I need help!

Hello my precious babies! 

I need your help with finding certain eunhae fic. I don't remember the title so obviously I can't find it in a easy way T_T

I remember that the plot was about Hyuk being new in the small city (that was something about him being a student and something about him being Sungmin's cousin but I'm not sure about the latter).  Hyuk met Hae somewhere, I'm not sure but maybe it was in library where Hae was a librarian, and to kill boredom the latter suggested him some books to read, and after that Hyuk started to come regularly for another ones, and they fell in love and maybe there was also some scene in library (but I think that I may be mixing two fics right there).  But I'm SURE  that there was 'Hyuk new in the small city',  'library'  and  'books bringing eunhae together'.  

Sorry for my chaotic description >. <

Any ideas my lovely people? *big warm fluffy hugs *


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It sounds like the story Flipbook, but I don't know who wrote it or where it's at. A friend of mine e-mailed it to me as a Word file. I can e-mail it to you if you'd like?

Hyuk moves in with Kyu, I think he's a computer programmer or designer or something. Hae works at the library and recommends books to him.
I have two :)
1. http://poisonpickles.livejournal.com/21182.html
I hope it helped ^^