DAY 4: The Mad Keeper (Craft #25-26)

DAY 4: Craziest thing/s I've done in AFF



My definition of crazy: things regular and sane people don't usually do with their time here. It includes but is not limited to:


1. reading blogs under Social - this has been a regular activity in the past; and I creep people out by appearing in their comments section. How many of us do this? ("Who are you?" <--- I get this a lot. Probably annoyed the hell out of people too :3 But I'm happy that some of you added me as friend lol)


2. tagging users with their old usernames - for those who haven't noticed yet, we have this tag option in the profile section ^^ When someone blogs about changing their usernames, I tag them, even if I don't know them ^0^


3. flooding a friend's wall with Space Dandy 



or talking about butts... cacti and butts... cactus up butts...



4. joined a graphic contest when I barely knew how to make a decent graphic (and I won because not many joined) - this was during the time when graphic contests are so few I even updated you guys in this blog :3


5. might have caused unnecessary pain or shock by using the amnesia and dream cards in one chapter of Kahae just because I can 


6. played detective to catch culprits (from plagiarizers to karma "angels"; karma farmers/fishers to click baits (they ask you to click a word or photo and doing so automatically upvotes their stories); p*** stars or p*** and stars 0_0 and many more) - I am not a mod. Never was. But I wouldn't turn a blind eye when I see users breaking the rules. 

It's crazy that I always find myself in situations like these. And they happen when I'm in the middle of something else. Looking back, I couldn't believe I stayed up until the early hours of the morning to track a trail or surveillance and real life responsibilities.



Crazyyyy. I can't just go to a mod and rat on you; I do have to gather evidence and that means, using my other accounts (wahaha).

Yes, I don't work for boss; not being paid here like the mods. But I really want to help as much as I can. So when he asks if I could find out how users do this or do that or if a certain feature works or not, I do it. And why would he ask me? Because I went to him and reported it in the first place, complete with linksssss. This started before AFFHelper. (Of course, plagiarism cases go to mods and technical issues go to AFFHelper, but other fishy stuff... I  use our existing pm thread).


7. explaining the "situation" to... immature/close-minded/guilty users - shouldn't have done it. Crazy conversations. Headache ensues. In the real world, I would have ignored them and went on my merry way xD


8.  sending a private message to every reader of this author who plagiarized another AFF author because instead of owning up to their crime, they put the blame on this imaginary friend who told them about the plot (and apparently has photographic memory for him/her to remember every word of it) - I could have left it at that. But I was pissed. I couldn't blog about it so I did privately LOL This was when reporting plagiarism cases is through the ticketing system and only authors could file one. 


9. when I... told you I was a guy and most of you fell for it (so sorry I did that to prove a point) 


But something else is crazier than that... crazier than all of this... THE CRAZIEST


I think...


10. when I said that I would deactivate and leave AFF for good if I lose NaNoWriMo :)


It might be extreme and unnecessary... but hey, it worked! I didn't want to deactivate so I pushed myself to catch up on the 20k words :3 


I listed ten but there's a lot more in the archives... a detailed documentation of my mad conquests. But yeah, this is my top ten :3


Thank you AFF for keeping me sane in real life by letting me unleash and empty the madness here xD



I modified Elegant Fashion 360's 3D Cactus charm design by adding fishtail arms and a red band ala Rambo xD
The pokeball charm tutorial is by Eveline Maureen.


This is part of the themed six times/days challenge for AFF's 6th anniversary. This is  a personal challenge but you can join me in this activity. Or visit AFFHelper's post and answer their question. 




Technical issues? Contact AFFHelper. Read AFFHelper FAQ and follow the report format before writing a wallpost. Be polite.
Another user plagiarized your story or violated our Terms of Use? Report it to the moderators via the report content button/link in the blog or story foreword.
Want to get banned? Don't read the Terms of Use.


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the cactus dance!
1 & 7 me too! hahah, i thought that's the main purpose of social button, lucky blog got lucky commenter, so yeah B)
so many adventures
I remember
I have a large appreciation for that cactus charm /*bookmarking tutorial for future reference*
LOL I'm like associated with one or several of those things listed up there aren't I? If I wasn't the cause of it (cactus + forever, "I was a guy" scenario), I was either the person who got firsthand experience or the person you told about all your little conquests (ninja K) because you found them amusing heh.

Remember my response to your epic Space Dandy GIF?
"For Keeper, you're still a "

Good times, good times.
oppach #5
the cactus! lol. You've had some adventures. ;)
An angry user once said I should be assaulted by a cactus in just that manner. It was you in disguise, wasn't it!