I've been really into c-clown lately

Cclowns fan base is so tiny :/ 


oh yeah so e-sens got arrested for smoking weed. again.  You'd think that he'd at least learn to be sneakier or some by now? 


Got7 and bts are gonna be in the states this summer. Too bad I'm not american tho :/ but epik high is gonna be in Vancouver and I'm 99% sure I won't be going to that either, so it doesn't even matter. Nobody ever tours in the prairies. It was rare enough for PTV to be in Calgary, I couldn't imagine like bts in Edmonton or some  


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I happen to LOVE C-Clown, and I'm so glad you do, too! Who's your bias? Mine is Rome:D.
HansolChwe #2
Have you watched crown th clown on YouTube?? It is legit the best series I've ever watched, plus Rome directed it! I'm always bummed because the fan base isn't big so the subs never reach me ;-;

Weed is so overrated sometimes, a lot of people I know do them (and they're freshmen-old ppl)

The music industry is just cray.

I used to live in Vancouver!! But now I came back to Texas :P I'm happy with the life here, LOL