
Okay so I know it's easter and every one is havingfun with their families. But...I just gotta get this off my chest...why do fandom a think other fandoms are worse than others hmm??? Aren't we all fans? Don't we all admire our idols? So why in the Cheesecake Factory would people go and say for example : EXO-L's are the worst ? Or Shinwols are the nicest. No u need to stop with the denial Becky u know that at one point u wished the worst upon someone who said something against u or ur idol and don't try to say like oh yeah well what about u xiuminboazi? Ur no better than those ppl ? Did I ever say I was? No in fact I'm probably no better now...but at least I know I was wrong....quit hating on each other's!!! It just gets on every one else's merves and do u rly think that ur idol will want u to do things like this?! It probably affects them the most bcuz ur just making them look grow up and be the fan that they're proud to have...and don't go saying things like oh well ur just as bad! To me bcuz I know that I've done wrong and yeah I probably don't have the courage to say this in person...but u know what ? At least I know my place 



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