
To start off, I'd first like to sincerely apologize to all my faithful subscribers who've become frustrated that I haven't updated
in almost two months. Second I'd also like to apologize to the cover community, I know I've quit and pulled out at the last
minute maybe even vanished without a word. I'm honestly really apologetic and regretful of any problems I may have
caused anyone. Thirdly, although it's not much of a hiatus or even a semi-hiatus because I'll still be on AFF every, and
I do mean EVERY single day, I still won't be updating or actively participating in covers unless I haven't pulled out of the
group. I'm just really stressed right now, and I know it's not a great excuse, but my grades are really low especially
math. I've missed a tons of school since March 7, 2015 the day my older brother, age 27, passed away from a heart attack (heart disease).
Today where I live officially makes it a month, April 7, 2015 and honestly I don't think I'm in the most stable or healthiest
state of mind, but it's not my first time being in this state of mind either so.. I'm used to it as well. I'm not telling you this
in hopes for sympathy or compassion, I just hope everyone can understand and give me time to cooperate, especially
my subscribers. These days I just don't feel like writing happy things, but more depressing things..

Again I apologize, and hopefully I'll be back to updating regularly real soon~


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koreankimchibaby #1
Pls take care...and u can do it!!
Hwaiting smileetaemin-nim~~
I'm sorry to hear that.. And i know you're still coping, so just take your time. I hope you feel better soon, hwaiting!
I'm sorry for your loss. Even though i don't fully understand what it feels like losing someone, I hope you can recover and continue to live a happy life. Fighting! <(>.●)> *uses aegyo power*
I'm very sorry to hear about your brother... I offer you and your family my sincerest condolences.. Please do not worry about updating. We all fully understand your situation and you don't need to apologize.. Please take care of yourself and your family first. Come back when you're ready; we won't go anywhere. Stay strong, dear
My deepest condolences to you for your brother, I'm really sorry.
Try to take sometime for yourself to sort things out in your life.
Wish you the very best. ♥
condolences to your brother
i know i no words can heal the pain you are feeling
but know that everything happens for a reason
and bad weather don't last forever

i don't know how much i helped with those few words or if i've offend you
but hwaiting!