DAY 1: Snug as a bug (Craft #20)

DAY 1: What I like most about AFF 


I like a lot of things. Otherwise, I wouldn't have stayed when others have left. The simple answer is depicted in the picture below. 


These are tiny lady bugs in their very own leaves. (I followed this tutorial by loomingwithcheryl in Youtube.)

Lady bugs and leaves???

Keeper is as snug as a lady bug in a rug leaf  here in AFF. AFF is my comfort zone, my playground, my online home... What I like most about AFF is that it is a place where I could let myself free at the same time keeping my borrowed space safe and secure from monsters.

As pathetic and cliche this may sound, but it is true that I am limited by real people offline. I shouldn't let them and their expectations inhibit me from doing what I want, but at the same time, I don't like the guilt that comes after disappointment. So as much as possible, I give people what they want but I save some for myself... here in AFF... where no one knows me personally... where I could be... me ^-^

I could write fanfics, make graphics, code layouts (only HTML), even share with you my crafts ^-^ 

People hate what they don't understand. I know that. So as much as possible, I'd like to have a place for myself, a space where I could keep things that make me happy, a place they don't know about... They won't be bothered by something they do not know and I won't be bothered because they do not know WAHAHAHA

So forgive me for the times when this Keeper got prickly with you because you were expecting me to do or say things - don't worry, I have my daily quota of expectations to meet so I'm not missing out. Or when you ruin the fun because you can't follow the rules of the playground.

It's just that hard for me to find a place where I could be cray in the real world. 

So thank you AFF for giving me what I was looking for - a place and a group of people who are cray like me HAHAHA


AFF is a place to live your passion without fear of judgment. It is not about the number of upvotes, subscribers or friends.

Thank you for providing this Keeper a place to create... and have fun... (Keeper, 2014).


(my camera failed me last night so I'm posting this today ^^;)

this is part of the themed six times/days challenge for AFF's 6th anniversary


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Haha very true, it makes me wonder if there's some truth (or any truth) to when I say there would be a time when I'd eventually leave AFF. It makes me wonder when that would be, but of course it's unpredictable.

Happy second(?) day to AFF's 6th Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary to AFF and to you too Keeper!