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Eri Suzuki




→ Ellie ⋮ this sounds similar to her real name. She is called by this name oftenly
→ My blessing ⋮ is the meaning of 'eri' translated from japanese to english. Only her mother calls her this 

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ October 25th 1996 (age 19)
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Osaka, Japan
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Osaka, Japan

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ half Japanese, half Belgian 
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ Japanese


→ Japanese ⋮ she is completely fluent in Japanese 
→ Dutch ⋮ can speak broken Dutch as she gets some from her mother 

→ English : very enthusiastic during her English lessons and learnt it very well (also got a bit from her mother)

not very good at speaking Korean... but is trying hard to learn


→ 2008: auditioned and joined AVEX

→  2011⋮won a local talent contest and then gained fans after performing on streets
→ 2014⋮ debut in QUXXN

→2016 : had a solo debut because of high demand

⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ Jiyeon 
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Minzy
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 168cm, 48kg

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Eri likes wearing snapbacks the wrong way round as well as beanies and bandanas. A go to outfit would be Adidas sneakers, black skinny jeans and a nicely fitted plaid shirt. Parent advisory explicit content everything is before anything else. Eri likes having black studds in her pericings (or any earrings as she has many peircings)

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Lets just say that Eri is mostly like Jiyeon but her eyes are more of a hip hop gaze. Her hair changes very often (like G-dragon) but takes very good care of it. She can go from quite long to just above shoulder length.

x  x  x




Alert: she has good senses and so can easily catch on to things. Eri thinks quiet ahead and also a lot about what will happen in the future. For example, if they had a big concert the next day, she would take a good rest and eat well instead of worrying or stressing over it. She would also keep an eye on someone if it is likely for them to cause trouble. 

Peaceful: she doesn't like picking fights with anyone unless you really badly somehow got onto her negitive side. She wouldn't talk much to people she didnt llike so she wouldn't cause any conflict with them. She is very harmonious to most people. 

Ambitious: she had a passion for being in the entertainment industry for a long time and her hard work had paid off after being able to debut in a very successful group QUXXN. Not only is she ambitious to fulfill that passion but also small things such as being able to improve her language skills or being able to do a new sport.


Eager to please others: Even though this is useful for her as she is very good at variety shows, this can sometimes cause contraversy as some anti-fans could use this against her. 

Messy: Eri tries very hard to be neat on stage but in their dorms she annoys her older members as she is very messy. Eri is the member you would leave her clothes everywhere in her room and not dispose garbage away properly.

Paraniod/insecure/having trust issues: When Eri was younger she became very insecure about herself when she was called to be "not kawaii" by her peers. This lead to more things such as having trust issues and it was hard for her to make friends and also tell sercrets to others. 

Slightly Vague about things: because she was very into training and performing when she was younger, her schoolwork lacked and she doesn't know many big adjectives. Eri would briefly describe something and would leave the other person hanging if they don't understand. Not only is she sometime vague about what she says, she is also the same with what she does and acts at times. 


Eri's parents met in Japan as her mother was very interested in Japanese culture. Her mother wanted to continue her life in Japan and met a man who accepted and loved her for who she is (who became Eri's father). They still live together happily in Osaka and fully support their daughter and her life choices. Eri rearly visits Belgium but still enjoys going there and also other places in Europe. She has a younger brother who is 14 years younger as her parent were both 19 when Eri was born. Eri tries to keep information about her brother not so public as she doesnt want his career to become something he doesnt want to be because of her. In Japan, Eri made a best friend in middle school called Naomi after Naomi proved to her that they can trust each other. To this day, they have only had one argument thoughout their entire friendship and that was about who takes a better selfie/selca. Eri auditioned for AVEX at a very young age of 12 and got accepted for her triple threat ability. Because of this, she would be popular in school but also have many jealous peers who would call her names causing her to be paraniod/insecure/having trust issues (as stated above in the personality flaws). She has performed at small stages before her debut and gained many fans. Eri is very popular in the group QUXXN even though she isn't main rapper/vocalist. She became shocked after finding about going to Korea for a new future for QUXXN and is super nervous about it. 


1. Obsessed with the internet and social media

2. Has a fear of merry go round because she fell off one when she was a kid

3. Because she is very bad at drawing, she likes to think of herself as a good stick figure drawer.

4. Is very ticklish everywhere!

5. Likes photography.

6. Very bad at cooking (almost burned the QUXXN dorm kitchen down)

7. Likes looking at herself in the mirror, making faces and is obsessed with her baby face

8. Likes eating Chinese food

9. Doesn't know much about Kpop but before knowing that she was going to Korea, she liked and looked up to BIGBANG and 2NE1 a lot

10. Really fancinated about b-boying and street dancing 




Mother, Emma Suzuki (Martin) ⋮ 38 ⋮ home duties ⋮self conscious creative, peaceful ⋮ They have a wonderful realtionship with eachother like best sisters. They learn from eachother and have fun when Eri doesnt have much on her schedule
Father, Kazuya Suzuki ⋮ 38 ⋮ Flim set designer ⋮ strict, artistic, optimistic ⋮ also a very good realtioship but don't get to talk or be together much as his long hours of work on match with her busy schedules
→ Younger Brother, Koji Suzuki⋮ 5 ⋮ just became a student :) ⋮smart for his age, cute, charming⋮ Eri is very protective over her brother and she tires her best to stay close with him


Best friend, Naomi Fukuhara ⋮ 19 ⋮ student  ⋮ bright yet childish ⋮ Naomi and Eri where best friends since middle school. Naomi is very supportive of Eri and was extreamly disappointed when Eri had to move to Korea
Acquaintance then friend, Suga ⋮ ... ⋮ Member of BTS ⋮... ⋮ knows him because of a member in QUXXN. Because of him she started to like the group BTS and their music.


any rival to her beloved QUXXN girls is someone she wont let them hurt her memebers 


⟪ CHOSEN PLOTLINE ⟫ plotline five 


none :)

Jeon Jungkook (bts)

⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ member of BTS ⟪ AGE ⟫ 18
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ JB of GOT7 ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Bobby of iKON




Basically perfect: he is the golden maknae and so he is extreamly talented. He is a noona killer and with that power he manged to capture the interest of Eri from QUXXN. He is passionate aswell as very strong and is like a normal teenage boy who is full of energy. When he grows up he becomes a real nice sangnamja



stubborn: this isn't that much of a flaw as his stubborness doesnt go overboard

selfish: because of his age and position in his group, he can be pretty selfish because he is stuck up to his hyungs. No one can blame him for this as he gets lots of attention because of how much love he gets from everyone.

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT ⟫ this took a while but it's fine since I'm very intrigued in this apply fic. The plot sounds very intersting. Thanks again author-nim!


On the encore of QUXXN's first win, Eri does a funny dance.

Eri and Naomi reunites after Naomi comes to visit her in Korea. Naomi and Eri makes a big scene out of get getting awwwws and also funny glares by the people standing around them.

Eri gets 'picked on' (in a fun way) on vareity shows

Eri (and maybe some of the other original QUXXN members) gets cursed on by the new leader and the orginal leader starts an arguement with her, defending the orginal members.

Later on, when QUXXN wins a big award, Jungkook hugs Eri backstage, congratulating her and finally returns her feelings. 




They started off with an awkward first meeting as Eri became speechless with the sight of Jungkook infront of her. They do soon become close as they talk more often and become comfortable with eachother. Due to Jungkook's lack of interest he never asks her out. Eri keeps her secret crush to herself for a long time and tires to hid any signs of her liking Jungkook. Their relationship becomes more intimate as Jungkook starts to catch on that Eri likes him.


Part of the reason why Eri was so nervous about being an idol in Korea was becuase Jungkook would now most likely know she is an existant person. It was backstage on their debut performance in Korea. Eri was nervous (like how is always is) about it. QUXXN walks past BTS and they greet and bow at eachother. Jungkook reaches out to shake Eri's hands. She feels tingling in her stomach full of feels as she shook his hand. This was their first encounter. Eri didn't want to be a stalker but she really liked Jungkook. 


  • Jungkook was oblivious about Eri at first
  • No one knew Eri had an interest in Jungkook for a long time
  • After dating, they show lots of public affection.
  • lots of controversy start after they start showing too much affection (✧≖‿ゝ≖)


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--VintageRose #1
(I couldnt PM you so I posted this here) Hey! This is the author of the applyfic QUXXN. Now I know what your wondering, where are the updates?! I am so sorry that I haven’t updated Quxxn since…a month ago? Yeah I think a month ago. There are 3 reasons why I haven’t updated. I have writer’s block for the story + I started a new applyfic (which I shouldn’t have done so that’s a big no no on my part) + And school this year has been kicking my . I have never been through such a challenging school year in my life. I cant even imagine what Junior year is going to be like because I heard it’s hard af! Hopefully by next month I’ll get my ish together and start writing for this story again. So as of now Quxxn is on a semi hiatus. The story wont be over anytime soon! Anyways I just wanted to send you this so you know what is going on with the story…..I’ll go now byeeeee