any video or youtube experts that can help with my problem? ._. also i need your help to view whether it's problematic or not! ;;;

okay so i made a trailer (video) on laptop A, and saved it.
because i can't upload videos on laptop A, so i used laptop B to upload the video to the youtube.

the problem is, youtube detected that the video is shaky while when i was editing the video, everything was fine.
when i watched the video after saving it, it was fine too;;

and the second problem is.. youtube 'offered' me to fix the video, so yeah i just clicked okay.
at the current tab (tab A), i tried playing the video while it was being fixed, but it was not shaky at all.
what youtube told me is to "Sit tight! Your video edits are being processed. Come back to this page in a little while."
when i opened the video in a new tab, it was shaky. then i refreshed the link, it was not shaky anymore.
i did that over and over again so i am totally confused, IS IT SHAKY OR NOT ;; - ;;
ps: shaky, as in the texts and video are flying/floating here and there o_o


i'm not sure if it's still shaky or not... could you help me by watching the video and tell me, is it shaky or not.
there is a glitch at 01.20. there's always a glitch at my videos otl and  idk how to fix it, so just ignore the glitch ;--;

thank you!!


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the video came out great. leave it how it is. p.S. tell me where you got the 1:02 part
COOL! How did you make one? ^^