically and literally; she actually did take a pill to calm herself down) after her encounter with sehun and was at the end of her hotel tour with joonma. they were talking with minseok at the bar and drinking some coffee, when a certain brown-haired boy walked in. as he was approaching the bar he said 'aww, joonmyun hyung is that your baby cousin? how cute'. the three pairs of eyes averted to him and made a 'what?' face, while he stood there with no idea as to why were they looking at him that way. he was still sure that the girl sitting next to the manager was a little girl, around 11 years old, he guessed. 'she's not your cousin?' he asked confused and a bit awkward since the silence was on for too long to be comfortable. 'baekhyun, meet your new colleague, son yumi.' joonmyun finally decided to break the silence and knock some sense into beakhyun. and baekhyun, still dumbfounded, just had to say 'isn't she too young to work here?'. with that, yumi who was silent until then, scoffed an 'excuse me'. minseok interfered, saying that she is the same age as jongin and sehun, to which baekhyun's face looked confused but in 0.2 seconds turned into a huge smile which bursted into a huge laughter. yumi already started boiling but what triggered her to react was what he said after. 'ohmygod, you look like you're 5. are you like an oompa loompa or something?' that was it; yumi jumped off the bar stool, made a few steps towards baekhyun and the inner satan was unleashed. her yelling was so loud that it probably could've been heard throughout a big part of the hotel. she started off with a 'listen here, you little ' and just went on calling him all these censored names and threatening to rip his intestines out and feed him with them. joonmyun tried to calm her down, but it wasn't working, while minseok was, leaned on the bar, laughing his heart out. chanyeol and kyungsoo, who were the closest to where the screaming was coming from, ran to see what's happening. when kyungsoo saw his best friend yelling at the person who annoys him more than anything, he just stood there, laughing and making fun of baekhyun. when joonmyun noticed kyungsoo, he pleaded him to calm his friend down. just a few more seconds of watching this comedy show and kyungsoo ran up to yumi, grabbed her around her waist, and carried her that way into the kitchen. it was pretty funny to watch, especially since she was still screaming at her victim, almost oblivious to the fact that she was being carried away. when kyungsoo finally managed to calm her down and explain that she will probably have tons of problems with baekhyun but she has to learn to ignore him, they went back to where the others were. since he was forced by mama joonmyun and haneul, who came to see what was going on, baekhyun apologized to yumi. he did apologize, but the next time he saw her, he adressed her with a 'hey midget.' she tried to ignore him, but seeing the anger boiling on her face, baekhyun just added more fuel to the fire with his jokes. when the others saw him do it, they found it really funny, and decided to do it themselves, making yumi have to bring pills to calm herself down regularly to work.

baekhyun actually found her really cute when she gets mad, unless she goes full satan, that's when he gets scared. so he kept making fun of her. at first it wasn't a crush, he just thought yumi was cute, but it slowly developed into one. he had this urge to pick on her even more when he started crushing on her. obviously, yumi wasn't thrilled by this, that he was being more of an idiot than usually. one night, yumi finished work later than usual because chanyeol was absent and she had to do everything herself. jongin was waiting for her to finish so that they can go home together (they live in buildings right next to each other). as they were walking out of the hotel, already deep in conversation, they got startled when a voice yelled 'hey, wait up!' after them. the duo turned around, only to see baekhyun running towards them. yumi made a grossed out face and was about to grab jongin's hand and run away, but it was too late since baekhyun caught up with them. he said he's going in the same direction as them, since he's visiting a friend. he was strangely calm and did not say anything to yumi, at least not about her height. the three were walking ever so slowly, while yumi was on a verge of attacking baekhyun even though he didn't say anything, but just his presence was pissing her off. when they reached the twin buildings, baek said that his friend lives in the same building as yumi and on her floor as well, so jongin doesn't need to follow her to her apartment. they said their goodbye's and the two shorties entered the elevator. no words were exchanged until they reached yumi's apartment. she said goodbye and rushed inside, closing the door, when baekhyun put one foot inside to prevent the door from closing. yumi didn't realize this so she slammed the door, slightly smashing baekhyun's foot. he screamed making her turn around. she started yelling at him for putting his foot there but dragged him inside to put an ice pack on his injured foot. she was genuinely worried, even though she punched and kicked him so many times before, but this wasn't intentionally. she kept apologizing, while he kept saying it's okay. she was sat next to him when she bent over to put the ice pack on his foot. and what happened next was something overly cliched, but oh-so-sweet. she straightened up, only to realize their faces were inches apart. yumi froze. they stared at each other's eyes for quite some time, until baekhyun leaned in and locked their lips. unlike what usually happenes in these moments (as seen in kdramas), yumi didn't have her eyes wide open and didn't freeze, but she actually kissed him back. and no, this wasn't a peck; if it lasted any longer it would've been classified as a full on make out session. when they pulled away, two seconds passed, and both were struck with reality. they screamed 'oh my god!' in unision, with yumi jumping up from the couch and covering . she said that he should now go to his friend and apologized. baekhyun got off the couch and said that he doesn't have a friend that lives here. she had a bewildered look on her face, which baekhyun noticed and slowly hopped over to her. it took her a while, but before he could get any closer, yumi realized what was going on and excused herself to the bathroom. when she came out, she told him that she's too tired and is going to sleep (she wasn't tired though, just wanted to escape the awkward), and told him he can stay since his foot is hurt. he slept on the couch. in the morning he woke up with yumi nowhere around and only a note saying 'i went to work earlier. i left you breakfast on the table. don't forget to lock the door on your way out and please discreetly bring the key to me when you come to work. - yumi'. at work, he brought her the key after he made sure she was alone. that's when they finally talked about what happened the night before. suddenly, baekhyun confessed and asked her to be his girlfriend. yumi kept telling herself she hates him to bits, but her heart was telling her otherwise and after some time of silence, she said yes. they wanted to keep their relationship a secret, so they 
acted like always when they were around others. kyungsoo was the first to find out about their secret. he noticed something was off before but brushed it off. he once came over to yumi's house when baekhyun was there. baekhyun hid but accidently sneezed and that's when kyungsoo found out. they later told their closest friends and eventually announced their relationship to the world.





» well, joonmyun, all the other places i worked at or were just plain boring. i thought of giving up looking for a job and just working at this stupid cafe near my apartment, but then jongin and kyungsoo told me that you were hiring. what's better than working at the same place as your best friends? so that's why i chose this place. plus you pay better than others.

What can you contribute after getting accepted? 
» discipline. they're making fun of me now, but soon they'll start fearing me. and when they do there will be no more ruckus and headaches around the hotel. i'm just kidding, haha. actually, i'm not, but i don't know, maybe candy? yeah, i can deffinitely contribute candy. but not to the ungreatful ones...


Who do you think will you work well with? and not work well with?
» i'll definitely be working well with yixing, minseok and haneul. they are good people and are not annoying like the 97% of the bunch. pretty sure i won't be on such good terms with hun, sorry, sehun, baekhyun and jongdae. also, i'll be working well with jongin and kyungsoo, since we're long-term friends.

» honestly, it's yixing. he is such a bae. he's like a full package, you know?

» kai. not just because he's my friend, but because hun . and jongdae especially, so yeah, i choose jongin.

» @tallatheart


Run, don't let go of this hand.

comments/suggestions » haii! i just want to say that i based yumi off of this girl from my class. not completely though, but she is short and hates when people mess around with her about it, and she's also really short-tempered but quite understanding. anyhow, if you don't know, the face claim i used for haeri is kim jayoung. the reason i didn't use an idol or something is because park seul and jayoung are real-life friends so i just found it fitting, though if someone else uses jayoung as their faceclaim you can change it. and also, if by any chance i get chosen, since you said you're choosing only 4 slots, then maybe haeri can work at el dorado too and get one of the jobs which aren't taken, of course she's just a side character, but it could be fun if she works at the hotel as well. oh and another thing, as you can see, the turn in and back to story links are underneath this whole thing, instead of being up there, but i'm not really sure how to fix that.
+ i'm sorry if my app is too long, i got a bit carried away

scene requests »

» sehun and yumi's first encounter, as well as her and baek's
» yumi having an outburst on one of the guests who was being too demanding and rude for her liking
» ash (yumi's dog) attacking baekhyun; yeah, he's a small dog, but much like his owner, he is agressive with people he isn't close to
» also, the scene where sehun and yumi bonded
» all of the employees playing card games and having tons of fun while at it

Desired CLients »

» big bang /yass pls
» dynamic duo /yumi would die if she sees them
» bruno mars

password » love me like you do


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