'King' Drinking Game Rules



Okay, you need at least 3 people for this.

1) You take a deck of cards and remove a King.

2) If you have 4 players take an ace, 2 and 3 out. If you have 5 players take and ace through 4 out. 6 players means ace thorugh 5, ect. (the total number of cards, including the King, should be the same as the number of players you have)

3) Shuffle the cards and each person chooses one.  Keep the number you get a secret.

4) The person who got the King should let everybody know and he gets to choose up to two of the other numbers to punish. The King can order number 2 to do push ups, or have number 1 number 3's cheek.

5) If the person ordered doesn’t want to follow through then they have to drink.

6) Shuffle the cards and start over again.


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Heeey, we play 'King' too but it's kind of the other way around.
whoever got the king gets punished but the other players, if player one has the ace he gets to punish the king once, and who has 6 would punish him 6 times >> lol the king is unlucky if someone got the number 10 kekekeke
we only play this on the vacations when we want to punish someone to death, not my favorite game kekeke
I'm from Egypt in case you're wondering ^^