chanlina phan

-hatchin / ivy / early bird gets the worm

character name

chanlina phan ចាន់លីណា ផាន 찬리나 판

phanphy :: like the cute lil pokemon, because she absolutely loves pokemon and plays it a bunch, even during her shift
lina :: just a lil somethin her coworkers like to call her because "chanlina is too long"

birthdate & age

february 06, 1997 & 18

birthplace & hometown

battambang, cambodia & seoul, sk


khmer ( cambodian )


khmer :: fluent
english :: proficient

the outside.

face claim & backup

lovelyz's yein ; gsd's hyeri


anything and everything american apparel. like she's sold her soul for aa, she was originally gonna get a job there but aa would interefere with her uni schedule. chanlina is 100% loyal to american apparel, she buys their everything, even their glasses. she buys their frames and has them filled by her eye doctor.
aa heaux

the inside.


chanlina came out of her mom falling and embarrassing herself. life with chanlina is like living in a constant infomercial, dropping and spilling and breaking things in the most improbable way ever. putting on eyeliner and mascara is like playing russian roulette because she'll either get it all over her face or jab her eye out. icy surfaces basically equals impending death. she is 18 years old and she still forgets when she has a beverage in and just starts talking. she's ran into more poles than a stripper, standing too close to her is a liability, she can hardly ever look graceful, and even if she does, it's gone in a moment's notice. chanlina's honestly a simple girl who puts her bra on one at a time. she's best described as "kool aid in a wine glass" because she looks very high maintenance and unreachable but its funny because chanlina is honestly just a dumb short kid who likes bugs and magical girls and anime too much. chanlina is not the brightest crayon in the box--not by far. one time she tried to jump over a chair put ended up tripping over it mid-air and was practically split in half by it. chanlina still counts on her fingers and uses a calculator to get "2+2". she once said, "a circle has 8 sides".

chanlina gets excited over weird and mundane things that make people think she's crazy. if she sees bunnies playing she'll coo in adoration, or she'll gasp and place a hand over her heart if a baby grabs her finger, she stops to pet every pet, and nearly cries when she gets extra chicken nuggets with her happy meal, despite that chanlina is much more tough than the world gives her credit for. don't be fooled by the big eyes and the flowy clothing--chanlina is a force to be reckoned with, she has no fear of bugs and no desire to be anyone's damsel in distress! chanlina is very trusting, to the point that she's gullible; she doesn't really question things or people because she trusts that they won't lie to her. someone once told her that they'd hold her wallet and wait for her while she rode a roller coaster, and she gave her wallet to them, and long story short that was the first time she got robbed. she's also playful and whimsical, and if you hang out with her enough, you'll find yourself laughing at yourself more and taking life less seriously. chanlina loves expressing her love for everyone, hugs and kisses for all!! skinship is her specialty and she's always cooing over how cute and pretty everyone is and chanlina always seems to be hanging off of someone because wowie zowie they're so soft and squishy and cute. she loves seeing happy couples everywhere and she can't help but stare when they kiss and hold hands--in fact, she can't help pointing is disbelief and gaping when she sees a couple because, she can't get a boyfriend and they're so cute!

chanlina has to be the biggest drama queen since julius caesar, everything is either really amazing like the grace of god or everything has gone completely, horribly wrong and her life is gonna end, there's no in between. chanlina overreacts to just about everything, someone scared her? wow is she going into cardiac arrest i think she is call an ambulance. one of her fav characters die? it's just like losing a child, losing a part of her and now she's gonna mope around and lock herself in her room for the next week. she lost a gym battle? wow her life is over she's a failure at life and should just go back home and give up all her pokemon and never leave her house again. she exaggerates literally everything and abuses the word "literally" all too much. with natural charisma and a boisterous presence, its impossible to ignore chanlina, which is great because she loves being the center of attention. chanlina tells too many bad puns and just in general terribly unfunny jokes but refuses to acknowledge it. every time she opens people either cringe, groan, or get ready to laugh because odds are the next thing out of will be something really really stupid.

chanlina is the most beautiful and delicate flower (her words). she takes great pride in being a girl. chanlina is light a lil ball of light. even though she may take a few things too seriously, chanlina always ends up laughing at herself because wow can she be embarrassing at times. she's a rather pleasant person and always tries to have a smile on her face and always tries her best to help people. she believes everyone deserves a chance and needs a friend, so chanlina will go out of her way to befriend even the scariest looking person. she takes great care of her skin and carefully plans out every outfit. chanlina loves beauty products and is very handy when it comes to grooming.


chanlina attends seoul institute of arts, majoring in theatre, and lives off campus with her two best friends. the girls go out a lot, especially to clubs on weekends because who doesn't like to get turnt up? she usually plays pokemon and the sims in her freetime, and she is an active member of sioa's drama club. her apartment is always in a state of organized chaos and is covered in fairy lights.


fairy lights, butts, comic books and manhwa, pokemon, 3ds games, fashion, american apparel, girls, magical girls, raspberry ice cream, paninis and smoothies, bunraku theatre, musical theatre, BOLLYWOOD, mornings, taylor swift, fall out boy, star trek, dungeons and dragons, old ladies, skin care products.


liars and people who abuse her trust, her flat chest, people who complain about mornings, short jokes, rude foreigners, eat your kimchi, essays, iggy, star wars, fedoras, feet, bad vibes, bitter people, people who think negativity is cute, old people dying, people who are mean to fat people, skin whitening products, urban outfitters.


is terrifyed of marylin manson, her friend chanthavy likes to wake her up at 3 am by whispering marylin manson lyrics in her ear, always carries her 3ds charger with her so she can play for like 8 hours straight, besides pokemon and the sims she really loves fire emblem, only had one boyfriend and he dumped her in the most painful way possible, all girls are cute girls, still wears feetie pajamas and watches cartoons, has like 28 sims legacies going on at once, wants to be an actress, gets up very quickly and is very energized in the mornings, skitty is her favorite pokemon, wishes she was an american apparel model, busker busker is her all time favorite group, is convinced old people are immortal because she refuses to let them die, her skin is crazy healthy and glows because she takes almost obsessive care of it, has a thing for people who are "cute ugly", her ideal type is a very big guy with a lot of aegyo, she is 150 cm, when there's danger her first instinct is to fight. 


the JOB.

Job position


morning cashier 


"i'm a total morning person, come on! other people like hate mornings and always complain about them, but i honestly don't see whats so bad about them, they're great! and i speak khmer and you never know when some khmer who only speak khmer will enter the store okay. plus i need this job to fuel my american apparel addiction"

usual Customers

▪ daraeaksmey hyunh | "surrogate granny" | cocnut water
▪ daraeaksmey is a lil old lady who always comes into the shop early in the mornings to by coconut water. she recently immigrated from cambodia and only speaks khmer, so chanlina is like a blessing in disguise for the lady. they chat often and chanlina loves her so much, she's so cute and tiny and dara is always talking about her grandchildren and chanlina's always like "i wish i was your granddaughter" and dara's like "i wish your were too".
▪ peter suminski | boy | mountain dew
▪ chanlina hates him with a passion because he's gross, misogynistic, always smells like mt dew and ballsack, and always makes uncomfortable passes at chanlina like it is 7 am can you not? he always calls her "lina" too like they're friends or something, and he's always droning on and on about how much of a nice guy he is and how much he loves hmong girls because he thinks she's hmong. sometimes, he actually waits until her shift ends and tries to corner her for dates and she's really worried he's gonna try and follow her home.

the one and only.

love interest

park jimin

backup love interest

jackson wang


jimin is a sweetie pie, an angel on earth, a darling. he's incredibly kind hearted, he puts the needs of others before his own and he always offers to help. he's a mega dork with equally dorky humor, telling terrible puns and making pop culture references to video games and memes. jimin is a very affectionate person, but he's really really shy around girls and actually starts sweating when he sees cute girls.


jimin and chanlina met at 7/eleven and just hit it off. chanlina gave him her 3ds friendcode after he commented about how much he played his 3ds, and the two often play pokemon and animal crossing together. jimin sweats a lot when he sees chanlina and always tries to play it cool around her, which makes him even dorkier than ever. she brightens up his day, despite the fact that he has to wear extra deoderant and cologne so no one can guess how much he's been sweating. every time chanlina's around, jimin wants to curl up into a ball and dissolve into the floor because look at that perfect goddamned face. he can never seem to look her in her gorgeous eyes because whenever chanlina's around, that speck of dirt on the floor is so much more interesting. anything witty and cute jimin had in his mind immediately flees and he turns into an awkward mess. but he also has the sudden urge to kiss those hideously cute lips because he wants to be the one on chanlina's mind. but he also wants chanlina to notice when he's done something a little different like wearing shirts that show of his muscles or is wearing his hair in a new way or that his skin is beautiful because of bb cream. sometimes before he goes to sleep, he wonders what it'd feel like to have chanlina give her a goodnight kiss. he then proceeds to roll about in his bed while turning more red than a tomato because serious, how lame is that? but most importantly, chanlina makes jimin feel like he wants to jump in front of the nearest bus because how can such a pretty and perfect like a girl like chanlina like him?

crushes are complicated things to deal with. chanlina like needs to be the center of jimin's attention, otherwise she'll wilt because he really wants to talk about cool things with him, laughing and cooing at how cute jimin is. they often sends each other cute messages for no reason at all and take cute animal crossing screenshots in each other's towns. sometimes during more intimate interactions between them, chanlina will stumble over her words and erh mind will go blank because she got distracted by that really really cute face. no matter how hard she tries, she always ends up taking glances at jimin, checking out his muscles and booty and everything. chanlina wants to cuddle jimin in her arms forever. and jimin always tries his hardest to seem cool and reliable to chanlina. after jimin's friend jungkook totally embarrasses him by telling chanlina that jimin think's she's cute, jimin finally gathers the courage to make his move and ask her out.

last messages.


aye whuddup how are you also will u be my sugar eomma?? sorry you've probs heard that one before

scene request

Granted, this story is supposed to be all about humor and maybe some romance, but not all suggestions will be taken though inspiration is always appreciated.
:: peter waiting for chanlina's shift to be over and he asks her out again, only to follow her home when she says no. chanlina is getting really freaked out and like is getting ready to beat the outta him with her purse, but jimin shows up and "saves chanlina".
:: granny dara sharing stories with chanlina
:: chanlina bustin out some moves from her fav bollywood films ( student of the year, humpty sharma ki dulhania, 2 states ) 
:: jimin and chanlina visiting the flea market
:: people trying to rob the place ofc


whatever you do, never trust jackson wang with anything ( especially not your heart )



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ohmygod if my character gets chosen she'll be there kicking peter out of the store